Monday, March 21, 2016

vulkan ipgrade

greetings and salutations guys
sorry for the delay on posting but I was told by sentry that the system uplink is backwards in time, I am not sure why and we were in process of trying to close teh dether link, it might be the Iliad tie as some may be waiting for the end of teh interpretation, since all the books are listed this link will cease back placing at the end of the section of teh first book which is soon.  it ends at about (21 ), they say it is ovious.
so on wards

there is a picture of vulcan , balkans is vulcan
cabbala the elf is kavala serres, montenegren eletes in mountains live 1000 years
yes adam was og us, yogurt anyone, though japan was known as volcan as well, spock is like yugoslavian engeneer and looks like my father, yes we are serious and logical, recall I was born in kenevea and my parents from northern greece of the line of the philosophers including alexander teh great
peteer the great was a cosine
all nobles of true lines had to be 8 lines from the area my mom and dad were from, thus shelly, ;ord byrin, so were their wives, all 8th cosines kinda they say, get it?lord donm were macedonic, or what we call continental greek, vulkan
live long and prosper

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