Sunday, April 28, 2013

next phase of triumph

a few days ago we closed the attackers from teh war, we went on teh offensive, planet to planet space to space, countless numbers descending upon all those who stood against teh will of Godtha ( God(s)) and teh someone. be a somebody . Thus all sealed behind the tratheric fields. some are still in war movement, one army, two reamins and teh someone took over their leadership with goddess ladanta to guild their dueling as nobla as can be. way worths still appear but fewer. these duels can tajke up to 2028. However we do not strike civilians or break rules. all waring will be done accoding to the new rules of combat based on war lord rights amd krithetha dominatus rights. no one is at war with each other, dueling battling is all. It will settle the last issues concerning the war. many things that were not desired do not or ever existed in life. there are these limbos below. places of teh dead, we checked to see if anyone was good enough to submit and raised them to 0 were teh good and gods are. So no homo devience. In 1722 an article refering to people with teh same sexual practiceas, homosexuals rose, people took it to mean conceptually that guys who like guys have the same omotic tastes, but not one sexual experince between two guys ever existed in life, thus it canmnot repeat or occure, we kept things like porns with men adn women dressed up so we guys know why we chose to stay straight and heterosexual, heterosextual means man and women as it means one was a penis and one a bvegina, same states but in each other, but we guys like women thus we have teh same taste, well within a range, some like on top more then others, you will find says the psythjotes (pasychologists) that guys like all the same range of stuff including women reaming them. try fingures, enjoy your consentual sex with your lover guys and gals. levitha, women prepairing for sex with men together reamined, in life, all good what ever is one staright porn is what you get, subcultures like s & m also exist, standard practice like love patty wacks in bed are comming, conscent to teh loving and be good to each other, peace last note: the alphabet has more letters now, c is ch reverse s is sh ops as psi , theta as th h is eeta I is I sound in island a is short a only, e is short e only y is y as in yellow. reverse c is ks or x now. x is the h sound u is short but o is long sound. clerity all words can be sounded out perfectly, no hidden letters or silent sounds, no speacial; rules. no u needed for q which souns like kw. king kwin both plural kin word. cool eh? we have finished looking into the languages on terran: international one alpphabet just described, cosmic terran coming including cosmic panphilion which is teh same minus a few local words. we will use all ciosmic words too andf thus all will be able to learn to communicate and under stand each other recall cosmic calender is 10 months and 12000 teran equal days 100 hours 100 minuts and one hundred seconds and so on. june 6 1998 the day the someoen walkwed with god, his divine kritheta ( a real tilte) walked with god and watched the old die as a new cosmos was created locking out all destructions forever: since all devices doing bad fall to a secluded level to full parameter restriction, it can never be destroyed agin, the someones ideas but teh somebodfy and those like me love it praise her divien krithethea who won a billion years from now and came back to mate with him and yes offer her love to any women as a soul mate who reached spiritual marriage. she was borth 1 billion cosmic years later and retunred at 3 mounths in 1989 to be hois equal thus securing the future. we of our time are that much ahead of our time, love it ladies and gentlemen to total victory. we cannot lose as victory is Godz always beard was an attack on terans to make them feel primitive, never existed in life, an illusion, some aliens like bad venecians wanted to make us look like primitive dumbies, vesna new name , the good helping to clean it up. bad ones wanted to look like norse gods young, they were trying to add illusion to women, it failed, down with teh fake illusions of berads they do not exists, top head hair, eye brews and eye lashes is all that is real, body hair athrophropithicans ( you human apes) are not real. uhg, we terrans are very advanced they fooled us not in teh last 800 years, no portrait of christ has a beard, only one or two fakes made by gruts to try to relatre as primitives, not for us, al;l will stop. anyone can be a soul mate for another , even me a have a few, as long as your pke is high enough and the match fits teh parameters, no speacial powers for those who show interest over model , as model might be nothing but a model, godtha system and God make final decision. krithetha is final word holds gol;den and iron rod krithathea holds wand and ball baliska but with not opoint or cross on it universal, equal but he is final word in autthority structure but socially as a man he is equal tro he as a women, both are of both.

Jason's medetic hot potato

Conquest of the Seed Men In actuality, she was once more engaged in saving the young hero's posterior. This time there was no traffic in magic embrocations. Medea merely gave Jason a tip in basic psychology. Jason, who it was quite clear by now lacked the heroic wherewithal to make the grade on his own, at least had the sense to recognize good advice. Employing the simple device suggested by Medea, he brought the harvest in on deadline with a minimum of personal effort. He simply threw a stone at one of the men. The man, in turn, thought his neighbor had done it. And in short order all the seed men had turned on one another with their swords until not one was left standing. Medea ran to jasons side to help him, but the help was not magekal it was advice: The rite to complete the task was not accomplishable by a man only, one needed both a man and a women, one needed both tratheric rites and cohetic, medea got her later right through this experience. Recalling that cronos ellonists created people by tossing a stone over his soldier one must ponder to wonder why such an ancient paleolithic symbol appears in refrence to the peoples who grew in the field next or arond the kingdom of aetus. Medeas cunning was to throw a stone at one of the peoples and to do it in such a way that they thought it was thier nieghbour. So did they think that the people next to them threw a stone to attack them causing them to fight each other, each blaming the other in this succession? Or did each think thier origin was from the previous and fighting for succession down in trathera they killed the race they thought they came from? If so them each trying to ascend through a male king died based on not understanding the real root and power of the begining and the right jason was aquiring. Jason used teh ancient first symbol of people building. The women had this knowledge but no women wanted any of these people and their people to succeed. The women had chosen jason because he was an egalitarian and of the argus coven of the Elenists. well in process of substaciating his place in it forever. He had brethetic rights or the blessing to try. The harvest was the ideas jason was exposed to because of the bikering of these said like nobles. In short order each had turned on each other and terminated themseklves from the right afforded to jason through this task. Meaning jason won they proved themselves to greedy to complete the task themselves in jasons place, this inluded his uncle, who did not fight him this time but killed his right to the right. Each had a right to try for the right but each failed to accomplish the right by way of proving themselves supperior, they fought their neighbours pitifully and that proved jason teh superior as he was peaceful. The uncle had already blessed jason on his journey. He , if he remained good would rise with jason and that would secure his place in history and with the divine, thus he would have won as well, and was not a loser, many nobles of the field had equal right to rise with jason. from :

Saturday, April 20, 2013

update on cosmic affairs

yesterday embasidor trathera of the kruthic kayen came to terran and declared use eneviatable victors of the cosmic war, kathuta and dratha of muthic and baletic kayens respectfully came today to declare immanent peace and triumph. the jayen are the older cosmic kinandes of the past age, they are nopw defunk, they call themselves by new names and greater power inter cosmic councils. above the divine councils are the stellar groups, like drutherama which is a unity of all war gaming clubes in this area of space, area is called quanata. so groups if cosmic are stellar groups , like the amalgamated councils , we use to be called governing councils, one below directive councils are made up of groups like clubs 1. family, home private cluvs. cluv new name, nuck meaning kinda. 2. clivs that use facilities but are not official or associated to the structure, ie. a library cluv that uses the library or a room but are not officially a library cluv. 3. associated and offucual cluvs of a institution or organisation. 4. poliyethic (political) groups and government 5 social groups like amnisty international 6 amalgamated councils like the old syndicate ( now tratha) made up of thfive thenm mobs now twelve demi. 7. directive councils like modulus and onebess that unify all prespectives on a planet, cluvs and societies and amalgamated councils. 8 divine interstekllar councils like godha and trabuti that are made up of gods high levels that take care of business matters like donald trumps money, bankery matters held in geven 912, access denied to bad people , high ple entry only, rules exist, no one that high up steals, no one over 7 pke steals. they also elect senata of galaxies and havids. 9. stellar groups, cluvs and other organised intster stellerly rather than through a planet or space 10. inter cosmic councils like the groups that orginise stellar groups. 11. universal councils like peaceful divergence and others reps from inter cosmic councils and cluivs are represented. pke 22 minimum, they are like directive councils. 12. gods who sometimes are like groups, family. so forth, divine unities is what they are. pantheons sometimes, but pantheons can be split intop many groups like this, yes they are orginised but can be loosely assiociated depending on the project or the sutuation in time. sometimes these groups are first life 13. FACER OF GAD, GODZ as ONE GOTHA overarching unity of all twelve previous. war cosmically is lots of stellar and intercosmic councils some took time brough fornmer terrans to terran as they had a right to be here, passed the scene set in inner chamber at 5 and above pke, 5 is law abiding though some need to learn what lawful , they laws are. a few battles are being fought, these are non terrans run through wayworth groups through two renaning inter cosmic councils trying to maintain the nobla standard of combat. never attack civilians cayse its instent death if you do,. fight on the field as unetic * humans of virtue) do all hail peace alieranty tthrathata mourit has is good . pot was fake, if not processed no buzz, use to put has oil and curer on it to rip uyou off. so it was removed [och is precurser but must be musged to convert rethana to resin that is smokable, pot was a waste of time , no active ingrediate, change it to has , which is cheaop, save you lots of money , you get real thc, gash won.

dragon rulers of the fleece fields

The Dragon's Teeth Aeetes, it turns out, had got his hands on some dragon's teeth with unique agricultural properties. As soon as these hit the soil they began to sprout, which was good from the point of view of Jason accomplishing his task by nightfall, but bad in terms of the harvest. For each seed germinated into a fully-armed warrior, who popped up from the ground and joined the throng now menacing poor Jason. Aeetes, meanwhile, was standing off to the side of the field chuckling quietly to himself. It irked the king somewhat to see his daughter slink across the furrows to Jason's side, but he didn't think too much of it at the time. Having proven herself polite to a fault, maybe Medea was just saying a brief and proper farewell. the seed given by aeetus are dragons teeth, dondia that represent power. the power of the seed of the kaz was soldiers that sprout from the gropund teh second the ground was touched by teh teeth that were the seeds. The soldiers rise and join teh battle against jason, the king sits off to the side not involved chukling. his daughter joined jason . the kaz( king) did not laugh but foud the situation intersting. in some films and renditions the soldiers are skeletons but I believe these appear later with the gauging of frthas head... but this we will discuss later. the skeletons are blood seeded. depends pn the rendition. the soldiers are the power and bite of the kaz through the kingdoms that grew in the lands next to aeetus' kingdom. these represent the armies and leaders in the east, each grown from the power represented by the coven allience of the golden fleece. thus the authorite (royal )rite ( right) called the defatha stemmed equally from the cosmic or international unity represented in the golden fleece there in. Medea going to jason represents his threthic rights through the women and aeetus kingdom through him, all there, but is this only in the east, nah, its all rulers born of the coven there of. look how they grow in one day, as the fiekld and soil is fertile and the seed verile and powerful, dragons are seen as symbols of power and authority, ancient oriental emporers wore dragons on capes and l;apels as old kazes used them as emblems and family coat of arms ei pendragons. Each rukler is part of the right that jason is tryiong to gain as an equal. they each face him in the fray of rights. Thus jason must triumph with each to be granted the full derethic rights of thier representation through the golden accord of the fleece.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

seeding unusual seeds

Plowing and Sowing Quite conveniently for Jason, Medea was a famous sorceress, magic potions being her stock in trade. She slipped Jason a salve which, when smeared on his body, made him proof against fire and brazen hooves. And so it was that Jason boldly approached the bulls and brooked no bullish insolence. Disregarding the flames that played merrily about his shoulders and steering clear of the hooves, he forced the creatures into harness and set about plowing the field. Nor was the subsequent sowing any great chore for the now-heartened hero. Gaily strewing seed about like a nymph flinging flowers in springtime, he did not stop to note the unusual nature of the seed. from : so medea is a socrceress and was famous for her pptions. She was adapt at magek. She was by authority of the mother the second in commend and representing the whole drathet, all women, she gave him a potion to keep the flasmes from burning him, such smears exist in to this day. the flames of authority, the fire of these authority figures did not consume or set him on fire, on the contrary he was improvious to it. he forced the bulls into a harness to guild thier fire and power, he avoided the hoves and centered more on thier heads and harness. they ploughed the field in a friendlier manner, the seeding was easy though done fast, by blessing of nymphes. a heroe blessed by the female spirits as a anympheftos ( a title christ holds too) a man blessed by the inner hights of the women, from even before this when medea was offered as wife. His mother was number one in the hierchy based on a right passed through the highest priestess by way of sugn of the mother. the seed thus was unusual, the things seeded and what would grow was unusual, but this is good, to seed such a field the seed would not be common ideas , but those of a brilliant mad man. you would have to be nuts to ride these firery steads, or is it purely sane, hmmm. jason did not have time to note the seeds as they came off the top of his head, off the cuff. He also did not have time to check the ideas formed from this unity as they took hold in the groundm as they were sownm they grew. one reaps what they sow. Peace till next week.

firery and seedy bull fertiles

The Fire-Breathing Bulls There were two bulls standing in the adjacent pasture. If Jason would be so kind as to harness them, plow the field, sow it and reap the harvest in a single day, King Aeetes would be much obliged - and only too happy to turn over the Golden Fleece. Oh, and there was one trifling detail of which Jason should be aware. These bulls were a bit unusual in that their feet were made of brass sharp enough to rip open a man from gullet to gizzard. And then of course there was the matter of their bad breath. In point of fact, they breathed flames. Along about this juncture Jason thought he heard his mommy, Queen Polymede, calling. But then, as noted, Medea took him gently aside and suggested that she might be of aid. so the first task king aeteus ( kaz aeteus kas is new word for king) asked of hason to have the fleece happily handed over to jason was to plough a adjacent field with two firery bulls who had brass feet. the feet were said to be able to tare a person from stem to stern. Not only did the kaz want him to plough the field he wanted him to seed it and reap it in one day, be glad he did not ask him to grind need , bake and cut into pieces, serving him a piece. the field was the country next to the kazes authoretum( kingdom) the two bull represent the authority simbols of the field, the brass the legs that use that authority by sword and metal. brass swords were popular back then, brass does not tarnish and it was considered tough. The bulls breathed fire which is symbolic of such power. anyone getting in thier way is cut down. so how does onme plough the bulls fiekld using the bulls themselves without being cut diwn, carefully of course. the two bulls represent two royal lines, the west of kaz aeleas kazutha( kingdom) was renowned for grain, some have called the golden fleece grain, is this the seeding of the goldenm rams back? or is it a task that sounds immpossible? it could be both meanings are set in this image, to get the fleece one must seed thier seed in fields other than thier own, using thier rules and untouchable authority, you must vassle to thier laws and rites, you must using thier ways to reap the harvest of the seeds you plant though thier system. if the seeds are your ideas then plough and readying the field that is the bulls really is thier way, the seeds are your ideas, the harvest is what grows in this field, the brass legs of the bull means their authority is to be used and not tarnished or touchable. it would tear you down. Plus all this must be done in one day poor jason thought he heard his mother, goddess calling by right of the authority of the trthic right of mothers wives and sisters, friends too, but through the authority of his mother as medea his wife( future and now) Medea as mother takes him to the side to offer heklp to seed this mother earth and divine way with his ideas. to gain the rite to this reaping. from :

Friday, April 5, 2013

Cosmic calenders.

Cosmic calenders. so we just had passem, the first, on march 31, the west was going to have it on march 7 and the orthodox march 15 but we decided to have it on march thitrty first, when the someone went to sybdrat on saturday march 30 both the former orthdox church and teh aglican church were closed. in fact alll the former churches were closed, so a miricle for closing teh old celebration occured. the old is closed and gobe, forever, only ways to this way for those traveling them exist, its just the new system though, the ways too be ortho christs. next year it be the last weekend in april and the 40 days after will also contain victoria day and we will call it amagumation day. june six d day and teh day teh someone walked with God falls on that day. its a long weekend with monday off, we will be celebrating patahost may 5 and yes you can still get the holy flame from the syndrats. Her divine decreeded it through the cosmic legislature. The someone , his divine seconded this second long weekend which falls in may amalgamation day is at teh end of may close to june, last weekend, 28, next year monday after the petehost . july first is cosmopolitan day, unity day is last weekend in march august long weekend same see each month has a holiday, harvest day first weekend in october, thabnksgiving first week in novemberr ( no one won, not former cananda or us, new date by all for all) all this is givernemnt approved. family day febuary christ mas in december and new years day is january. peace cpsmic ortho christs make teh symbatic unity even better aliyerant chashef cruhut bant ps cosmic year shidts in comparison to terran calander, but stays same everywhere in cosmos. its universal like cosmic time

Women's right form Jason's medea

Women's right form Jason's medea A Farmyard Chore It was no problem at all for the Goddess of Love to arrange that Medea be stricken with passion for Jason the moment she first saw him. And it was a good thing for Jason that this was so. For not only was he spared a kingly tongue-lashing and a quick trip to the frontier, but Medea quietly offered to help him in his latest predicament. For once her father had calmed down, he had waxed suspiciously reasonable. Of course Jason could have the Fleece and anything else he required in furtherance of his quest - Aeetes couldn't imagine what had possessed him to be so uncooperative. All he required of Jason as a simple token of good faith was the merest of farmyard chores. so divine bueaty set passions fire on the young medea concerning It was love at first sight.jason. So medea stood on jasons side and saved him from havinbg to quest into the wilderness and frontier after a verble denate with king Aeatus. Vased on the wedding vow of the kings daughter the rite of severace was played. to play this right you must have at least one women on your side and messogenists do not count. Otyherwise you must proveyourself worthy by questing to the frontier provoing you are worthy of being likeed by women. The quest cannot be won by messogenists. "he had waxed suspiciously reasonable" The king saw the reasonm amd rite in this behalfing by the women in jasons favour.b Legeta the group medea was part of called her medea as she was dratham a prista's rank, third from teh top/ see thesues and Perseus and others earlier in the blog.. Jason could have the fleece and the wife and the rites accorded to each if he could complete the tasks of the quest the king was going to put him through. Now with teh womens right representing all women by right, This means like all heroes and elds who gain hethic rights jason was chosen by the women as their champion through the representation of one of the women groups, this one only cosmically has this right, and thus had hgained trathic rights which the someone gained the same day he was invited to vie for the rights on terran and cosmically . only the group medea represented is the nind of all women representing the womens right by proxy and substatiation by countless groups through the council of vena. So he was hera or goddesses champion as we have mentioned before. The king could be a bit more accomidating and allow jason all he wanted after a few farm chores. easy right? will see next week. from :