Sunday, February 5, 2017

Iliad II and septres of power or batins of passing grade of greatness

56 The Iliad of Homer
"Ye gods! what wonders has Ulysses wrought!
What fruits his conduct and his courage yield!
Great in the council, glorious in the field.
Generous he rises in the crown's defence,
To curb the factious tongue of insolence,
Such just examples on offenders shown,
Sedition silence, and assert the throne."
'Twas thus the general voice the hero praised,
Who, rising, high the imperial sceptre raised:
The blue-eyed Pallas, his celestial friend,
(In form a herald,) bade the crowds attend.
The expecting crowds in still attention hung,
To hear the wisdom of his heavenly tongue.
Then deeply thoughtful, pausing ere he spoke,
His silence thus the prudent hero broke:

( mote thierd use of silence see above end of each paragraph)
Hre there is parise for heroes like ulyssess who stayed vurtious and did not fail

--see still graceans they are troy is at bottom of Italy it was called  Trya  till just lately in the middle on the bottom on the inside healof the boot, .  The scepter is the gift of being so a good leader . diplomat and only just criticism was offered with out fear as it was necessary tio help create and maintain a just resolve. Wxh septer is a right an authority gained by proving yourself to its prerequisites esp under fire or in times of trouble or times of a lot of money owned or offered as bribes
Thus far four mentioned
Hero holy
Peasant virtues
And hero leading as ruler or general

pg 56 

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