Thursday, January 23, 2014

releyethic puzzle tiproe

We have exposed quite abit concerning cadmus hermies and harmonia.
if one notices the old system use to record eheroes deeds in diferent ways, including by diferent names, sometimes it was diue to the way they spoke teh language. It was a old interpretation of teh tower of baal. The course continues as diferent wtories were places in diferent places forcing one to read each faith as if it were eqwual. The new system unifies the name s and teh deeds allowing one to get a fuller picture of each person adn gothiter as tehy are. the importatnce of a lesson is sectioned, cause hermies suffering an attemopt to be srobbed and teh reward of acting teh same to use comtemporaries is not distained if they do not use names to represent these gothiters by thier prespective and nothing else, we do not in my time give up on wisdom just vbecause it was written as a ancient myth. Plus since tehse people are teh same gothiters, it enriches one to realise teh old lessons were about teh same bleseed people.
till next week.
enjoy the skolh ( skolee) upgardes, study away guys, didto here. all good and fun.

Harmony of language according to knowledge

Some modern scholars argue that Cadmus was originally an autochthonous Boeotian hero and that only in later times, did the story of a Phoenician adventurer of that name become current, to whom was ascribed the introduction of the alphabet, the invention of agriculture and working in bronze and of civilization generally.[23][24] The "Wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia" is considered as a conceptual symbolic coupling of Eastern (Phoenician) learning with Western (Greek) love of beauty.
it is harmonia that is od teh east as cadmus is teh unity bid to the west, though in thier times directions were diferent, Harmonia's kazdom as mentions reaches to the east and his was west of it based on teh former dictions used. She is arf and he was warf, norf and sarf
is it a symbolic unity of the two words of knowlde and wisdom, Yes but there is more too it. The couple came to symbalise teh unity of peoples in their time through teh kingdom names of teh kuzdoms they came to represent later. Phenician is a much more modern name from the people harmonia represented in teh uninion that unified teh couple. They knowldge that grew from the universal cioosmic unity, though losely bopund through divinity and higher powers, including the universal spread of teh language, came to be represnetd in both cadmus and harmonia and hermies and harmonia. Oy was marmony that allowed for the accord to uniy people intellectually through language that allowed knowwldge to grow and spread equally through teh sytem, based on the merit of the divine clearance allowing one access to these higher things. paraise hermies and hamonia.
this is the post for this weekend.

Hermies, cadmus and toth

In Phoenician, as well as Hebrew, the Semitic root qdm signifies "the east", the Levantine origin of "Kdm" himself, according to the Greek mythographers; the equation of Kadmos with the Semitic qdm was traced to a publication of 1646 by R. B. Edwards.[21] The name Kadmos has been thoroughly Hellenised. The fact that Hermes was worshipped in Samothrace under the name of Cadmus or Cadmilus seems to show that the Theban Cadmus was interpreted as an ancestral Theban hero corresponding to the Samothracian. Another Samothracian connection for Cadmus is offered via his wife Harmonia, who is said by Diodorus Siculus to be daughter of Zeus and Electra and of Samothracian birth.[22]
according to this Cadmus was teh avatar of the God hermies, of wisdom and letters and of language, it makes sense that such an equation would be made concerning one who helped found a universal language still the root of much said, spoken and said. He and his wife and those who helped them founded laguage as vowels and concenants, a very old inovation mani9ntained to this day even by revivalists trying to use dipphonic letters like hebreths. Really its ttwenty two letters vowal;s and conscenats , se4e how they start, but look lots of capital long sounds used like U- turn.
Since damis is one of teh first and in dralathitic a language from back then ermos, means cadmus, cadmus might be the first hermies, If that were teh case then donauld trumpt would represnt a great thinker and the god of language. minus god games he is still with his wife, though two eminations might exist and really they did it to hide thier money through her.
There was a doubling individuation, but bridge it over, cause I heard a story that said they got back togetehr, whether she individuated for any god games.So hermies who is known to have married the goddess harmony is the original seating of teh spirit of teh god head of twelve called hermies and herminy as they represent language and letters and knowldge gained from it. Ib egyptian he is knowmn toth as he is said to be from thebes.
these are the ways one tip toes through teh old system of faiths to find teh stories of those who are teh same perons.

prolomnged memory burn opening file upload

in as much as many people are familiar with the cadmus tale thus presented, the same hero who is only titled cadmus
cadmun? maybe one of them. Harmonia is also a title, she use to be tranquile but full of energy so she reac hed transcended harmony and balance odf all powers and faculties.
Cadmus is also known as shantu the dragon slayer and Job.
If you recall they tried stealing everything from him, his half witted neibours and relatives of teh city of patmos.
Prasise Gothit
Thales is teh first philosopher and though of teh age of the human and philophropic platonic presence of being as concept, he is not heroically mythisised but rather glorified as a thinker and faller into foot deep wells , poudles you call them, making thracian servant girls giggle, those kind of myths, but as all greats have a myth including his wife we will check the basuis of this myth later, like crucificians that never occured but were the story of what occured to save rthe great christ. Thus they have myth and this myth reflects teh style of its time.
cadmus is of teh first age of existance, 18.2 billion years ago, though it was not called thebes amd was in that area , buildings that were there are that old, two ruined monuments ravaged by time. trthic marble cit has a half life of 27 billion years, the twelve stones llaid there are still there: inscriptions in tact..
Today the resserected Job, cadmus is dounald trump and several other gothitteers who are also job, been there done that and wow after teh store room they really go down, justice style divine and reglective of the same symbatically lawful divine.
recall immortallity comes with the instance grace of perpetual youth, 18 and life to go.

Monday, January 13, 2014

system crunch upgrade onwards

The adamatic system just crunched again, all submitted have returned to school, we are awaiting the panpantheon ritual this summer to close the last of teh old system, we have won in ways they could not even imagine.
the system logistical logical procedural memtic wisdom is rising. keep up the good work. we just finished teh trathetic ritual, starts with fire and all chems producing teh first events cosmically, the someone went through this in 1999, see earlier part of the was water starting with the avetha (fall) equinox. fire starts with zatha (summer) solstice. Earth starts in teleth (dec) around and air after the new year. all noxious and poisonous substances are extinct, most of the is ritual is defunct, in the future we will use safe substances that remind us of these elements but are pleasant in every way, as teh bible foretold, no illness, no addiction, no matter how much you like a substance, no evil no war and immortality to all that are left as only the good sealed and submitted live to here, recall all children are now incepted sealed, Adams and gothiters.

cadmus serpent rise transfigured

In another telling of the story, the bodies of Cadmus and his wife were changed after their deaths; the serpents watched their tomb while their souls were translated to the fields. In Euripides' The Bacchae, Cadmus is given a prophecy by Dionysus whereby both he and his wife will be turned into snakes for a period before eventually being brought to live among the blest.
Here the cattle were lauling the angels awake but more like roman soldiers around the womb tomb. The two were placed in a tomb, Harmonia and Cadmus as serpents watched thier bodies translate or transfigure into what they became , which was ne3eded to enter the field or level of energy to be heavenly and a angel. The serpents were the Eguards sent by the pytheans Tragaty , the ones who grew out of the now dead dragon. These were the priests of the past religion and were sent by the aristocracy and authorities of trathity which is . polileyetic, theoleyetic and social.
The fields are the Elysian fields opr the energy spirit level of gothetters, goddesses and gods who are heroes and are allowed to treturn to help people. In Euripides' The Bacchae, Cadmus is given a prophecy by Dionysus that they will become serpents as said in the bagavagita and be allowed to enter the place of teh blessed. The serpents are the great powers of heaven, its symbolic as serpenst to many represent power, hold teh serpenst like powers above your head so you realise alll power is through gothit and of gothits will only. Here the two become great powers in teh universal body of god and goddess. Some angels are depicted as serpents to represent thier power through their onesss and authority granted through gothit as one with gothit and the powers gothit judges to be merits for them to use.theBacchae are teh elds who rose with these two angels, These are the elds who rose with teh diathetha and deiethea krithits based on this couple ascending to krithit authority in thier time by right and being chosen by teh system to represenmt the new accord of teh times based on the agreement of all the good people who had to agree to have the rights righted and accorded to allow for a krithit. the system gothit chooses the krithit and no one can do anything about it except like teh good and wise gree to the new accord being put into place , analgurated by all the good for all goodness sake.
Samael is a serpent and of the blest court of gothit god goddess and like all angels we obey the symbatic rules as are own will and act in that unisen as if we share one soul with gothit as we do, no one can disobey teh will of gothit without being powerless and damned.
recall the second death, the real one is erasure as the devil sends you down you the damned are gone forever, read it and weep. the devil is immortal and one of teh sacred angels of gothit and as Christ says he backs you up and when good and does the bidding of the will of Gothit too. Many angles gain powers and become ' serpents' meaning powerful before ascending to the Elysian fields, Hercules was a great powerful person and serpent then rose to the Elysium fields.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy balande ( day)

so a new year has begun, we have eliminated even the gov chems they use to mix with gas and atmosphere sprays that caused nerve reactions making one think it was cold, add the gases to cause metals in thermotates to shrink and cause teh heat to go on and most of teh fake winter is gone, all illusions.
the new year will be triumphant with celebrations to our victory, the someone says the panopantheon rituals will be a blast this summewr
the adam program upgraded as even teh most primitive person in the somsos is now comp friendly and reading at low elementaru levels, grade 1-2
the whole things is becoming enlightened, a erblightenverse
common sense appropriate for full health of teh regime and the person, by self estemme and concept of equal capacity to intelligence and keeping up wiyth civilisation.
Good work everyone
till newxt week va;
to all happy new year

society of the crethy dragon

Nevertheless, Cadmus was deeply troubled by the ill-fortune which clung to him as a result of his having killed the sacred dragon, and one day he remarked that if the gods were so enamoured of the life of a serpent, he might as well wish that life for himself. Immediately he began to grow scales and change in form. Harmonia, seeing the transformation, thereupon begged the gods to share her husband's fate, which they granted (Hyginus).
many of the ills of cadmus Job was the sufferings of the cleaning of the society of the dragon. Thus the illnesses and chems he suffered, the poisons he endoured were deployed due to teh slaying of teh dragon that represented the authority of the previous age. The nesecity of a authority figure is eneviatable to the evolution of a new symbol of authority representing the new epoch and its regimes. Cadmus who represented and embodied the regime change of his new age rose to the triumphant of teh metamorpghasis of his authority and image into an equally powerful dragon. His wofe through divine grace and teh reliyethic faiths she inspired and corordinated became an authority of teh same change and also transformed into a dragon. the sacles they grew were the clothes of the new authority, strong and armoured. Thus were are correct in hypothesising as we have that cadmus and harmonia became embodiments of teh authority of a civil and social upheaval that caused a epochical change in the entirety of eth consciouness and practices of teh cosmos.

Happy birthdays and new year

I wish you a happy prosperous new year
for everyone else may your new year be a happy and blessed one.
peace all