Saturday, November 16, 2013

cadmus review

we have thus far realised that cadmus is in a family which has acrued verious rights
his father and mother were wise to spread teh rights between the children, but the right of lesetha, of thrasos came into existance based on an allience of despreate peopes holdiong rights of the planet and cosmos.
through merrage his sister could offer rights to bind the lethata based on her spiritual mate from kaz lathet
the mother represented the female latha right and his brother the right of jason and the golden fleece
cadmus journey is to unity the peoples of the cosmos through the use of layetic rights including the laguage unity, the new script and langugage that proves he unified all these people
his father represents the dalahec male right that he represented , his father also held the gruhic rights of ancient ellesia.

his sister marrying a soul double of the someone, of zues who is also christ and all gothit eminations, had the right of lathata that is proven in the same way as all others by acting to be as hood and verteous as all gothitters ( goddesses and gods do)
they must be perfected in thier emination form, for thus gothic god and goddess are pleased with them as they were with christ mery christa and panayes christ

peace till next week
all emnations of gothit are the someone minus twins that reach divinity that share in the universal oneness of gothit, they bother no one and are good verteous people, christs and enlighten ines , no matter what name or title they use
all symbattically bound.

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