Wednesday, March 25, 2015

ikiad 1 priest's Godly prayer

The trembling priest along the shore return'd,
And in the anguish of a father mourn'd.
Disconsolate, not daring to complain,
Silent he wander'd by the sounding main;
Till, safe at distance, to his god he prays,
The god who darts around the world his rays.

The priests returned home fearful, they knew they had not the authority nor strength to change the royal decree  with the same anguish as the father mourning , not voicing any more complaints returned to their country main, or the main part of their country.  When safely away from the main of the royal lay where the king had friends and held authority as  life in general, meaning everyone on that side was nio longer in great concentration, the priests began to pray to the God or godthit whose rays and presence is omnipresent.  This god is not on mount Olympus but is the Godthit who is everywhere and all powerful.
From :

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