Saturday, September 26, 2009

beginning book ten- Aeolus and sailing teck upgrade for Greeks

Ulysses sets sail from the cyclopes island to Aeolus. Aelis the god of winds gives Ulysses a bag of wind to use to sail back to Ithaca, In this tale the Greeks learn how to more productively use sails to allow for more efficient sailing. However the greed of the Greeks for treasure convinces the Archean to tear at the bag thinking it was treasure and that caused Ulysses to be blown back to Aeolus at which point he would not give Ulysses any help convinced that he was hated by the Gods. The hatred represents the Greek lust for power and wealth that was causing them to go far flung, once again Ulysses does not represent the Greeks that are characterised as Greedy. Aelis is the Aeolis or Greeks that formed Thessalonian or the lalians, Thessalonia was originally called Thetalia and both names mean place or seat of the leans or Aeleans. It was their technology based on an island peoples that helped the Greeks improve their sailing.

till next week val

Remeber Val's law: By being good everything works to your advantage.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cyclops and bad pneumoniatic colds one should see doctors for antibiotics

Polyphemus the cyclops blinded by Odysseus is a son of Poseidon. His religion is based on the divine spirit of the sea. Odysseus finds wild goats off shore from the main island, these goats represent primitive people who live outside of Cyclopes islands
. this also represents the fact that goats were native to this region. The tamed sheep we have already refereed to in the earlier part of the blog, at the beginning of this discourse concerning the Odysseus.
if one notices each reference to these tales refers to a religious idea.
Here the Cyclopes of the bad tribe or band try to assimilate the Greeks violently till their sheep help them
The cyclops Polyphemus got drunk on wine Odysseus brought with him.
Did the cyclops know how to make wine?
The wine represents the wisdom and divine essence the Greeks brought with them that intoxicates and led to the freedom of the nobodies via the sheep.

Anti religious and anti government forces have tried deploying and undermining the safety and security of people in places like Windsor university.
If you are coughing go to a doctor asap
water contamination high,
can cause pneumonia
you are safe as long as you go see a doctor or go to a clinic.
so saith my doctor
As always looking out for your safety, unlike the criminal evil anti religious , anti government forces who attack innocence, religion, good people and do harm by doing criminal acts.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The lotos eaters and Greeks going native

If the lotos is a fruit that caused religious experiences and people forgot about their homeland, what is this story also saying?
The fruit was causing people to give up on being Greek? Were the lotos eaters converting people with their rituals and fruit of illumination/ No one wanted to return home, to be Greek, to do Greek things. The peaceful nature of the lotos eaters made the Greeks not try to do them harm, but they restricted people from interacting with them, the unity of religion and experience made many become lotos eaters and forsake their Greek ways. The were taking over the consciousness of the Greeks and the Greeks of the second stories of Ulysses had to bar everyone from contact with this race, well up till they could catch up in the splendor of this experience. Recall this is not the Ulysses of the tackle starting at the beginning of the odyssey but the Ulysses that is represented by the three follies of the Greeks, the Cicones, the lotos eaters and next weeks second look at the cyclopes though the first reading was on the mark. Violent Greeks get their ass kicked by cicones, second the Greeks almost completely assimilate and lose them selves and their culture to the lotos eater and finally the Greeks almost being eaten by the cyclopes as till the cyclops sheep save them and prove the Greeks are someone and that peaceful unity is the only successful way to ally with a people of any race without forcing assimilation that is of course always fought and fails, like on lotos eater land.
ok till next week for real

Lotus versus lotos

Lotus versus lotos

Inasmuch as I have spoken about the cyclops I will look at more details concerning their story next week.

The lotos fruit is not the lotus of Egypt or the sacred fruit from India, It is not the lotus but the lotos and peoples misconception of the location of this island misled by the the idea that the fruit referred to is the lotus and not the lotos. I have seen ancient depictions of the lotos on pottery and it drawn as orange like persimmons. The chemical that purses your lips is said fruit is unripe might have a psychotropic effect on people in greater amounts, however I suspect someone out there has a better break down of the substances found in said fruit and at what amount said fruits would be psychoactive.

Ulysses and his men ate of the sacred fruit and felt outside this world, beyond the material existence of any place. The transcendent value pf the fruit is well noted. It seems the Greeks of Ulysses time could not resist the transcendence the fruit offered and its power were powerful.
The transcendent value of said fruit was so powerful one did not care about anything but the gifts it offered. One carved the abilities of the fruit even after one did not eat it for the rest of ones life.

till next week

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lotos eaters and what said fruit is in the Odyssey

The storms send Odysseus to the island of the lotus fruit. For nine days the Greeks not represented by the original peace loving Greeks who make alliances.
On the island of the lutus eaters Odysseus men eat of the fruit and become lethargic and do not want to leave the island till Odysseus locks them up in his boat and and sets sails from the island. The lotos eaters island is somewhere North of the African coast, but is it inside or outside the herculean shores.
My Mother Helen calls persimmons Lotos in Greek. It might be that said fruit has a specious as figs do as with the fig of knowledge/life. It might be this specious of this fruit causes psychotropic effects in higher doses but the version we eat has to small a amount of this substance to cause the effect Odysseus refers to.

old profile wisdom
Truly beauty is divinely expressed from within and reflected as the earned attractiveness of being. that is sexy and attractive, it encompasses more than the physical yet impresses on the physical the pull that is called attractive

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ciclones and the folly of Ismarus and the folly at ciclones

Yes; you just follow the coastline of the Aegean towards Thrace, keeping land always in sight to starboard. You see the rich lands of the Cicones and the city of Ismarus on your right.
Check this site out it is way cool

Ismarus was near troy as it sits near the Dardanelles. The Trojans and all others using the straights had to pass by the island and lands of the Cicones.
They are rich people
Ulysses is part of the Greeks that attack and pillage the peoples of the island, killing the males and dividing the spoils of women and treasure amongst them, the surviving Cicones go for help and return in such numbers the Greeks run off with their tails between their legs. Ulysses loses 72 men and neither condemns the action of the other Greeks nor takes part in their pillaging though he suffers the loses of the counter attack as he and his men try to retreat. Their sails tear as they live and the waves not wind drives them, they lose the power of their sails or if you will engine. This was not a powered journey, it was not empowered. The crew is further divided and ships too as more storms hit them. This represents the political, social and moral division of the Greeks over the issue, the Greeks that were of the barbaric bent and attacked were destroyed and separated form the divine Greeks represented by Ulysses.

Ulysses journey begins with a marriage and respect and wisdom of the equality of women. Book 9 seems to be another text of another persons journey and shows the reluctance of the real Greeks to do such evil and the desire to unify peacefully which is the only way to create a long lasting alliance represents Ulysses ascent and deification and represents the real spirit of the Greeks represented by him Although Ulysses is at Ismurus he reflects the real Greeks and the loss of his men the repercussion of the cleaving of the bad people who are part of his group of Greeks and the descent, though not good, people caught up in the battle. Ulysses at Calypso is the Greek spirit and representation that makes the Greeks great in that age. The folly of Ismurus is the Greeks Ulysses definitely does not represent or condom. They are the Greeks judged as inferior to the new age of Greece and for their evils are destroyed. Praise Zeus
Thus like Hercules Ulysses being a peaceful person unifies and allies the Greeks with the non Greeks.
No empire is great if built on violence, Great empires are built on peaceful co-existence.

Begining of book 9 Odyssey – the lesson of the Cicones

I apologise for not posting yesterday but if this occurrence reoccurs I will post twice on Saturday, I will post now and later tonight. I was on a road trip and the extra time it took arriving due to construction added to the dilemma.

In book nine Odysseus tells Alcinious of his journey from Troy but adds tales not covered in the earlier part of the text, I will analyze each tale, one per post starting with the island of Cicones. Odysseus tale tells of the plundering the Greeks did on the island and how his crew escaped having lost a few people. If you notice the Greek attempt at combat and violence caused a loss and led to the sad tale of these events. This tale is not flattering and Odysseus disassociates himself from the actions of the rest of the Greeks. The idea of conquest and plundering is not the divine vehicle that Odysseus is renowned for or blessed for. In fact Cicones is the sharp end of the idea of conquest in Odysseus tale and the Greek period embodied in the character of Odysseus. Odysseus unifies and marries people to the Greeks peacefully and not using violence, this is why peaceful alliance is blessed and historically renown, and successful as Violence begets violence and does not create permanent alliances and unions between peoples, it never has, see peace conflict theory concerning war and annexing land, according to theorist of this discipline no nation has ever had peaceful control of any land annexed violently, though unities based on peace are long lasting and prosperous.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Phaeacia political structure Monarchy or oligarchy and the social equality portrayed by the islanders and royalty.

Phaeacia is a kingdom with royalty. The king, Alcinious has to call to an assembly to vote for and get permission to give Ulysses a boat to travel home with. Thus the kingdom of this island is not monarchy in its strictest form; the king does not command the people with the power of sole authority. Phaeacia is an oligarchy made up of the elite or nobles that constitute the assembly. Thus this oligarchy is led by the royalty but does go through the process of debate and discussion to reach agreements. The courtship of the princess portrays the females place in the society and the part she plays in choice and attracting a male, yet her father can and does make the final offer to the suitor that she will marry. the custom of marriage might take on both types of arranged and courtship rituals, however one can argue that Alcinious offers his daughters hand in marriage to Ulysses because he and she both courted or met on the beach and the perfect conduct and educate was followed by both proving them a good match for the royal family. The marriage as mentioned is symbolic of the political alliance of Ulysses as the Greek and the phaeacians represented by the princess. The alliance is between the Greeks in common and not based on a marriage of nobility as Ulysses is not known to be anything but a common Greek. The pheaecians are a liberated people who treat both males and females with equal dignity and regard; the king even portrays a sympathetic heart when he sees Ulysses cries.

Till next week

Friday, September 4, 2009

Odyssey Book 8 and of reputation and appearance.

If one notices appearance is important to the phaeacians esp in social circles.

Athena had left for Athens after accompanying Odysseus to the palace of Phaeacia. She reappears as Alcinious holds an assemble to get consent for the ship that would return him home, the motion passes and a feast and games are held in Odysseus honour. Athena had returned to her Athens which is a foreshadowing of the wisdom that later helps Athens rise to power. A blind bard Demodocus sings of the conflict between Odysseus and paris while everyone except Odysseus who weeps, laughs. Alcionious ends the feast to start the games because he sees Odysseus distress over the song. The bard is blind as are the others of the court who do not see who Odysseus is. Thus the people of Phaeacia had heard of the exploits of Odysseus and he was somewhat a legend amongst the people. the weeping portrays how sad Odysseus was over the events of troy and not triumphantly happy with his earlier deeds, the memories were painful not pleasurable.

At the games which included boxing racing and discus throwing, Odysseus is goaded into participating by being insulted by Broadsea a phaeacian youth, Odysseus easily wins the discus throw and challenges any phaeacian to any event with the pretense of proving himself superior, Alcinious ends the games by inviting the youth, including the goader, to another feast where the youth would entertain Odysseus. the same bard plays a song about Aries and Aphrodite angst against each other. Odysseus then asks the same bard to sing the song about troy again and once more Odysseus break downs at which point he is taken to the side by alcinious who stopped the singing and asked who he really is and the details of his being and journeys.

Broadsea goads Odysseus into participating in the games and shows that on Phaeacia this is an acceptable way to get one motivated. that the appearance of weakness is considered a motivating factor to prove oneself otherwise. The fact the Alcinious ends the games after realising Odysseus would make every male on the island look bad shows how the reputation and appearance of the inhabitants is important at both the social and personal level. the phaeacians are big on appearance and reputation and not allowing someone to look bad even when weeping without a known reason to a song.

Led traffic lights and concerns over their sub standard use.

before I post the next section on Odysseus I thought I should mention a more vcivic matter.
In Toronto starting in and approximately 2005 the city of Toronto began using LED traffic lights as opposed to the older and well proven incandescent lights. I have actually contacted the Engineer concerning this matter but my engineering skills free of occupational reserve proved superior to all his training. Even the common person knows led lights are effected by UV from the sun. Anyone with a cell phone knows this, thus a 12 year old is wiser concerning led and UV. The new lights fad and do not burn out as the old lights did. The city has started a program where you can report faded light. This means lights fad faster than the change program. In fact the cheaper lights fad too fast making road conditions dangerous. t5he new LED lihjys do nott use a colour filter that stops reflection and direct sun light not only fads the already dimmer lights but causes them to reflect light fooling people into thinking they are on. I have observed many people slowing down and running lights due tpo the inferiority of the sub standard of lights. they are said to have passed minimum requirements esp in the first week the light is changed then they fad below standards, the standards board that did this testing failed and proved themselves incapable of being trusted concerning their testing. visitors to Toronto from non led lighted areas observe the normally dimmer light. these conditions are dangerous but the city prefers to use these less safe substandard light system cause it saves a lot on electrical and replacement cost, but I guess the cost on human lives is not regarded

I am ta=king the issue to the justice system and hope to convince a judge as I have all who has seen my evidence to cause the lights to be changed.
If you have a moment please email Mayor miller ( and mention the issue in hopes to fix it.

More odyssey in a bit