Friday, September 16, 2016

Iliad 2 alements due to being attacked

Thersites only clamour'd in the throng,
Loquacious, loud, and turbulent of tongue:
Awed by no shame, by no respect controll'd,
In scandal busy, in reproaches bold:
With witty malice studious to defame,
Scorn all his joy, and laughter all his aim:—
But chief he gloried with licentious style
To lash the great, and monarchs to revile.
His figure such as might his soul proclaim;
One eye was blinking, and one leg was lame:
His mountain shoulders half his breast o'erspread,
Thin hairs bestrew'd his long misshapen head.
Spleen to mankind his envious heart possess'd,
And much he hated all, but most the best:
Ulysses or Achilles still his theme;
But royal scandal his delight supreme,
Long had he lived the scorn of every Greek,
Vex'd when he spoke, yet still they heard him speak.
Sharp was his voice; which in the shrillest tone,
Thus with injurious taunts attack'd the throne.

Here the speaker is plagued with illnesses, the peg leg the eye gigaling, the linp, the loss of fronessy and him speaking out loud, feeling vexed even if no one heard him, blessed, better, devex , devil means bless by discharge from trouble and perplexity, to be vexed is to be perplexed.  The hatred of the Greeks maintaining troy and the lands to the eweast of the assembly are the stigmata wounds these people suffered,  as we do in our time, but its not just Greeks the peg leg back then is an African potion , poison, rattle snake, some is asian, the eye forinstance, the fronisy is from the Caribbean, same things appeared here.  Fronisy means self control
Being rulers everyone from Philip of macedon to us have felt these illnesses.  Philips was the limp, one beats it with gelatin. Stammering is from middle east and silk road, off kicks when walking Turkish sil road the stand countries like kozakostand, uzbekastand, here the pakis stand or what ever people.
The truks are cigerretic, yellow Asians, has to do with what is on their skin and diet, though they say its natural to their lot.

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