Saturday, April 13, 2013

seeding unusual seeds

Plowing and Sowing Quite conveniently for Jason, Medea was a famous sorceress, magic potions being her stock in trade. She slipped Jason a salve which, when smeared on his body, made him proof against fire and brazen hooves. And so it was that Jason boldly approached the bulls and brooked no bullish insolence. Disregarding the flames that played merrily about his shoulders and steering clear of the hooves, he forced the creatures into harness and set about plowing the field. Nor was the subsequent sowing any great chore for the now-heartened hero. Gaily strewing seed about like a nymph flinging flowers in springtime, he did not stop to note the unusual nature of the seed. from : so medea is a socrceress and was famous for her pptions. She was adapt at magek. She was by authority of the mother the second in commend and representing the whole drathet, all women, she gave him a potion to keep the flasmes from burning him, such smears exist in to this day. the flames of authority, the fire of these authority figures did not consume or set him on fire, on the contrary he was improvious to it. he forced the bulls into a harness to guild thier fire and power, he avoided the hoves and centered more on thier heads and harness. they ploughed the field in a friendlier manner, the seeding was easy though done fast, by blessing of nymphes. a heroe blessed by the female spirits as a anympheftos ( a title christ holds too) a man blessed by the inner hights of the women, from even before this when medea was offered as wife. His mother was number one in the hierchy based on a right passed through the highest priestess by way of sugn of the mother. the seed thus was unusual, the things seeded and what would grow was unusual, but this is good, to seed such a field the seed would not be common ideas , but those of a brilliant mad man. you would have to be nuts to ride these firery steads, or is it purely sane, hmmm. jason did not have time to note the seeds as they came off the top of his head, off the cuff. He also did not have time to check the ideas formed from this unity as they took hold in the groundm as they were sownm they grew. one reaps what they sow. Peace till next week.

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