Saturday, November 16, 2013

news from the front lines

the war cleaning program that was checking to see if the war was over decided that though the old war time system ended its two year check program initiated a new war conflict program ours, it was amn early close and many thought they servived when they were meant not to, so all those people and thier ideas, the powers that did not exist, acted as if it ended, oops, sorry boom your done, snag strike sting, lured to fall easy
we also said end of war 2028 had fuss, fuss startedm dueling even by rules continued
welcome to cosmic war II really three sorta
to pure victory, three people attacked yeasterday , actually 8. wow. what happen to your trillions, oh ya we destroyed them
\recogn gothit style says less that a few quadrillians left, not enough to take a back space desolet planet let alone any defended place like terran or dratha which is 600 people on it
ps dratha went bank rupt, thank you someone
truly the someone is amazing
praise gothit
he bought all old nation deficits cosmically, thrreee daus after the bancrupcy and one month reciever ship he by law called the marker, bye bye old nations you owe him
38 trillion us m can;t pay liquidated
new nation with right of existance paid the someone the deficit and interest, amalgameted through teh right of the somneone , ya the owner
he is teh state
somebody knew

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