Thursday, March 12, 2015

Vit C war healing

It turns out that during the war some people, try everyone , accumulated solvents and other substances in thier digestive track, it is causing wierd reactions, give it time it will go away, try a three day only orange juice diet, it will flush trhe system.  The vile in your stomach and digestive track is made to stick around and gets reabsorbed by the food you eat.  I just finished my three days, I became immune to a lot of things that were causing minor effects.  I feel amazing, even my eye site got better, if that was even possible.
Its making people grumpy and is making people burn out after eating.
when one is on something burning out is the end of the good effect.  no it does not feel like fire, metabilisation sometimes occurs but an increase in heat does not.  " the burnt out end of a day"  meanins the tail end of teh day now over.  Some believe the ensimes deployed by our enemies and on a rare occasion those claiming to be on our side can take up to 4 years to leave your body depending on how much orange juice yopu consume, other remedies like eating chocolate will get rid of the ensimes mimicking Alzheimer’s, You have to be very fat for it to take full effect and I am thin so I bare noticed but I did each a bit a chocolate a while back.  The orange juice diet will get rid of all of it.
Fatigue, tiredness, exhaustion, after meal compulsions to go to sleep, excesive sourness in the stomoch are some of eth simptoms attributed to the  enzimes.  sight, hearing, memory, enerhy levels and even insatiable hunger are caused by them, falling a sleep heavy as well.
all good healing teh nations and all that.
one enzime is called drathera and it is also called diptheria four, benign over all, but makes you feel heat stroke fast.
Vitamin C anyone
you will feel better soon.

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