Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Iliad 2 not love or authority of earth drives kings of kings

Or, if thy heart to generous love be led,
Some captive fair, to bless thy kingly bed?
Whate'er our master craves submit we must,
Plagued with his pride, or punish'd for his lust.
Oh women of Achaia; men no more!
Hence let us fly, and let him waste his store
In loves and pleasures on the Phrygian shore.
We may be wanted on some busy day,
[pg 033]
When Hector comes: so great Achilles may:
From him he forced the prize we jointly gave,
From him, the fierce, the fearless, and the brave:
And durst he, as he ought, resent that wrong,
This mighty tyrant were no tyrant long."
Fierce from his seat at this Ulysses springs,87
In generous vengeance of the king of kings.
With indignation sparkling in his eyes,
He views the wretch, and sternly thus replies:

n     Its not the sex or hectors praise
n     Not the archaian women who should act like women and not adrigenekas, ( mainly women, not the Phrygian pleasures of love, but a reverence beyond his bed, for he is a king of kings, a avathan of god the master of change that his vassles submit to God through him and through God to godthet, a holder of a covenant that is morte than praise from hectoror being seated next to men like Ulysses.
n     Hector is a leader of troy

n     Never mentioned till now but it is not his authority but the blessing of the divine great leaders seek.

till later

iliad 2 what drives a monarch

"Amidst the glories of so bright a reign,
What moves the great Atrides to complain?
'Tis thine whate'er the warrior's breast inflames,
The golden spoil, and thine the lovely dames.
With all the wealth our wars and blood bestow,
Thy tents are crowded and thy chests o'erflow.
Thus at full ease in heaps of riches roll'd,
What grieves the monarch? Is it thirst of gold?
Say, shall we march with our unconquer'd powers
(The Greeks and I) to Ilion's hostile towers,
And bring the race of royal bastards here,
For Troy to ransom at a price too dear?
But safer plunder thy own host supplies;
Say, wouldst thou seize some valiant leader's prize?

Pp what drives a monarch such as atrides to be what he is, not riches not conquest not bastards from luon, the Gauls were sexy even then.  The powers of a monarch is blue blooded through the Greeks but even this blood line delineation is not what makes a great monarch that.

adendem II

the dish soap the green stuff is killer,
you can smell it in the air
use teh blue one, it is safe
try wahing with it, like some detergents
lean from one leg to the other
hirts ones back, kills liver
shuts down liver kidney and suffrala
black kidney
spme garments smell like havarty, ropast beef
it makes people sick
eat lots of geletin like jello
hait spray like teh ones in teh fuel make one steril, ages one as teh wribkles are geletin deplition.
some lemmon cleasors are teh some, atry all of them
even melts ome shoes
we were cleaner before 2011, more cleaner 1998, between 1002 after teh rodney king race riot to 1999 after that nuclear war\
Toronto had a low murder rate
two years non, violent crimes went down
it was the torotno I was in
soem say therer may have been three, there was almost no on here, as teh city was expensive
detherter was similar and one of teh cities that was called toronto
fort toronto is on lake erie
I never lived there pre 1962
when they nuke they move us over.
the case in point is there was cleaner versions of teh world.
so we do not need to suffer this.

addendem to last post

ues I am a lone wolf that is trying to stay sane and healthy.
they were using bad illicates, stuff like makeup chems oin construction materials too, low exposure, gas masks are necessary.
a lot of people I know are dead and I am a confirmed immortal
imcluding females who liked me but used a lot of make up or crove exesively band got exposed to teh gas too much
still trying to look out gor your health

importatnt emergency info

well well well
it looks like there was a turn of events
hanna the female group failed
the makeup killed you
it is in the fuel for cars
hait spray afictuates and makes one dumb and sick
I hate teh stuff

I am healthy still looking as I did when I was 90
,y ,other used no make up. mo power perfumes, no jhairspray, no gels
a lot of people have died due to these substences
this mourning after removing a stupid canester that was spewing perfumes, the stuff teh women I liked used, I woke up normal, some shit jhead put the canester bakc on, made us ill
btain damaging
I use detro miaphen, hash so I am countering it but hacking non stop.
I am a kai monk, see lone wolk series books, I do not want a women who uses make up
natural bueaty says teh yupi
hippi was the freedom from disaster
they are all dieing
insane and I told them to fix it
but I told you so saus yje casandra walker
no one believed her either and she was write
no biggie
yjeu will suffer what they did.
recommendation stay away from that stuff andf reduce exposure to teh gasoline as teh rest of society dies of afixiation
that is why my friend all got screwed up
what is hair spray doing in your car gas?
du,gb and very stupid
vreath is for life
get rid of teh onion shit cigarretes
most have gone brain dead.
if there is anyone still alive out tehre get rid of eth bad air stuff.
,ob made fake fuel  so did teh company just to make money
whom ever, it is needed top be fixed.
for all teh living sake.
do not put shot on your skin, c9oloured ones, its worse
wash off and do as I did use only a bath or shower a , isol propal for after shave
one skirt of fragrence in crouch area, no more, try finding someothing clean.
eat well
go fragrnce free, just wash as I ofyen do
fresh clothes
find a hair do that needs only combing.
may Hothet have mercy on us all