Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy balande ( day)

so a new year has begun, we have eliminated even the gov chems they use to mix with gas and atmosphere sprays that caused nerve reactions making one think it was cold, add the gases to cause metals in thermotates to shrink and cause teh heat to go on and most of teh fake winter is gone, all illusions.
the new year will be triumphant with celebrations to our victory, the someone says the panopantheon rituals will be a blast this summewr
the adam program upgraded as even teh most primitive person in the somsos is now comp friendly and reading at low elementaru levels, grade 1-2
the whole things is becoming enlightened, a erblightenverse
common sense appropriate for full health of teh regime and the person, by self estemme and concept of equal capacity to intelligence and keeping up wiyth civilisation.
Good work everyone
till newxt week va;
to all happy new year

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