Thursday, July 17, 2014

knowledge fruits racing withing Atalanta

They laughed together because they knew that no man would ever beat her, and that the many executions would slow the flow of suitors. Of course, some still came. Most who came still were the stupid ones, but one man, Hippomenes (or Melanion) was exceptionally smart.

Many idiots tried to best her, here the code is she was very smart but to them just a women, they were not willing to run the race as she did, but tried to best her by not trying to rpove themselves better just because they are men, but in hrutha the matriarchs and the patrioacrchs do not merit jusdge based on genderm but rather personage, atleast the real qdivinely blessed at the top. Hippomenes (or Melanion) was not one of eth inmferiors who could not best her in teh fair race.

He went first to Aphrodite and told her of the virgin huntress and begged her help. Aphrodite, offended at the idea of virgins in general, gladly gave him three irresistable Golden Apples that he must have stared at until the race began. Thanking her he returned to woo Atalanta.
Atalanta just sighed that such a good-looking man would have to die, but wasn't THAT interested in marriage. Besides, she like winning too much to throw the race. Hippomenes threw one last prayer to Aphrodite and walked to the starting line.

Hippomenes (or Melanion) had won the right of a golden apple through athrodite as paris had, tehse were the fruits of the yiekld of change and transcendence, he became a judge as was paris.  Here the prize was not a bueatiful Helen but a single bueatiful atalanta.  Each apple he stared at, observed till he had a chance to run the race against atalanta.  She liked winning but eth fruits of immortality are given only to winners thus but were wibnners before this began , and Hippomenes (or Melanion)had three fruit to beat paris and give one to each goddess need be, including artemis through atalanta.  She did not mind those trying tio ursurpe her fathers throne died in the race proving thems inferior.  With paryer the race began, thus rite ritual was incited.

The race began. Hippomenes got out to a good start, he was an excellent runner himself, but soon Atalanta sped ahead of him. Quickly he threw out the first of his Golden apples slightly ahead of Atalanta and slightly off the track. Atalanta saw it and desired it and stopped to pick it up.

Hippomenes (or Melanion) began the race faster than atalanta, he was ahead of her, he was older, he was a winner before her, but he won based on her as he courted her through afrodite and this led to the golden apples being bestowed.  Thus it was the boar that led him, as mentioned before to transcend to the gift ogf the apples.  The restructuring he helped with helped him reach an epitheni.  The first apple consequently was the first lure in her life that drew her from the races path.  She desired this fruit she helped sire through the boar and yet was the yield helded by Hippomenes (or Melanion)

 Hippomenes passed her with delight, praying to Aphrodite while he ran. But Atalanta soon caught him and two-thirds of the way through, she passed him again.

Think of passing Hippomenes (or Melanion) as crossing paths as friends, the other suiters crossed paths and died.  Yes a real race commemorating these evenst transpired and is reinacted to reinforce the rite she and it came to represents, oviously he was also included.  Thus in life tehey met again and the seond apple was thrown.  He had knowledge and he through the idea of her catching up to him, she was falling in love, think of the race as their life criss criossing, they others were stupid and tried keeper her back, he was awiser and taught her and learned from her.

This time Hippomenes through his Golden Apple deeper into the bushes and when Atalanta stopped, it took her a moment longer. Hippomenes quickly ran by, sweating with effort and relief. But before he knew it the speedy Atalanta over took him once more, and it was just before the finish line!
Once again the rite and wisdom of eth fruit of knowledge, yes knowledge like the apple being called the forbidden fruit was tossed , loving the race and seeing that it was fair tio eat, knowing power can be enticing she reached for this one , took her time while Hippomenes (or Melanion) watched perspiring and only relived that she took the apple, because in his mind she would only be wiorthy of withing if she truly liked figs and apples as he did.  Was she fast enough for him?  So he was relieved because she succeeded getting the second apple.  He speed by her again, each coiling a bit fortehr thanm the one before and now were were near the finish line, or shall we say the beging line on the new life.

Hippomenes threw his last apple deep into the underbrush and prayed like mad to Aphrodite. Atalanta ran a moment more, then dashed back to the apple, she had to have it. As she emerged from the bushes Hippomenes crossed the finish line.

If you notice Hippomenes (or Melanion) chose artemis not afrodite, he was afrodite, paris was of hera. The source of the apple .  he would have said mars , but knowing the latest Hercules tv show now off the air, mars and hera are allied.  His mother worshiped hera as dulutha.  The last apple fell under eth under growth, it represenst the part of society that is the underbush, or the streets , the underground.  The first was just off tract of life, more towards it but needed to go off the beaten path to know more, esoteric.  Which is the loftyr of the knowledges.  It was ahead of her and pushed her further down the path by having hwer go beyond the tract she though was her life, it was Grecian older scriptures, esoteric and the likes.   The second was in the bushes, not lofty but the middle,  the first was pross pano, towards up or ahead. Up ahead of her, the second into the bushes to the side and the last behind him n the undergrowth.  So he courted her the same way I court women, I wanted to do much but I caught myself ding the same thing I always do, talking and enlightening her.  That was the courtship of tehse two that won.  The unde4rground includes dark room poliywetics , verse poliyetics standard and lofty ideas concening fdratha, these were ideas that he thought about a lot himself and made her as mart as he weas, they were equals.  Its like having a muin learn how to play a board game to help her have fun learning how to startegise.  Right love?  Read this book and so on… a sci fi moviw no way.. way she says…  she ran forward to return to being able to get the last apple and emerged not from the undergrowth but from the bushes which means the undernieth came to light and was controlled by the middle as it is here, we make laws to govern the underground, like night clubs and so on.  The demi type things.  He won and she did, so together the withing was well purcured.  its like adam and eve knwoing each other after finishing teh race to descend from teh paradise of their enlightening wisdon.  teh race truly is a lifes accomplishment up till marriage itself.

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