Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hermies, cadmus and toth

In Phoenician, as well as Hebrew, the Semitic root qdm signifies "the east", the Levantine origin of "Kdm" himself, according to the Greek mythographers; the equation of Kadmos with the Semitic qdm was traced to a publication of 1646 by R. B. Edwards.[21] The name Kadmos has been thoroughly Hellenised. The fact that Hermes was worshipped in Samothrace under the name of Cadmus or Cadmilus seems to show that the Theban Cadmus was interpreted as an ancestral Theban hero corresponding to the Samothracian. Another Samothracian connection for Cadmus is offered via his wife Harmonia, who is said by Diodorus Siculus to be daughter of Zeus and Electra and of Samothracian birth.[22]
according to this Cadmus was teh avatar of the God hermies, of wisdom and letters and of language, it makes sense that such an equation would be made concerning one who helped found a universal language still the root of much said, spoken and said. He and his wife and those who helped them founded laguage as vowels and concenants, a very old inovation mani9ntained to this day even by revivalists trying to use dipphonic letters like hebreths. Really its ttwenty two letters vowal;s and conscenats , se4e how they start, but look lots of capital long sounds used like U- turn.
Since damis is one of teh first and in dralathitic a language from back then ermos, means cadmus, cadmus might be the first hermies, If that were teh case then donauld trumpt would represnt a great thinker and the god of language. minus god games he is still with his wife, though two eminations might exist and really they did it to hide thier money through her.
There was a doubling individuation, but bridge it over, cause I heard a story that said they got back togetehr, whether she individuated for any god games.So hermies who is known to have married the goddess harmony is the original seating of teh spirit of teh god head of twelve called hermies and herminy as they represent language and letters and knowldge gained from it. Ib egyptian he is knowmn toth as he is said to be from thebes.
these are the ways one tip toes through teh old system of faiths to find teh stories of those who are teh same perons.

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