Saturday, April 16, 2016

Iliad one ritual alliance rutyal

So Chryses pray'd. Apollo heard his prayer:
And now the Greeks their hecatomb prepare;
Between their horns the salted barley threw,
And, with their heads to heaven, the victims slew:68

--It seems that the sex of chryses changed, though if it represents a group than maybe the group is refered to by a male gender.  It may be this is someone else with the same name since it was a tritual it does not matter, in fact it may be heer portraying herself as a man thus separating the gender from the person.
[pg 018]
The limbs they sever from the inclosing hide;
The thighs, selected to the gods, divide:
On these, in double cauls involved with art,
The choicest morsels lay from every part.
The priest himself before his altar stands,
And burns the offering with his holy hands.
Pours the black wine, and sees the flames aspire;
The youth with instruments surround the fire:
The thighs thus sacrificed, and entrails dress'd,
The assistants part, transfix, and roast the rest:
Then spread the tables, the repast prepare;
Each takes his seat, and each receives his share.
When now the rage of hunger was repress'd,
With pure libations they conclude the feast;
The youths with wine the copious goblets crown'd,
And, pleased, dispense the flowing bowls around;69
With hymns divine the joyous banquet ends,
The paeans lengthen'd till the sun descends:
The Greeks, restored, the grateful notes prolong;
Apollo listens, and approves the song.
--Here a appolian ritual is are incited, as a male priest chryses welcomes the entourage that is here to bless and feast with the people represented by chryses.  It is an alliance, the provided is shared by the youth and those present, whose rage towards one another is dispensed with, it calms, they break bread with each other .  new garments and bowls to eat together are offered abnd dispensed.  Oddysseus who is known for wedding alliances brought the ritual.  This wedding is an alliance of two people who would have been alidade through a normal royal wedding. 

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