Atalanta was the daughter of Iasus (or Mainalos or Schoeneus,
according to Hyginus), a Boeotian (according to Hesiod) or an Arcadian
princess (according to the Bibliotheca). The Bibliotheca is the only one
who gives an account of Atalanta’s birth and upbringing. King Iasus
wanted a son; when Atalanta was born, he left her on a mountaintop to
die. Some stories say that a she-bear suckled and cared for Atalanta
until hunters found and raised her, and she learned to fight and hunt as
a bear would. She was later reunited with her father.
Having grown up in the wilderness, Atalanta became a fierce hunter and was always happy. She took an oath of virginity to the goddess Artemis.[2][3]
from :
atalanta was a Iasus and was a archadian princess. The Bibliotheca is the only text that has her story, though she is one of teh aNCIENT HELLENIST HEROES IN TEH ARGO AS WELL AS IN HOMER, THOUGH ONE MIGHT WONDER if they are the same women. they are ar least in these three contexts.
all the heroes in teh argo are ancient diety imythets and heores of all teh world. they come from all places of teh same dfivine seed in us all. Thus in troy like hercules from generations before appeared. Thus the boat of trtha is also the other side of teh argos whose other bow is the boat of muha, the first focus on teh women of teh argo and teh later the men, the women boat picked up helen of troy returning her home brethata or untouched by all, including paris who was trying to get an allience beyond teh old rite that had seculed tehancients of many lands in an unfruitful accord, teh old age was ending.
Isuas is an other name of teh divine body of artenmis. Same godess.
tralanlanta was bread as a princess but was not the son king Iasus dfesired, so he left her on a mountain top for her to die, for her old female self to die, to have her transform as teh code to such styories go,
epipus was left on a mountain with heearders who left him to die and brought him up humble to be as his fayjer and mary one like his mother and thus rule with second sight, a wisdom that needs no eyes as sclefus says, knowing he married a mahatha as he said a a with mothererly super wmin ( woman) he recieved teh right and gift of equality before all sexes, though gaurded as he said by teh wish of property justice and divine accord to pproper behaviour.
Now talanta was brought by a bear, truly a bear had place, but the tribe who was in charh=ge of it was beareans ,were teh trafi. thus he left her to be educated so she would be born a new by the ancienst who held right and of their line in archadia. she learned to fight like a bear, and these folks used bear style m,artiel arts. now called behetha. to fight like them is to be one, then she was nirsed maided by hunters wives, those of teh beerras and others of teh land, like elder authorit victoria, to be with rights beofre teh age of four.
clearity comes when one realises by civic virtue both sexes can be equual. the merit of equality is earned in its maintance , so do good thinmgs so you do not lose rights when arrested. bye bye mobility rights and a few otherss., your in costody.
she learned teh ways of teh hunters and thus to hunt even ideas as they do. Thus artemis was a hunteress of divine propriety and ideals well founded, one of rights and that offered to liberty thus of ones right to aquire as just provided to you.
edopus means swollen feet thus he walked a lot, tied feet , like ones hands being tied meaning he was occupied by having to do this, his was rights too, later we will look at him but now to atlanta, bear style worrior diplomatic guiness heroin.
once bread to have a right to be an authorite in that kingdom, of teh bear and all those the kingdom represented, her tale will show she recieved all teh righst of immythites and was one and thus was on teh argo equal to hercules yet sdistinct as all geors are.
more next week
Having grown up in the wilderness, Atalanta became a fierce hunter and was always happy. She took an oath of virginity to the goddess Artemis.[2][3]
from :
atalanta was a Iasus and was a archadian princess. The Bibliotheca is the only text that has her story, though she is one of teh aNCIENT HELLENIST HEROES IN TEH ARGO AS WELL AS IN HOMER, THOUGH ONE MIGHT WONDER if they are the same women. they are ar least in these three contexts.
all the heroes in teh argo are ancient diety imythets and heores of all teh world. they come from all places of teh same dfivine seed in us all. Thus in troy like hercules from generations before appeared. Thus the boat of trtha is also the other side of teh argos whose other bow is the boat of muha, the first focus on teh women of teh argo and teh later the men, the women boat picked up helen of troy returning her home brethata or untouched by all, including paris who was trying to get an allience beyond teh old rite that had seculed tehancients of many lands in an unfruitful accord, teh old age was ending.
Isuas is an other name of teh divine body of artenmis. Same godess.
tralanlanta was bread as a princess but was not the son king Iasus dfesired, so he left her on a mountain top for her to die, for her old female self to die, to have her transform as teh code to such styories go,
epipus was left on a mountain with heearders who left him to die and brought him up humble to be as his fayjer and mary one like his mother and thus rule with second sight, a wisdom that needs no eyes as sclefus says, knowing he married a mahatha as he said a a with mothererly super wmin ( woman) he recieved teh right and gift of equality before all sexes, though gaurded as he said by teh wish of property justice and divine accord to pproper behaviour.
Now talanta was brought by a bear, truly a bear had place, but the tribe who was in charh=ge of it was beareans ,were teh trafi. thus he left her to be educated so she would be born a new by the ancienst who held right and of their line in archadia. she learned to fight like a bear, and these folks used bear style m,artiel arts. now called behetha. to fight like them is to be one, then she was nirsed maided by hunters wives, those of teh beerras and others of teh land, like elder authorit victoria, to be with rights beofre teh age of four.
clearity comes when one realises by civic virtue both sexes can be equual. the merit of equality is earned in its maintance , so do good thinmgs so you do not lose rights when arrested. bye bye mobility rights and a few otherss., your in costody.
she learned teh ways of teh hunters and thus to hunt even ideas as they do. Thus artemis was a hunteress of divine propriety and ideals well founded, one of rights and that offered to liberty thus of ones right to aquire as just provided to you.
edopus means swollen feet thus he walked a lot, tied feet , like ones hands being tied meaning he was occupied by having to do this, his was rights too, later we will look at him but now to atlanta, bear style worrior diplomatic guiness heroin.
once bread to have a right to be an authorite in that kingdom, of teh bear and all those the kingdom represented, her tale will show she recieved all teh righst of immythites and was one and thus was on teh argo equal to hercules yet sdistinct as all geors are.
more next week
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