Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ilian one- bueaty as alliance marraige

'Twas night; the chiefs beside their vessel lie,
Till rosy morn had purpled o'er the sky:
Then launch, and hoist the mast: indulgent gales,
Supplied by Phoebus, fill the swelling sails;
The milk-white canvas bellying as they blow,
The parted ocean foams and roars below:
Above the bounding billows swift they flew,
Till now the Grecian camp appear'd in view.
Far on the beach they haul their bark to land,
(The crooked keel divides the yellow sand,)
Then part, where stretch'd along the winding bay,
The ships and tents in mingled prospect lay.
But raging still, amidst his navy sat
The stern Achilles, stedfast in his hate;
Nor mix'd in combat, nor in council join'd;
But wasting cares lay heavy on his mind:
In his black thoughts revenge and slaughter roll,
And scenes of blood rise dreadful in his soul.
Twelve days were past, and now the dawning light
The gods had summon'd to the Olympian height:
Jove, first ascending from the watery bowers,
Leads the long order of ethereal powers.
When, like the morning-mist in early day,
Rose from the flood the daughter of the sea:
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And to the seats divine her flight address'd.
There, far apart, and high above the rest,
The thunderer sat; where old Olympus shrouds
His hundred heads in heaven, and props the clouds.
Suppliant the goddess stood: one hand she placed
Beneath his beard, and one his knees embraced.
"If e'er, O father of the gods! (she said)
My words could please thee, or my actions aid,
Some marks of honour on my son bestow,
And pay in glory what in life you owe.
Fame is at least by heavenly promise due
To life so short, and now dishonour'd too.
Avenge this wrong, O ever just and wise!
Let Greece be humbled, and the Trojans rise;
Till the proud king and all the Achaian race
Shall heap with honours him they now disgrace."
n   The alliance is between the chiefs of the tribes and those at the feast.  Between the sea and its divine daughter as well as with the heavens of the mystery of Apollo and the divine song now being written, meaning the alliance and united peoples becoming.  The hand of the sea and the thunderer, the father source of all divinity, stands of the light of Olympus as the alliance is bound and the Greeks of the old age are waned , the allying call to the rise of the new helenist state: that of troy.  One can see why ancients may have hidden this passage and text as it claims the Greeks are waning while the Achaia , who are the first Greek tribe, is rising as troy. If you do not read this passage carefully it might look anti Greek. It suggests that Achilles and Odysseus are not Greek but Trojan.  A marriage later portrayed by Helen of Greece.  Many have argued that that troy was a Greek state, and here was the proof, in the first iliad- the Justuthastra.  The text did exist in Hindism but the heroes have different names and thus it was impossible to recognize it as an iliad without knowing how to translate the names.

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