Biological science

This is based on a PhD Theses a friend in biological engineering did a few years ago.

Biological organisms will accumulate the elements of thier environment including chemicals and other substances when born from that environment. After a while the organisms will incorporate the elements of their environment into their biological make up. THUS, IN THEORY CHEMICALS AND OTTHER SUBSTANCES WILL HAVE MORTAL EFFECTS IN ORGANISMS IF THAT SUBSTANCE WAS EXTREME TO ITS ENVIRIOMENT TILL THEY BECOME IMMUNE TO IT AND IF TOO MYCH OF THAT SUBSTANCE EXISTS THEY CAN GO THROUGH MORTAL WITHDRAW FROM LACK OF IT. NOMINAL AMOUNTS WILL NOT AFFECT THEM AS THEY BECOME IMMUNE TO IT.

The gnomes appeared after the Raeleans as proof that other fairytale races exist, have scientific basis and interact with humans.