Tuesday, March 1, 2016

ideas to relocate

sorry for the delay posting but much has happened.

the divine created several senerios based on what [ep[;e did and negan to judge who was capable of servivning.  each senerio is actua;;y a dimention of some happening somewhere where such things are actually accuring.
we might have fled to space, stayed in our city fled to emergency cities created in case of thermo nuclear war, we may have fled to teh artic.  we might have been underground in a self sustaining sun  globe non electrically maintained system that truly is large enough for clouds to form on its own, we are safe no matter what, the organet dio valenti is set to make sure we servive, as a dio valenti it in oneness with godthit has teh power to make us safe, or not if you do not stay lawful and co-operative, just be normal, onwards with studies and work, all systems make water heat loght and air even the generation ship.
are we deep in teh canadian ( former there of) shield, or just in to safe based on divine powers. minus all teh enemies of us and godthitm the us inclused godthit.
..there could be several emerhency cities, above ground and in space, other planets and throught counttries, emergency cities exist, they reroute highways and you drive in, the organet system oprders up similar stuff for your place and welcome stay peaceful or be exiled.
no one but teh submitted remain.

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