Sunday, February 5, 2017

Iliad II The way it needs to turn

"Unhappy monarch! whom the Grecian race
With shame deserting, heap with vile disgrace.
Not such at Argos was their generous vow:
Once all their voice, but ah! forgotten now:
Ne'er to return, was then the common cry,
Till Troy's proud structures should in ashes lie.
Behold them weeping for their native shore;
What could their wives or helpless children more?
What heart but melts to leave the tender train,
And, one short month, endure the wintry main?
Few leagues removed, we wish our peaceful seat,
When the ship tosses, and the tempests beat:
Then well may this long stay provoke their tears,
The tedious length of nine revolving years.
Not for their grief the Grecian host I blame;
But vanquish'd! baffled! oh, eternal shame!
Expect the time to Troy's destruction given

--People were removed from troy but the gracean seat stayed peaceful  the institutions that should have failed still remained
A peaceful resolve is necessary to maintain what is cherished of tray and unite with the good people inside like Paris?
It cannot fall if people want it to survive based on good things
The corrupt might want to maintain it for corrupt reasons but the good maintained it with good intention and reinforce it to even this day.
pg 56

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