Tuesday, November 4, 2014

adroditic bueaty illusiveness

I posted this huge peiece on afrodite, in this temporal reality it is missing
so what I will do is see if it returns next week and if not move on to another topic and return to analysing teh gods later.
lets move to the illiad, and go through the book as we did with the oddessy.
it is teh best I can do, as I think the analysis of teh dieties will look better after the iliad.
recall, jacob of the golden fleecy, freeksos and abraham and issac went through teh same ritual of right , rite, ascetion,
if in teh iliad hercules appears as he does on the argos, the arc, either the coven box of the greeks refers to past heroes and /or a reinserted heroe appears to help the expediations refered to.

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