Friday, September 16, 2016

healthy returns

many of you are suffering ailenebts that werre caused by the situations we were in, like gasses used to make it uncomfortable in the city so we move and the subhumanes imagine taking residence in teh abondoned houses.
peg leg, leaning to one leg, talking out loud, vision and so forth is teh uneven growth of parts of your brain, we are using brain growth chems, like salt , yes real salt in teh food, your brain is regrowing and will even out, all ailments gone.
focus through your eyes and centered towards your forehead.  if it pulls back refocus, it goes back to child perfect and you feel like I do, centered and intune.
remember to eat your jellochocolate and take your vits, an ensure if nutrit is not available helps, anecen and 222 or iverthe counter opiates.  amino acid drinks like ensure help, it has mandrake in it, hello sunshine
helps aloviate teh drabs.
most people are recovering well and no one wants to jeperfise our recovered health top side.
the ones spraying stuff are elaving, they do not want to take the undergrounsd over, its dead to them, so be it, its alive to us.

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