Thursday, February 27, 2014

boaring dike fairness

Calydonian boar hunt[edit]
Meleager, assisted by Cupid, presents Atalanta with the head of the Calydonian Boar. Oil on panel, studio of Rubens, Rothschild collection, Château de Ferrières. Another large version by Rubens c.1635 is at the Alte Pinakothek, Munich, and a smaller version at the Walker Art Gallery, LiverpoolWhen Artemis was forgotten at a sacrifice by King Oineus, she was angered and sent the Calydonian Boar, a wild boar that ravaged the land, men, and cattle and prevented crops from being sown. Atalanta joined Meleager and many other famous heroes on a hunt for the boar. Many of the men were angry that a woman was joining them, but Meleager, though married, lusted for Atalanta, and so he persuaded them to include her. Several of the men were killed before Atalanta became the first to hit the boar and draw blood. After Meleager finally killed the boar with his spear, he awarded the skin (or head[4]) to Atalanta. Meleager’s uncles, Plexippus and Toxeus, were angry and tried to take the skin from her. In revenge, Meleager killed his uncles. Wild with grief, Meleager's mother Althaea threw a charmed log on the fire, which consumed Meleager's life as it burned.
The boar is a male ritual of marriage and ascemntuion that atalanata gained her tahatha right. it is a ritual women go through. The boar represents the people she grew up with, bears and borars, it was a council that can achieve much, left alone at a party led to a chastise meant of those who did not want to join her there. Really she was left there to fend for her self, to find one who lusted, found her attractive as with.She as angry, androthike, she adrothesised as the men were with her, uhg. though gentilmen, they were not pigs like odyseus myth at circie. rather she was proving herself equal to men, , she was like mary who was not sent away and was shown to be equally a man and thus fair to both sexes, a diky, fair and honoured to get a ben elohim a son of god as written iin that blibla. see genesis. that is why a true dike expects a god as with. For fair means just so ne divinely just for all gods require equal goddesses as withs, de,amnd as all good people cal for fair and just withs, so be fair and just. accird to the symatic laws governing all. the boar or union could disrupt people , crops and others if you siobeyed teh law, even take you into costody as policers. They were nixts ( former knights). She hit the boar in teh head abnd her husband finished it off as her male counterpart proving her equally rightueos and one with this just league. she got teh skin and the head, the wisdom of changing teh orgabnisation as a krithit with her husband who equally became a krithit , ge was after her riegn as paradigm encompassing the desired change by all good people. the anger is two fold, one they were mad they succeeded and did not want her to try but also they were mad, andreamany, energised and played teh role of tehr ight which belows and snares like aboar, not anger but the serious play idf right. yes roles exist, the system ens age was changing, it was a epoch change. So teh anger also represents those who wanted the chagne to fail and maintain the corruption of teh old age, all the good became teh new vore she headed as women and that she could wield and cjrage people with * legally) and send to do offical rulers business, like the ss.. the skin is teh uniform of beloning and teh head the authority of the body represenetd by the boar, body of law included. the spear is the authity of teh male firster of her as champion, a term they used in this age. many died as atalanta ascended, with with speared decalring her. she drew blood, and found teh real blood line and rite to ascend. she mained teh old beast and the hubby finished it off. anger still persisted though she was in aithority position to wield teh boar. to spear the boar is an old saying meaning finishmeant, the spear is an ancient symbol of militaration or policering power, the lance of a nixt, teh land rod of Calydonian. Thus the right of Calydonian was granted by atalanta.Inxluding the male right given to women to complete getting teh datheretic right which is the unified right of both men and women, which is dikish and fair and needed to be ultimately fair. thus the equal potential of both sexes to be equal is necessary to be fair and be given , weven if one has teh right only as asecondary right and eld, to become fair and be given a diven soul mate, like all real fair dikes prefer..

happiness and vows of parthenaic

Having grown up in the wilderness, Atalanta became a fierce hunter and was always happy. She took an oath of virginity to the goddess Artemis.[2][3]
atakanta grew up in the wilderness, she was a vopice from teh wilderness. the womean who foubnd refuge and strength in teh wilderness, see the trheth ( standard) bibla. She became an artemis a huntress, a worrior, a bringer of arta, a holy host. a seeder of people as she was outside teh city, a bringer of old and new light to the city, one of hethretic righst bound in teh native cultures of all teh people she represented and originated from, all rights as she bnecame a krithieet.She was always happy, she was beyond misery beyond suffering, she had transcended, she had sanctified as this is a blessing of divinity. Not incapable of dealing with the concerns of teh world wisely and sharply and even with ferrosity that she is well known for, but she was controlled and strategic in her goals, she was bueatiful but became the huntress who leads to teh wisdom of all such arts in cluding rukling. She took a vow as a parthena to artemis, they called themselves chaste, that is the word for a divine or mortal who acts with proper sexual desire, incluing the strategic aproach to hunting, or better yet capturing a mate. As a huntress the chasti of artemis was apropriate to lead and become divine as she did.
recall others have been down this road of enlightenment who vowed even ti atalanta.
She was born after all the parthenonic templas were builtm.

References for Atalanta

atalanta story will be examined fully before we move to teh next story and epic myth.
here are some things to look at that I will examione concerning said:
The Myth of Atalanta - Women in Greek Myths
Atalanta - Greek Mythology Link
ATALANTA : Princess of Arcadia ; Greek mythology ...
Atalanta - Famous Woman Runner and Heroine

evelutionary pattern to utter umanity

The understanding concerning myths such as edipus and atalanta have become clearer, rite, right ascention training through indegenous evolved umans like the bear, the jackel, the bull, the wolf, were wolf deos of licodemea and other places cosmixally.
werecows and were bears, bugbears, sarian races evolving, each to teh paradigm of teh divine mold pattern that makes trasition races like gofereans sons of teh soil, not inbread evolving, fully human. Yes they like meremaids are evolving umans, really fully what is called human, one or two genereation full intergration, evolution when your aunt is your mom your playing word hames due to groups you join where the with is called mom too, moomy lets play. All equally compatible and sethent, that is the human [rogram actuating through quatuum refrained sethetic mold patterns as a scientist at lathet multifivergance wrote in an article from sci now. He just finished a Dethat in astro phisoliyetics.
Its all elenetary what was called formerly science and astro phisics.
new evolutionary beaings enter as all do, biorn seven pke and thus non corruptable. Civil nad patentially capable of full integration and ultimate eqiual prosperity in same in said societies.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

decoding myths and other stuff

decoding myths and other stuff

Note atlamta was pamphilian of all teh mixed races of dratha nd those who claimed to be of one evolutionary line, to them since deon we are all of one common origin and of the same god stuff made, praise goddess.
those fake gothitters we now call ku or gesseterrs, means ass-ers.
the epic legend series of gammes depicting real historic battles with all teh blessings and powers, mav to even psyhic, found in them as strategic mechanism of teh game, tactically at a players desposal, rock, killer , love them, yes I help design , only cause I love the game, , dreams come trule if your good, now I can play more games with plastic peices like axis and allies, armegedom and so on.
all good,
so the sond who founded rome were of teh right of teh wolf, one wanted teh eagles right and teh otehr the dove, the dove woon and teh others chicken hawk, teh war symbol lost, so rome was founded by right of pezace not war.
praise thati to centurius, and ceasar teh salad lover. for unlike some images of it it was peaceful.
look up the myth of romes beginning we will look at it as well, its short, maybe, another myth to add, maybe forty more of similar kinds, more fun. oh boy.
truly cool
till next week when we continue with takabta atlantam and teh educator myth of teh right of passage from epipus to licious and lexes of rome and what later names they were given. freekso helped in decoding, each hmtyyth has added to the understanding of how they are written , how they mean and what they mean to us the ancients and in totality.

Atalanta begins

Atalanta was the daughter of Iasus (or Mainalos or Schoeneus, according to Hyginus), a Boeotian (according to Hesiod) or an Arcadian princess (according to the Bibliotheca). The Bibliotheca is the only one who gives an account of Atalanta’s birth and upbringing. King Iasus wanted a son; when Atalanta was born, he left her on a mountaintop to die. Some stories say that a she-bear suckled and cared for Atalanta until hunters found and raised her, and she learned to fight and hunt as a bear would. She was later reunited with her father.
Having grown up in the wilderness, Atalanta became a fierce hunter and was always happy. She took an oath of virginity to the goddess Artemis.[2][3]
from :
atalanta was a Iasus and was a archadian princess. The Bibliotheca is the only text that has her story, though she is one of teh aNCIENT HELLENIST HEROES IN TEH ARGO AS WELL AS IN HOMER, THOUGH ONE MIGHT WONDER if they are the same women. they are ar least in these three contexts.
all the heroes in teh argo are ancient diety imythets and heores of all teh world. they come from all places of teh same dfivine seed in us all. Thus in troy like hercules from generations before appeared. Thus the boat of trtha is also the other side of teh argos whose other bow is the boat of muha, the first focus on teh women of teh argo and teh later the men, the women boat picked up helen of troy returning her home brethata or untouched by all, including paris who was trying to get an allience beyond teh old rite that had seculed tehancients of many lands in an unfruitful accord, teh old age was ending.
Isuas is an other name of teh divine body of artenmis. Same godess.
tralanlanta was bread as a princess but was not the son king Iasus dfesired, so he left her on a mountain top for her to die, for her old female self to die, to have her transform as teh code to such styories go,
epipus was left on a mountain with heearders who left him to die and brought him up humble to be as his fayjer and mary one like his mother and thus rule with second sight, a wisdom that needs no eyes as sclefus says, knowing he married a mahatha as he said a a with mothererly super wmin ( woman) he recieved teh right and gift of equality before all sexes, though gaurded as he said by teh wish of property justice and divine accord to pproper behaviour.
Now talanta was brought by a bear, truly a bear had place, but the tribe who was in charh=ge of it was beareans ,were teh trafi. thus he left her to be educated so she would be born a new by the ancienst who held right and of their line in archadia. she learned to fight like a bear, and these folks used bear style m,artiel arts. now called behetha. to fight like them is to be one, then she was nirsed maided by hunters wives, those of teh beerras and others of teh land, like elder authorit victoria, to be with rights beofre teh age of four.
clearity comes when one realises by civic virtue both sexes can be equual. the merit of equality is earned in its maintance , so do good thinmgs so you do not lose rights when arrested. bye bye mobility rights and a few otherss., your in costody.
she learned teh ways of teh hunters and thus to hunt even ideas as they do. Thus artemis was a hunteress of divine propriety and ideals well founded, one of rights and that offered to liberty thus of ones right to aquire as just provided to you.
edopus means swollen feet thus he walked a lot, tied feet , like ones hands being tied meaning he was occupied by having to do this, his was rights too, later we will look at him but now to atlanta, bear style worrior diplomatic guiness heroin.
once bread to have a right to be an authorite in that kingdom, of teh bear and all those the kingdom represented, her tale will show she recieved all teh righst of immythites and was one and thus was on teh argo equal to hercules yet sdistinct as all geors are.
more next week

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

the many faces of Atalanta

next week we will begin interpreting more myth including atalanta's myth
acheilis appears often with personal myths not just tied to teh eliad.
after that we will look at epipus all three works.
I will finish off with teh eliad as we have done eth oddysy.
proton O uqsqu
till next week
her name appears in many myths.
Atalanta become a name used by women in dratherara rites, its a women at third level, artenmis is fith, afrodite 4
women is one and eve two. Since the mentions of this goddess in myths can also be a title, the minations and prevats refered to making up the body of atalanta is many not just one.
teh fisr married herafrath, who was before hercules, read on and we will look at this and other sections next week.
. Atalanta
"Atalanta and Peleus Wrestling. Black-figure Hydria, c. 550 B.C."PD Courtesy of Bibi Saint-Pol at Wikipedia.
Greek heroes were overwhelmingly men. the one noteworthy female athlete deserves a place. She is Atalanta, the sole women who sailed with Jason on his quest for the golden fleece, according to some. This paved the way for the return trip with the witch Medea of Colchis on board. Atalanta is also the hunter who first pierced the Calydonian Boar. Atalanta is best known, however, for losing a race because she kept stopping to pick up golden apples. As a result of losing the race, she was obligated to marry Melanion (or Hippomenes).

gaem reality update

the adamatic program has been upgraded as I have mentioned before. It has upgraded multiple times based on teh educationary upgrades everyone is experiencing.
people are happy as the ambiant has incraesed
add the new games people are playing and thinking about that the intelligence quotient is going up in general, as a body as gothit, IQ EQ has upgraded 189% in two years. base line ba garde 132 brilliant as base line in a year or two, forward
have you seen teh new strateja games available, like fanatsy domain, first family family one, bruthuta, killer
you do not need a game master and you get to run the entire nation, planet and so forth
na role playingare newly emerging gendra, stratej
like the game litheta which is ancient and allows you to run an army as a general(s) in command, new ones used by previous armies like trathet and erini.
are are 10 pages some fifty
pro star and league allows you to run the now defunk pro sport leagues, full set of all players ever now available, amazing game also allows you to play the new grada level sport teams.
old school game
the erst of the role playing to comp systems like the universal role playing systems that are compatible with everything from quake to warkraft and all these games
warplaying is now used to refer to board game war games like risk aND HEX WAR AGMES
WARPLAYING war gaems.
tables count as boards so miniatures fit this title
miniature warplaying war games ,'
all of which, including the live action and actit role playing games, live action role playing are part of teh adventure game market as are comp games,
have fun people have the intellectual fervour happeing
please continue studying if in skolhi

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

words of drahathetic wisdom

our analysis of cadmus is nearly finished, next week I will post more post thoughts concerning this dietus. the ideas are flowing and people are studying hard. .
teh concept of concern from his wife is dream what you can and becoem as much as you can.
as teh someones cosine once said, aim as high up as yopu can so you reach as far up as you can.
cadm,us would say: dream big and become bigger,
as some say aim high and reach higher which is drawnfrom cadmus.
his son of that epoch would say thibnk big and become so
from teh dauter bexcome as big as yiou believe you can be ading the last son , by beleive you bigger than you are
the somebody says: become bigger than you can dream based on that dream
and as I add
so aim high so the greater dream is larger than anything you can imagine as teh beginning of that whoich you aim to accomplish .
till next week.
check out the new adventure agames , hot new generation, 15 companies unlimited concepts.

peices of the full stories of Diephets

peices of the full stories of Diephets

we have finished with cadmus.
it seems thast each heroe and real divinity actually has a tale saved by each peoples and former faiths. So cadmus, is st iligia and Job. each uses a diferent style and often includes stories not used in others, though always contain enough of the other stories or ties if you look closely that one can link to the other tales, herath ran for miles wearing a golden girdle given to him by dratha of teh amazon
hercules was given a golden girdle by the same women and he ran to touthut which is THo former torono..
Thus one can get a huge story or fuller story of a di theon by looking at teh diferent stories and peicing them together like a puzzle. For instance casdmus was robbed by people he knew, look at teh details he sounds like a job, he was Job. If you look at all the information you can teh picture and connection ebcomes more aparent,
Anciant tuthea, of tuth not toth who is cadmus was her in Amerathon and included THo to yorkee from drath ( desden which merans dragon former tehre of so does the new drath) to the former james bay or grux bay. jam bay
anazaxerus or malthious from the drethic bible ( former old testiment) was from now the THO area ( teeo) his dauter dretha was from around here too.