Sunday, November 5, 2017

Iliad two Americans contigent

These in twelve galleys with vermilion prores,

Beneath his conduct sought the Phrygian shores.


n       They conquered phrygia which spanned from holland to instabul.

n       Even troy they had led.

Thoas came next, Andraemon's valiant son,

From Pleuron's walls, and chalky Calydon,

And rough Pylene, and the Olenian steep,

And Chalcis, beaten by the rolling deep.

He led the warriors from the Ætolian shore,

For now the sons of OEneus were no more!

The glories of the mighty race were fled!

OEneus himself, and Meleager dead!

To Thoas' care now trust the martial train,

His forty vessels follow through the main.


n       Thisd is the American and near clarkson thoas rose.  The old leaders were dead but they were a powerdul people  .


n       Next, eighty barks the Cretan king commands,

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