Or, if thy heart to
generous love be led,
Some captive fair, to
bless thy kingly bed?
Whate'er our master
craves submit we must,
Plagued with his
pride, or punish'd for his lust.
Oh women of Achaia;
men no more!
Hence let us fly, and
let him waste his store
In loves and
pleasures on the Phrygian shore.
We may be wanted on
some busy day,
When Hector comes: so
great Achilles may:
From him he forced
the prize we jointly gave,
From him, the fierce,
the fearless, and the brave:
And durst he, as he
ought, resent that wrong,
This mighty tyrant were no tyrant long."
Fierce from his seat
at this Ulysses springs,87
In generous vengeance
of the king of kings.
With indignation
sparkling in his eyes,
He views the wretch, and sternly thus replies:
n Its not the sex or hectors praise
n Not the archaian women who should act
like women and not adrigenekas, ( mainly women, not the Phrygian pleasures of
love, but a reverence beyond his bed, for he is a king of kings, a avathan of
god the master of change that his vassles submit to God through him and through
God to godthet, a holder of a covenant that is morte than praise from hectoror
being seated next to men like Ulysses.
n Hector is a leader of troy
n Never mentioned till now but it is
not his authority but the blessing of the divine great leaders seek.
till later
till later