Sunday, November 5, 2017

Iliad two origin of ulysis

Those, where fair Elis and Buprasium join;

Whom Hyrmin, here, and Myrsinus confine,

And bounded there, where o'er the valleys rose

The Olenian rock; and where Alisium flows;

Beneath four chiefs (a numerous army) came:

The strength and glory of the Epean name.


== these are northern europeans balkan and germain that unified with elis or greeks there and sent an army to aggie.

In separate squadrons these their train divide,

Each leads ten vessels through the yielding tide.

One was Amphimachus, and Thalpius one;

(Eurytus' this, and that Teatus' son;)

Diores sprung from Amarynceus' line;


n       these are the militationary breakdown per units.

And great Polyxenus, of force divine.

But those who view fair Elis o'er the seas

From the blest islands of the Echinades,

In forty vessels under Meges move,

Begot by Phyleus, the beloved of Jove:


n        this is Greenland


To strong Dulichium from his sire he fled,

And thence to Troy his hardy warriors led.


n      These are of Iceland

Ulysses follow'd through the watery road,

A chief, in wisdom equal to a god.

With those whom Cephalenia's line inclosed,

Or till their fields along the coast opposed;

Or where fair Ithaca o'erlooks the floods,

Where high Neritos shakes his waving woods,

Where Ægilipa's rugged sides are seen,

Crocylia rocky, and Zacynthus green.


Ulysis by this admission is canadian or american,. See rockys and the green plains of the prairies.  Itheca is in northamerica, theca new york, ? ya but itheca archadia of those shores.

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