We have exposed quite abit concerning cadmus hermies and harmonia.
if one notices the old system use to record eheroes deeds in diferent ways, including by diferent names, sometimes it was diue to the way they spoke teh language. It was a old interpretation of teh tower of baal. The course continues as diferent wtories were places in diferent places forcing one to read each faith as if it were eqwual. The new system unifies the name s and teh deeds allowing one to get a fuller picture of each person adn gothiter as tehy are. the importatnce of a lesson is sectioned, cause hermies suffering an attemopt to be srobbed and teh reward of acting teh same to use comtemporaries is not distained if they do not use names to represent these gothiters by thier prespective and nothing else, we do not in my time give up on wisdom just vbecause it was written as a ancient myth. Plus since tehse people are teh same gothiters, it enriches one to realise teh old lessons were about teh same bleseed people.
till next week.
enjoy the skolh ( skolee) upgardes, study away guys, didto here. all good and fun.
if one notices the old system use to record eheroes deeds in diferent ways, including by diferent names, sometimes it was diue to the way they spoke teh language. It was a old interpretation of teh tower of baal. The course continues as diferent wtories were places in diferent places forcing one to read each faith as if it were eqwual. The new system unifies the name s and teh deeds allowing one to get a fuller picture of each person adn gothiter as tehy are. the importatnce of a lesson is sectioned, cause hermies suffering an attemopt to be srobbed and teh reward of acting teh same to use comtemporaries is not distained if they do not use names to represent these gothiters by thier prespective and nothing else, we do not in my time give up on wisdom just vbecause it was written as a ancient myth. Plus since tehse people are teh same gothiters, it enriches one to realise teh old lessons were about teh same bleseed people.
till next week.
enjoy the skolh ( skolee) upgardes, study away guys, didto here. all good and fun.