Thursday, February 27, 2014

boaring dike fairness

Calydonian boar hunt[edit]
Meleager, assisted by Cupid, presents Atalanta with the head of the Calydonian Boar. Oil on panel, studio of Rubens, Rothschild collection, Château de Ferrières. Another large version by Rubens c.1635 is at the Alte Pinakothek, Munich, and a smaller version at the Walker Art Gallery, LiverpoolWhen Artemis was forgotten at a sacrifice by King Oineus, she was angered and sent the Calydonian Boar, a wild boar that ravaged the land, men, and cattle and prevented crops from being sown. Atalanta joined Meleager and many other famous heroes on a hunt for the boar. Many of the men were angry that a woman was joining them, but Meleager, though married, lusted for Atalanta, and so he persuaded them to include her. Several of the men were killed before Atalanta became the first to hit the boar and draw blood. After Meleager finally killed the boar with his spear, he awarded the skin (or head[4]) to Atalanta. Meleager’s uncles, Plexippus and Toxeus, were angry and tried to take the skin from her. In revenge, Meleager killed his uncles. Wild with grief, Meleager's mother Althaea threw a charmed log on the fire, which consumed Meleager's life as it burned.
The boar is a male ritual of marriage and ascemntuion that atalanata gained her tahatha right. it is a ritual women go through. The boar represents the people she grew up with, bears and borars, it was a council that can achieve much, left alone at a party led to a chastise meant of those who did not want to join her there. Really she was left there to fend for her self, to find one who lusted, found her attractive as with.She as angry, androthike, she adrothesised as the men were with her, uhg. though gentilmen, they were not pigs like odyseus myth at circie. rather she was proving herself equal to men, , she was like mary who was not sent away and was shown to be equally a man and thus fair to both sexes, a diky, fair and honoured to get a ben elohim a son of god as written iin that blibla. see genesis. that is why a true dike expects a god as with. For fair means just so ne divinely just for all gods require equal goddesses as withs, de,amnd as all good people cal for fair and just withs, so be fair and just. accird to the symatic laws governing all. the boar or union could disrupt people , crops and others if you siobeyed teh law, even take you into costody as policers. They were nixts ( former knights). She hit the boar in teh head abnd her husband finished it off as her male counterpart proving her equally rightueos and one with this just league. she got teh skin and the head, the wisdom of changing teh orgabnisation as a krithit with her husband who equally became a krithit , ge was after her riegn as paradigm encompassing the desired change by all good people. the anger is two fold, one they were mad they succeeded and did not want her to try but also they were mad, andreamany, energised and played teh role of tehr ight which belows and snares like aboar, not anger but the serious play idf right. yes roles exist, the system ens age was changing, it was a epoch change. So teh anger also represents those who wanted the chagne to fail and maintain the corruption of teh old age, all the good became teh new vore she headed as women and that she could wield and cjrage people with * legally) and send to do offical rulers business, like the ss.. the skin is teh uniform of beloning and teh head the authority of the body represenetd by the boar, body of law included. the spear is the authity of teh male firster of her as champion, a term they used in this age. many died as atalanta ascended, with with speared decalring her. she drew blood, and found teh real blood line and rite to ascend. she mained teh old beast and the hubby finished it off. anger still persisted though she was in aithority position to wield teh boar. to spear the boar is an old saying meaning finishmeant, the spear is an ancient symbol of militaration or policering power, the lance of a nixt, teh land rod of Calydonian. Thus the right of Calydonian was granted by atalanta.Inxluding the male right given to women to complete getting teh datheretic right which is the unified right of both men and women, which is dikish and fair and needed to be ultimately fair. thus the equal potential of both sexes to be equal is necessary to be fair and be given , weven if one has teh right only as asecondary right and eld, to become fair and be given a diven soul mate, like all real fair dikes prefer..

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