Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cadmus the virgin parthenos.

christs whore was babylon, no, romana. great empires have been called whores, or whores which in datha means land or space or place, whoro is used for place.\ Cadmus founded the Greek city of Thebes, the acropolis of which was originally named Cadmeia in his honour. cadmus was around teh time of ola and pan. the acropolis was named in his honour and thus he existed prior to its building, Theon lathet. wee call it teh theon panpatheon. A modern application of genealogy would make him the paternal grandfather of Dionysus, through his daughter by Harmonia, Semele. Plutarch once admitted that he would rather be assisted by Lamprias, his own grandfather, than by Dionysus' grandfather, i.e. Cadmus. (Symposiacs, Book IX, question II) Cadmus was older than dionasys. and was several generations older than plutarch who was through his daughter's line hermmonia or harmony as in peace. Lamprias, quote as with plutarch as eions after cadmus but he does point out that dionysius is the gradnson proper through teh dauter harmony pf cadmus; line.\ Plutarch is a much later anscester of the same line, as am I and quite a few others out there. peace to next week

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