Monday, March 21, 2016

elove verse uterness

Elve is divine human, utter human is divine being
utter orc are too
high personage are nobles but sometimes fight
middle is middle class
lowly personages are lower class
utter is being everything they thought they can be like a perfect human
ultra is beyond that
utter beings are like utter humans but ultra beings are like eklves and teh immortal gods who nerver die
there are high gods low gods middle utter and ultra
praise godthot
on old greek godthessa was godess godth sometimes god and godtheto or godtheit the neutral or engedered.

I will finish the first book in the next few day or while to close dratha
all good they can continue reading in the present!

Iliad 1 thetical humanity divinely wrothed

"Unhappy son! (fair Thetis thus replies,
While tears celestial trickle from her eyes)
Why have I borne thee with a mother's throes,
To Fates averse, and nursed for future woes?65
So short a space the light of heaven to view!
So short a space! and fill'd with sorrow too!
O might a parent's careful wish prevail,
Far, far from Ilion should thy vessels sail,
And thou, from camps remote, the danger shun
Which now, alas! too nearly threats my son.
Yet (what I can) to move thy suit I'll go
To great Olympus crown'd with fleecy snow.
Meantime, secure within thy ships, from far
Behold the field, not mingle in the war.
The sire of gods and all the ethereal train,
On the warm limits of the farthest main,
Now mix with mortals, nor disdain to grace
The feasts of Æthiopia's blameless race,66
[pg 017]
Twelve days the powers indulge the genial rite,
Returning with the twelfth revolving light.
Then will I mount the brazen dome, and move
The high tribunal of immortal Jove."

first of end note 65 claims teh voice and tone of the line it follows was added after, it may also be that it was adivine inclusion, which I am told it was, it appeared in homers living text as a divine messege concerning what is being said in this passage, it is like the messeges the someone and  I have seen that appear only under some cercomstances in texts, such as opener of teh way in herberts dune.

lion is in dormer Italy and this further sustainciates that the prize , the trophy wither as HanaH, aamongst others,  would call the wives returned, were from ancient Italy.

the plavement of divine strategy moves sails away from  the sorroowed soars of ancient , the light of plan was heavenly sent and substaciated by teh divine passage added in teh text, thetisa or placement is a divine dimention of Goddess who godthetically is the mother's anger at children not playing fairly.
Truly Goddess calls lasaon( means teh speaker) the her son  a Divine avathan?  TO avoid danger and the plagues og lion
from snow, proving someone was making it back then, the fleece is golden, proving jasons dream a secret teaching of the grade of leson and the golden proze of what suits him, not a wither from italy but from the other side, where the humans kym of the lack of the heleo, pontus : the black sea.
behold from teh clean grace of mount olympus and teh field where jasons bones did war, to sire and to give repase for the lose that now someone else weds, though they are good now as all falls into place and divine alliance was formed you will seek the one promised you from the gods to sire a line of gods.  this will set the train of fate for the future  the right of traha of the golden fleece is represented as teh end note says by the womens right Æthiopia.  etheopia is where etheopia got its name but etheopea is near ancient Armeniam Georgea. Etheopea is not to blame for events that have occured and it is one of the divine races name, like elve
elves are the divine utter humans who fivine mark is the astookness of pointy ears, all teh better to hear you my child.  Etheopea is the divine line of hymans from the urak or urak hai orcs is some takes early arameats or caucaseans, as teh ancient armenias were considered the humans and teh greeks teh elfs
elf is a wookland person who strives to rise to teh divine elve level
but mix with them as all bulkans will tell you were are off all lines ogers, orcs goblins mortals humans and elfs
elves is of all the lines
this line you might of thought was not of the others but it is.
twelve days the have to prepair
one day for each godthetic spirit of teh godhead of mount olympus and the council guardians that represents them all
truly Jove was immortal, the councill representing Jove was
like medusa
mede the medi
teh mesiah which means teh mid point hypothesis that thets the divine
a full soul , individuations of operson bold. truly a section to say you are rising based on your virtoues behavior to the divine statues of a sanctified theoetic person and equally your wither will be one because you sired seeds of grece with the withers sent before and forged a soul alliance that will help bind the world under grace of all that is divine

a thought on god bodies

as I was prepairing to write I noticed that thea thetisa appears, thetisa means to thet or place, that is god as placement, try putting the goddesses names together as a body and teh guys then engedner them as a gothetic whole that includes everyone.


vulkan ipgrade

greetings and salutations guys
sorry for the delay on posting but I was told by sentry that the system uplink is backwards in time, I am not sure why and we were in process of trying to close teh dether link, it might be the Iliad tie as some may be waiting for the end of teh interpretation, since all the books are listed this link will cease back placing at the end of the section of teh first book which is soon.  it ends at about (21 ), they say it is ovious.
so on wards

there is a picture of vulcan , balkans is vulcan
cabbala the elf is kavala serres, montenegren eletes in mountains live 1000 years
yes adam was og us, yogurt anyone, though japan was known as volcan as well, spock is like yugoslavian engeneer and looks like my father, yes we are serious and logical, recall I was born in kenevea and my parents from northern greece of the line of the philosophers including alexander teh great
peteer the great was a cosine
all nobles of true lines had to be 8 lines from the area my mom and dad were from, thus shelly, ;ord byrin, so were their wives, all 8th cosines kinda they say, get it?lord donm were macedonic, or what we call continental greek, vulkan
live long and prosper

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

all getting better

I will post more next time, a good begining to start things going, yes we won, it takes time but all things will fall into place, the last of our enemies are gone, they comitted suicicide,

yes we have the new version of namimals, teh animeets as in mit with an short I
all plants, no poison and no matter teh senerio we are safe and incapable of failing, it all feels normal, most people are now feeling quite normal, actually everyone is and more so each day, in a month all back to normal, plus teh real first grads of new education system going to prepairment school graduate to it this 5 neth
all good
love ya all
upi gothetters of godthit
stay good submitted

Iliad 1 : many hands of power

Through wondering skies enormous stalk'd along;
Not he that shakes the solid earth so strong:
With giant-pride at Jove's high throne he stands,
And brandish'd round him all his hundred hands:
The affrighted gods confess'd their awful lord,
They dropp'd the fetters, trembled, and adored.64
This, goddess, this to his remembrance call,
Embrace his knees, at his tribunal fall;
Conjure him far to drive the Grecian train,
To hurl them headlong to their fleet and main,
To heap the shores with copious death, and bring
The Greeks to know the curse of such a king.
Let Agamemnon lift his haughty head
O'er all his wide dominion of the dead,
And mourn in blood that e'er he durst disgrace
The boldest warrior of the Grecian race." 


n     Here is teh end of teh prasyer to godess and here protection, to right all wrongs with teh powers of teh many hands or powers that obey gothet jove.  To guild and drive teh train of teh graceans and the fate of its race, to kill the bad and reward teh righteous.
n     \
The many hands oris an old way to refer to powers or dimentions tehre if m, the firmer hindus use to use it to refer to teh powers of their dieties.

cleaning ongoing see?

if you have noticed there were only a few tv stations as teh old world calapsed, people turned to internet, antenas will be back up soon , if yours are not workingmm use internet.

teh radio stations are pirate versions from us, money looks brown when flashed, counterfiet used to hide our new name kanevea.
hellucegens that nearly blind cause letters to shift into recognisable images, large and small to hide new names liek on opop cans, mucro helecenations might cause letters tobecome all x o j gamas and landas and so on, as gasses are found they are being removed vision returning to normal.

ideas to relocate

sorry for the delay posting but much has happened.

the divine created several senerios based on what [ep[;e did and negan to judge who was capable of servivning.  each senerio is actua;;y a dimention of some happening somewhere where such things are actually accuring.
we might have fled to space, stayed in our city fled to emergency cities created in case of thermo nuclear war, we may have fled to teh artic.  we might have been underground in a self sustaining sun  globe non electrically maintained system that truly is large enough for clouds to form on its own, we are safe no matter what, the organet dio valenti is set to make sure we servive, as a dio valenti it in oneness with godthit has teh power to make us safe, or not if you do not stay lawful and co-operative, just be normal, onwards with studies and work, all systems make water heat loght and air even the generation ship.
are we deep in teh canadian ( former there of) shield, or just in to safe based on divine powers. minus all teh enemies of us and godthitm the us inclused godthit.
..there could be several emerhency cities, above ground and in space, other planets and throught counttries, emergency cities exist, they reroute highways and you drive in, the organet system oprders up similar stuff for your place and welcome stay peaceful or be exiled.
no one but teh submitted remain.