It turns iut we took off and took the eastern part of T.O with us , once clean we lifted off to avoid fighting
ya on the generation ship and stasis gasses are finished.
idiots had put alcohol in the food for reseraunts so people complained, it is against the law to spick food undisclaimed. no hidden win sauses or borbon please. it is being vleaned up.
I eat at home and keep thngs holsom and clean.
nearly done the uphrade people are feelimg better.
clean food helps
give it a gew days a can of tuna is better than a hamburger marinated in wiskey.
it was slowing and makng people go to sleep. making them feel sick, people will feel better without that and their alcohol like effect spices like pumpkin, peter peter pimpkin eater lost everything, look up the ryme.
once a year or two maybe but not everyday and only when I order it up not as a hodden untreat.
peace till next week.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Iliad two Crecians
Next, eighty barks the Cretan
king commands,
Of Gnossus, Lyctus, and
Gortyna's bands;
And those who dwell where
Rhytion's domes arise,
Or white Lycastus glitters to
the skies,
Or where by Phaestus silver
Jardan runs;
Crete's hundred cities pour
forth all her sons.
These march'd, Idomeneus,
beneath thy care,
And Merion, dreadful as the
god of war.
We now turn to Crete and the
way it saw its people , like son of it, and the gods of war they prayed to for strength.
from :
from :
Iliad two Americans contigent
These in twelve galleys with
vermilion prores,
Beneath his conduct sought the
Phrygian shores.
They conquered phrygia which
spanned from holland to instabul.
Even troy they had led.
Thoas came next, Andraemon's
valiant son,
From Pleuron's walls, and
chalky Calydon,
And rough Pylene, and the
Olenian steep,
And Chalcis, beaten by the
rolling deep.
He led the warriors from the
Ætolian shore,
For now the sons of OEneus
were no more!
The glories of the mighty race
were fled!
OEneus himself, and Meleager
To Thoas' care now trust the
martial train,
His forty vessels follow
through the main.
Thisd is the American and near
clarkson thoas rose. The old leaders
were dead but they were a powerdul people
Next, eighty barks the Cretan
king commands,
Iliad two origin of ulysis
Those, where fair Elis and
Buprasium join;
Whom Hyrmin, here, and
Myrsinus confine,
And bounded there, where o'er
the valleys rose
The Olenian rock; and where
Alisium flows;
Beneath four chiefs (a
numerous army) came:
The strength and glory of the
Epean name.
== these are northern
europeans balkan and germain that unified with elis or greeks there and sent an
army to aggie.
In separate squadrons these
their train divide,
Each leads ten vessels through
the yielding tide.
One was Amphimachus, and
Thalpius one;
(Eurytus' this, and that
Teatus' son;)
Diores sprung from Amarynceus'
these are the militationary breakdown per units.
And great Polyxenus, of force
But those who view fair Elis
o'er the seas
From the blest islands of the
In forty vessels under Meges
Begot by Phyleus, the beloved
of Jove:
this is Greenland
To strong Dulichium from his
sire he fled,
And thence to Troy his hardy
warriors led.
These are of Iceland
Ulysses follow'd through the
watery road,
A chief, in wisdom equal to a
With those whom Cephalenia's
line inclosed,
Or till their fields along the
coast opposed;
Or where fair Ithaca o'erlooks
the floods,
Where high Neritos shakes his
waving woods,
Where Ægilipa's rugged sides
are seen,
Crocylia rocky, and Zacynthus
Ulysis by this admission is
canadian or american,. See rockys and the green plains of the prairies. Itheca is in northamerica, theca new york, ?
ya but itheca archadia of those shores.
Iliad two egypt by Aggie
In ninety sail, from Pylos'
sandy coast,
Nestor the sage conducts his
chosen host:
From Amphigenia's
ever-fruitful land,
Where Æpy high, and little
Pteleon stand;
Where beauteous Arene her
structures shows,
And Thryon's walls Alpheus'
streams inclose:
And Dorion, famed for
Thamyris' disgrace,
Superior once of all the
tuneful race,
Till, vain of mortals' empty
praise, he strove
To match the seed of cloud-compelling
Too daring bard! whose
unsuccessful pride
The immortal Muses in their
art defied.
The avenging Muses of the
light of day
Deprived his eyes, and
snatch'd his voice away;
No more his heavenly voice was
heard to sing,
His hand no more awaked the
silver string.
Where under high Cyllene,
crown'd with wood,
The shaded tomb of old Æpytus
From Ripe, Stratie, Tegea's
bordering towns,
The Phenean fields, and
Orchomenian downs,
Where the fat herds in
plenteous pasture rove;
And Stymphelus with her
surrounding grove;
Parrhasia, on her snowy cliffs
And high Enispe shook by
wintry wind,
And fair Mantinea's
ever-pleasing site;
In sixty sail the Arcadian
bands unite.
Bold Agapenor, glorious at
their head,
(Ancaeus' son) the mighty
squadron led.
Their ships, supplied by
Agamemnon's care,
Through roaring seas the
wondering warriors bear;
The first to battle on the
appointed plain,
But new to all the dangers of
the main.
These seem like shock troopers
or marines that land on th shores first to fight.
The roll call acounts the
females and males of Egypt and their unity to the now Agamemnon, including pupae
or upper egypt, and how they came to be profiling hobbies that they were renown
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