Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Zues whore europa

CadmusFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Cadmus (disambiguation). Cadmus fighting the dragon. Painting from a krater in the Louvre Museum.Cadmus /ˈkædməs/ or Kadmos (Ancient Greek: Κάδμος), in Greek mythology, was a Phoenician prince,[1] the son of king Agenor and queen Telephassa of Tyre and the brother of Phoenix, Cilix and Europa. He was originally sent by his royal parents to seek out and escort his sister Europa back to Tyre after she was abducted from the shores of Phoenicia by Zeus. I will now take a side root to bite into more of the myth before returning to the previous passage. Here we find that zues was the husband of Cadmus and. He being a prince of phenicia was sent by his parents to bring europa back to phenicia as she had been taken by zues to be centered in the middle then east by the city of tyre. So cadmus was at the time former europe was moved from tyre assaria to phenicia his brother was the represenative of phenicia and jis other what was then south. Europa represented what was north of the middle terranian. oviously civilisation had authority centered, focusing on the areas of far anatolia nd former syria. this was a wife of zues, and represented europa as an angel, all three were, cadmus means then west, cosmos from liate, the codfos of satirana or near former some say teh combos or knot of unity was former arabia, however cadmus is an area then west of tuniasia , including said area. a divine wedding said tratha. cite : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadmus next post coming up

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