Friday, November 29, 2013

cadmus- Founder of Thebes

Cadmus came in the course of his wanderings to Delphi, where he consulted the oracle. He was ordered to give up his quest and follow a special cow, with a half moon on her flank, which would meet him, and to build a town on the spot where she should lie down exhausted.
anthem of oras was sometimes depicted as a cow with a half moon, in guagy myth she is shevas wife, drethera.athem often like other godesses has a moon depicted with her visage. cadmus would meet this godess and would build a city on that spot.
so the grethemec right included the archetypal right of shiva drathat.
shiva is an ancient that lived in pre ancient times. she holds one of the pre historic rights of ascention and legitimasation on terran
the land of this city is clean right

update of days.

last week I posted twice so this is the next episode in the saga of the reality of the divine.
look another thanks giving, black friday, now signified to me through the darat
that side died badly
christmas is coming
remeberance day is now good tidings day, it was the final decision
thank you day will be in savath or fprmer september.
war program had gone off and two weeks later the new system came up
positive and began ww four, the end fight
full of energy and dinemic, no rest for the wicked

Saturday, November 16, 2013

cadmus review

we have thus far realised that cadmus is in a family which has acrued verious rights
his father and mother were wise to spread teh rights between the children, but the right of lesetha, of thrasos came into existance based on an allience of despreate peopes holdiong rights of the planet and cosmos.
through merrage his sister could offer rights to bind the lethata based on her spiritual mate from kaz lathet
the mother represented the female latha right and his brother the right of jason and the golden fleece
cadmus journey is to unity the peoples of the cosmos through the use of layetic rights including the laguage unity, the new script and langugage that proves he unified all these people
his father represents the dalahec male right that he represented , his father also held the gruhic rights of ancient ellesia.

his sister marrying a soul double of the someone, of zues who is also christ and all gothit eminations, had the right of lathata that is proven in the same way as all others by acting to be as hood and verteous as all gothitters ( goddesses and gods do)
they must be perfected in thier emination form, for thus gothic god and goddess are pleased with them as they were with christ mery christa and panayes christ

peace till next week
all emnations of gothit are the someone minus twins that reach divinity that share in the universal oneness of gothit, they bother no one and are good verteous people, christs and enlighten ines , no matter what name or title they use
all symbattically bound.

empathy, sympathy and pity

I sense some people were wondering what is new about the semtry war time program old program allowed an attack illusion llets say for taste, no more , send a taste die
no empathic fake transfers
hurt your self you hurt your self, you feel it, jusdt you, enjoy
think of semnding this, this rule is peace time to, you are erased
does it hurt, poor nbaby, you will not hurt your self to attack others, that is stupid
I do not sympathise, meaning by concept relate to your plight
I pity you
I think down on you because by relating to what you do, itsd below me
I e,mpathise with those who prefer you do not exist, whan I relate to them I have the same feeling created by my own volition and mind, not because of you,
did you not learn anyttthing in school, did you go to school, ok destroy your hand and suffer, punish your self,
the mind interprets all sensations through a frame work, sugar is sweat but my sweatm how I interpret it and you differ
sp your pain is incapatible to mine
wjhat ewnergy you send or ewmit is incapable of being interpreted as pain or a tase
I have the powers to read you sense you think you can do this but it effects me not and I have to look for it, you are ingnored like a still wind
no mayek can bridge it
its incapatible
pain in us is feed back system, our own nervous syste,m
hothit will not convey negative emotions
or any feelings
communes are self induced reactions to a suance, you get inspired to write on kafa, good your thing, you have no effect on me or us. incompatible
I sympathise you need a mate though I have a mate, when single I might have empathised
I pity those who cause harmm unjustly to people do to it
sucj people are morons.
war program will not sut till 2 years straight peace occurs
2030 terran time
in lathic time where I am its nov 15 or something 2013
100# school sufferage
actuasly 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999945
of all cosmic citizens there and about are back in skolh( skolee- another term for dadact.()
just some things to catch up on
shoing will be heard again dec holidays
till then

nstructiobal update

dramathec right allows for what is called green sakes, this is done through a eld krithit, in one epoch there is only one, the so,meone who is also krithetha , which allows for this, many to avoid thieving relatives wrote businesses under him, to tie them to the knew system.
krietha is a permanet forever position, it has been tied for your benefit, to much money to care about money you are the state mr someone.
thus reality sits one level below, top manasgers and contracts to reliquish property to children through a mate and the someone, sorry theives nothing for you
all kratic rights remain stable through the someonbe tie, permanately
your properties good people are safe
yes he gets paid for the task, 12,3 months ago the last space cosmically was tied through the someone gothically
byjan 20-28 terran time, now what is it 2024 something anyone or anything not submitted to the obidience of the symbatic lawsm through the someone tie is erased from existance, first 100# victory in histoleyetics.
the someones says pennies existm you want to exist , they exist stupid, without them eco structure decays, all businesses that tried getting rid of them including govs have gone bancrupt, kanevea isd fine so is dietha.
I still get them
I guess I will continue to exist, praise gothit, thank you mr someone and somebody
to krithit eld cadmus now
he is dethatm not current acting krithit, the someone is for atleast 39 more years, you need to obey and submit to the someone like all krethit rights to even qualify as a krithit candidate
gothit gives no power to no one who does not submit as I did at a very young age, thus I am a winner
gothit is the extanthata of the someone, as by avatarship we share in that is you become an avatarm believing in avatars gives you no power but what they and gothit intercede for you
all safe

news from the front lines

the war cleaning program that was checking to see if the war was over decided that though the old war time system ended its two year check program initiated a new war conflict program ours, it was amn early close and many thought they servived when they were meant not to, so all those people and thier ideas, the powers that did not exist, acted as if it ended, oops, sorry boom your done, snag strike sting, lured to fall easy
we also said end of war 2028 had fuss, fuss startedm dueling even by rules continued
welcome to cosmic war II really three sorta
to pure victory, three people attacked yeasterday , actually 8. wow. what happen to your trillions, oh ya we destroyed them
\recogn gothit style says less that a few quadrillians left, not enough to take a back space desolet planet let alone any defended place like terran or dratha which is 600 people on it
ps dratha went bank rupt, thank you someone
truly the someone is amazing
praise gothit
he bought all old nation deficits cosmically, thrreee daus after the bancrupcy and one month reciever ship he by law called the marker, bye bye old nations you owe him
38 trillion us m can;t pay liquidated
new nation with right of existance paid the someone the deficit and interest, amalgameted through teh right of the somneone , ya the owner
he is teh state
somebody knew

Thursday, November 7, 2013

constituents to unity cadmus

An identically composed trio had other names at Samothrace, according to Diodorus Siculus:[13] Elektra and her two sons, Dardanos and Eetion or Iasion. There was a fourth figure, Elektra's daughter, Harmonia,[14] whom Cadmus took away as a bride, as Zeus had abducted Europa.[15] The wedding was the first celebrated on Earth to which the gods brought gifts, according to Diodorus[16] and dined with Cadmus and his bride.[17]
this trio had other names, these are titles, thasos means divine one or pressa at the level to represent the male divine right.
electa and her two sons
electra, elected was another title of the mother. elect rep of goddesss.
iasion gason meaning thasos had the right of jason,
dardenos from the word dardenals
its an agelus name, dar da nel
danial, close
gifted sorta
darnos apostel rep
messeger sent
true meaning
of god.yes thasos can meaning courage in juthic, god reop strength or power.
thus thasos had jason tree of life rep right, the right of ethis.
iason is jason
god walker was cadmus, enoch setheta, thasos was the right to reop the side of the male in trathic unity, cadmus was the wedge and represented the unity with the kingdom of lathat the new right after thesues.
its thesues mothers island
thus his mother needed to reoresent mothers as his sister the unity right of husband and the kingdom of lutha, thesues through his wife based on the unity through his mother to women at large, min rights.
three as one, now two old anbd new, top a third , the thebean right of lathata.
so cadmus bound the three into one the thava right.
peace till next week

the right of thasos

After his sister Europa had been carried off by Zeus from the shores of Phoenicia, Cadmus was sent out by his father to find her, and enjoined not to return without her. Unsuccessful in his search - or unwilling to go against Zeus - he came to Samothrace, the island sacred to the "Great Gods"[11] and the Kabeiroi, whose mysteries would be celebrated also at Thebes. Cadmus did not journey alone to Samothrace; he appeared with his "far-shining" mother Telephassa[12] in the company of his brother, who gave his name to the island of Thasos nearby.
thesus, thetalia, theseus.
the mother right of ascention came with cadmus to unify the right of lasanda through his sisters ascention. he could not return without her, meaning her blessing and the unity of theadora.
the kabeitor rites would be unified and celebrated in thebes. However the right was requested by him , his mother who was a reverend mother. her title was far shining for her light like a lamp was placed up high to be seen. he is the tie of the light, shining its unity.thasops or theasos was the new unity name for the island, thus the right of larda was presided and the unity was between thebes ,eamimg of god. and thasos. the sister was wed through latha to the realms of the authority of the island and the kaz it represented, but through a soul double of zues, one of the eminations of the someone.
thus the alliance was blessed by relithetic unity, soul, body and mind. the brother represented the male accord to have cadmus represent him , jhe was older and and a hethetic pressa, cleric. if younger he succeeded to recieve lathetic rights befiore cadmus through his mother prior to the sister who wed the alliance .

Etymoyetec on the name cadmus

Cadmus' name is of uncertain etymology.[9] It has been connected to Semitic qdm "the east" and Greek kekasmai (<*kekadmai) "to shine". Robert Beekes rejects these derivations and considers it "pre-Greek".[10] cadmus has also been equated to knot combos or unifier. adam cadmus the first light in hebrethic. amcient grehec

War has ended!!!!

the war is over, a year early in our time. we won hands down, now we are in post war syndrom clean up. what was shelved for fonal erasure or alignmemment has begun, at first it seems war like but everything is in final clearance, it is part based on early closuire, war measure act switched to clean up, up to two years. a lot of things changed, closing programs gothit that allowed for checks like taste stuff onwards gothitors. ps those dieing well died during the making of the panpantheon this coming summer died as aI spoke then back then so I will list them, program of war and cleaning being packaged and sent gothit style to past praise gothit pps yes we judhed all the living and dead plus future but it is born adomatic so no problems.