Tuesday, November 18, 2014

disease update

 Thus we have begun our next analysis of myth , we will return to an analysis of the Goethite’s  of old after we examine this masterpiece called the Iliad , at some point after.
in 1919 more people died of diseases that fasted during the war than people died due to the war.  I learned this from a command magazine I read a few years ago concerning WWI.  Diseases actually appeared due to thie war we just experienced , however we went back to practicing what we knew would clean the environment as we did before the late nineties.  If you recall dropping some measures towards keeping food to even marshes clean caused a lot of pandemics.  2/3 of the chicken population was killed because old measures of keeping the food clean were removed in 1994 and later 2004 we learned a lesson did we not? Back to clean basics.  The other thing is Godthit is using the bacteria and virus ect. to upgrade our immune systems and body.  Here the body includes the mind too.  We are changing, mutating to be immune from all bio dangers and it has also caused an upgrade in physic and mentality.  For instance our frontal brain lobes have gotten stronger, so have our livers.
Praise Godthit!!!
Being good and submitted to the new social contract through the someone and the divine has caused a lot of benefits and trathetic energy or what our body and mind produces when we are good people causes good results even from the worse virus, i.e. it calls antidotes through the air versus things that cause more illness if your body is producing luhutic or bad energy cause you are doing inappropriate bad things. To good people it only causes good benefits.
So be good even disease is on our side and divinely making us stronger.

Negining the introducing the Iliad

we will begin analysing the iliad today.
the refrence for teh text we will be using is


secondary sources

Scepticism is as much the result of knowledge, as knowledge is
of scepticism. To be content with what we at present know, is,
for the most part, to shut our ears against conviction; since, from
the very gradual character of our education, we must continually
forget, and emancipate ourselves from, knowledge previously
acquired; we must set aside old notions and embrace fresh ones;
and, as we learn, we must be daily unlearning something which
it has cost us no small labour and anxiety to acquire.

The translator is attempting to frame the Iliad as an educated endeavoured in knowledge.  Ve is framing the idea that it is a myth and the scepticism an educated person might have towards myths might blind one to the educational value and reality of this text.  One notices that the translator  believes knowledge comes with an ability to unwind what might blind us or what might mis-guild us when learning.  Seeing  things from new perspectives sometimes destroys  or changes what we have as conceptions concerning something.  We unlearn and re-learn things with newly attained knowledge.  For instance one might have thought the moon was made of green cheese however after the moon landing in the late sixties, the moon’s really became yjay of  a type of planetoid made up of dirt, sand and rock similar to that of  Erf itself.  So you needed to unlearn or better yet redefine the reality one had concerning said moon.  It caused a huge paradigm shift in the way people think about everything from heavenly bodies to their own planet.  Hence what must we unlearn before we even begin reading the Iliad, is it simply that it is not a simple myth, story or fairy tale that has no basis or fact in reality?  Does it have credence for us now?  Can we learn from it or are we to might be too sceptical about it and  thus consider it a waste of time.  We should begin by asking ourselves if the moon landing was a waste of time?  Can a text read by multitudes, seen in movies, in the media and told of, which influenced countless people, not have credence for understanding the world, esp. concerning the images and ideas that preliterate through out?  Since the text actually influenced so many people at base level: being aware of it allows us to become more aware of how its ideas have influenced and shaped all that might surround us.  How does a text like this construct the meaning of myth itself and cause people to think in a certain way in their daily lives, how do people  sculpt their own metaphors and images of the self and the world simply based on being told of the story of this Oddesses?  We will call this a good beginning for the type of mind set one needs to start a fresh examination of such a profoundly influential text.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

on wards

I guess that is it for this week, I realise alot of people are studying and the clean up for the war has begun, we are at defcon 4, means teh war time measure act closed, 8 days ago my time.
the war is over and teh dravetic system or war system is closing.  teh devices going off are not war time but set for clean up, warning buzzers and other sugnals are used, if no one on thier side responds they go off. quite afew people set such bombs up , canesters with gases and so on.
all in the way wars end, to victory and life etinmfinite.
till next week.

adroditic bueaty illusiveness

I posted this huge peiece on afrodite, in this temporal reality it is missing
so what I will do is see if it returns next week and if not move on to another topic and return to analysing teh gods later.
lets move to the illiad, and go through the book as we did with the oddessy.
it is teh best I can do, as I think the analysis of teh dieties will look better after the iliad.
recall, jacob of the golden fleecy, freeksos and abraham and issac went through teh same ritual of right , rite, ascetion,
if in teh iliad hercules appears as he does on the argos, the arc, either the coven box of the greeks refers to past heroes and /or a reinserted heroe appears to help the expediations refered to.

all hollwed day

All hallows day just passed, it was decided to avoid teh wierdness of the halloween  creepiness that we should celebrate blessings and or treats on former nov 1, people do less wierd things.

the suggested name wass hallowed day or all hallowed day versus all hallows day.
hope everyone had fun, it was an interesting weekned.
the calander was slightly scewed during teh war, time bombs
based on teh cusp of teh sun, this is really dec, tweltheth
calander months are the number plus a eth at the end.
fo all those who were in school, most of us, hope you enjoyed your reading week, I did lots of reading.

dooms day hatching

it seems at the end of a war dooms day devices are deployed.  a lot of high end kill everything stuff, like those who creat fake flies that wisp by.
trhose who cause salts to form on th ground, other erasals can cause salts to form, even temporary ones like teh darkness bombs and the water air which really is hydrognised amonia oxy clorinated helium.
I am immune
insertion inflections, or II are points where the virus, or bacteria enter effect teh body, some burn nerve endings, usually temporary ones created by our bodies to protect primary systems, like strep 4 and virus whooping cough four, they unit in a good persons body, using tehethic or good energy to create a third virus that records dna .
after a the II one feels a sensation often called immunity basic, usually in line with the nerves that are effected by the II sometimes not, a lot on the right side chest drathetic area ofr instance, that is a heart main nervem doha does that made by southern viatnamese 82 years ago, basic immunity is a oulse in left side near the ear connected to synpathetic nerve endings and systems aclled lathetics, also connected to teh limphatic system.  Based on teh someone I am becoming an expert on this.  the ultimate immunty which occurs minutes later is felt in teh left foot as athrobing top side.
if not immune at this point you are dead.
some feel like an iche, some you scratch they burn.
flesh eaters, body decayers, people become puddles of good, some just die, so forth and so on, if you have submitted you will not die, all care is being taken to counter these things.
its 1919 again wherre code spanish flue can kill more poepl thaan the war.
this is a record from 2014 but evens in shared syncronisity date to 2011-2014.
some are virus that have incubated in teh things deployed in tehwar, like olive oils idiotes vaperised to make it warm.
we are safe, wash your jands before eating, avopind odd oil streachs and otehr harbage on street, like normal keep clean.