Friday, April 5, 2013

Women's right form Jason's medea

Women's right form Jason's medea A Farmyard Chore It was no problem at all for the Goddess of Love to arrange that Medea be stricken with passion for Jason the moment she first saw him. And it was a good thing for Jason that this was so. For not only was he spared a kingly tongue-lashing and a quick trip to the frontier, but Medea quietly offered to help him in his latest predicament. For once her father had calmed down, he had waxed suspiciously reasonable. Of course Jason could have the Fleece and anything else he required in furtherance of his quest - Aeetes couldn't imagine what had possessed him to be so uncooperative. All he required of Jason as a simple token of good faith was the merest of farmyard chores. so divine bueaty set passions fire on the young medea concerning It was love at first sight.jason. So medea stood on jasons side and saved him from havinbg to quest into the wilderness and frontier after a verble denate with king Aeatus. Vased on the wedding vow of the kings daughter the rite of severace was played. to play this right you must have at least one women on your side and messogenists do not count. Otyherwise you must proveyourself worthy by questing to the frontier provoing you are worthy of being likeed by women. The quest cannot be won by messogenists. "he had waxed suspiciously reasonable" The king saw the reasonm amd rite in this behalfing by the women in jasons favour.b Legeta the group medea was part of called her medea as she was dratham a prista's rank, third from teh top/ see thesues and Perseus and others earlier in the blog.. Jason could have the fleece and the wife and the rites accorded to each if he could complete the tasks of the quest the king was going to put him through. Now with teh womens right representing all women by right, This means like all heroes and elds who gain hethic rights jason was chosen by the women as their champion through the representation of one of the women groups, this one only cosmically has this right, and thus had hgained trathic rights which the someone gained the same day he was invited to vie for the rights on terran and cosmically . only the group medea represented is the nind of all women representing the womens right by proxy and substatiation by countless groups through the council of vena. So he was hera or goddesses champion as we have mentioned before. The king could be a bit more accomidating and allow jason all he wanted after a few farm chores. easy right? will see next week. from :

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