Tuesday, October 4, 2016

iliad 2 what drives a monarch

"Amidst the glories of so bright a reign,
What moves the great Atrides to complain?
'Tis thine whate'er the warrior's breast inflames,
The golden spoil, and thine the lovely dames.
With all the wealth our wars and blood bestow,
Thy tents are crowded and thy chests o'erflow.
Thus at full ease in heaps of riches roll'd,
What grieves the monarch? Is it thirst of gold?
Say, shall we march with our unconquer'd powers
(The Greeks and I) to Ilion's hostile towers,
And bring the race of royal bastards here,
For Troy to ransom at a price too dear?
But safer plunder thy own host supplies;
Say, wouldst thou seize some valiant leader's prize?

Pp what drives a monarch such as atrides to be what he is, not riches not conquest not bastards from luon, the Gauls were sexy even then.  The powers of a monarch is blue blooded through the Greeks but even this blood line delineation is not what makes a great monarch that.

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