Tuesday, October 4, 2016

importatnt emergency info

well well well
it looks like there was a turn of events
hanna the female group failed
the makeup killed you
it is in the fuel for cars
hait spray afictuates and makes one dumb and sick
I hate teh stuff

I am healthy still looking as I did when I was 90
,y ,other used no make up. mo power perfumes, no jhairspray, no gels
a lot of people have died due to these substences
this mourning after removing a stupid canester that was spewing perfumes, the stuff teh women I liked used, I woke up normal, some shit jhead put the canester bakc on, made us ill
btain damaging
I use detro miaphen, hash so I am countering it but hacking non stop.
I am a kai monk, see lone wolk series books, I do not want a women who uses make up
natural bueaty says teh yupi
hippi was the freedom from disaster
they are all dieing
insane and I told them to fix it
but I told you so saus yje casandra walker
no one believed her either and she was write
no biggie
yjeu will suffer what they did.
recommendation stay away from that stuff andf reduce exposure to teh gasoline as teh rest of society dies of afixiation
that is why my friend all got screwed up
what is hair spray doing in your car gas?
du,gb and very stupid
vreath is for life
get rid of teh onion shit cigarretes
most have gone brain dead.
if there is anyone still alive out tehre get rid of eth bad air stuff.
,ob made fake fuel  so did teh company just to make money
whom ever, it is needed top be fixed.
for all teh living sake.
do not put shot on your skin, c9oloured ones, its worse
wash off and do as I did use only a bath or shower a , isol propal for after shave
one skirt of fragrence in crouch area, no more, try finding someothing clean.
eat well
go fragrnce free, just wash as I ofyen do
fresh clothes
find a hair do that needs only combing.
may Hothet have mercy on us all

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