before I post the next section on Odysseus I thought I should mention a more vcivic matter.
In Toronto starting in and approximately 2005 the city of Toronto began using LED traffic lights as opposed to the older and well proven incandescent lights. I have actually contacted the Engineer concerning this matter but my engineering skills free of occupational reserve proved superior to all his training. Even the common person knows led lights are effected by UV from the sun. Anyone with a cell phone knows this, thus a 12 year old is wiser concerning led and UV. The new lights fad and do not burn out as the old lights did. The city has started a program where you can report faded light. This means lights fad faster than the change program. In fact the cheaper lights fad too fast making road conditions dangerous. t5he new LED lihjys do nott use a colour filter that stops reflection and direct sun light not only fads the already dimmer lights but causes them to reflect light fooling people into thinking they are on. I have observed many people slowing down and running lights due tpo the inferiority of the sub standard of lights. they are said to have passed minimum requirements esp in the first week the light is changed then they fad below standards, the standards board that did this testing failed and proved themselves incapable of being trusted concerning their testing. visitors to Toronto from non led lighted areas observe the normally dimmer light. these conditions are dangerous but the city prefers to use these less safe substandard light system cause it saves a lot on electrical and replacement cost, but I guess the cost on human lives is not regarded
I am ta=king the issue to the justice system and hope to convince a judge as I have all who has seen my evidence to cause the lights to be changed.
If you have a moment please email Mayor miller ( and mention the issue in hopes to fix it.
More odyssey in a bit
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