Tuesday, November 4, 2014

dooms day hatching

it seems at the end of a war dooms day devices are deployed.  a lot of high end kill everything stuff, like those who creat fake flies that wisp by.
trhose who cause salts to form on th ground, other erasals can cause salts to form, even temporary ones like teh darkness bombs and the water air which really is hydrognised amonia oxy clorinated helium.
I am immune
insertion inflections, or II are points where the virus, or bacteria enter effect teh body, some burn nerve endings, usually temporary ones created by our bodies to protect primary systems, like strep 4 and virus whooping cough four, they unit in a good persons body, using tehethic or good energy to create a third virus that records dna .
after a the II one feels a sensation often called immunity basic, usually in line with the nerves that are effected by the II sometimes not, a lot on the right side chest drathetic area ofr instance, that is a heart main nervem doha does that made by southern viatnamese 82 years ago, basic immunity is a oulse in left side near the ear connected to synpathetic nerve endings and systems aclled lathetics, also connected to teh limphatic system.  Based on teh someone I am becoming an expert on this.  the ultimate immunty which occurs minutes later is felt in teh left foot as athrobing top side.
if not immune at this point you are dead.
some feel like an iche, some you scratch they burn.
flesh eaters, body decayers, people become puddles of good, some just die, so forth and so on, if you have submitted you will not die, all care is being taken to counter these things.
its 1919 again wherre code spanish flue can kill more poepl thaan the war.
this is a record from 2014 but evens in shared syncronisity date to 2011-2014.
some are virus that have incubated in teh things deployed in tehwar, like olive oils idiotes vaperised to make it warm.
we are safe, wash your jands before eating, avopind odd oil streachs and otehr harbage on street, like normal keep clean.

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