Wednesday, November 28, 2012

divine songs for loves reunion

His head and lyre—still singing mournful songs—floated down the swift Hebrus to the Mediterranean shore. There, the winds and waves carried them on to the Lesbian shore, where the inhabitants buried his head and a shrine was built in his honour near Antissa. The lyre was carried to heaven by the Muses, and was placed amongst the stars. The Muses also gathered up the fragments of his body and buried them at Leibethra below Mount Olympus, where the nightingales sang over his grave. His soul returned to the underworld, where he was re-united at last with his beloved Eurydice. Orpheus' head and lyre was equated in this formulation. His wisdom and lyre or divine song are the same. The sjrine on lesbos represents teh transcendence religion he had created. It sang the song through the winds and teh waves, the song found to reflect teh cosmos and entailed in it.. It is a divine program that functions like printi code , substructure code for teh universe, it joined teh programs of other Gods in functioning the operation of the way things workk in the cosmo and the cosmos itself. To retrive his wife he needed to get buried and return by ritual to hades, there through his own death rite interpretations, that wetre added to his divine song as teh sorrowful songs of death orpheus transcended all realms and ascended itno heaven as a divine song added to teh stars and functions of teh cosmos, all such songs conttain the prompt code for running their own version of reality. It is through a unity of katabesis or descent and anebasis or ascention that the belt of teh goddess was com-leted and Orpheus and hos wife were reunified as equals. This completion is why the song ascended fully to the stars and cosmic function as well as unity between his wife the shania lesbian, which is platonically the womens rites though males had their cults as well, and his wides new hadian religion as her desire to ascend through teh new religion, or is that descend, was tulmulteous based on her being bite by teh serpent which as you know is the way high priestesses were refered to, saint patrick converned teh serpemts in former ireland and these were teh druid and withean realigy(religion) Ok till the next post peace

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Orpheus avatar of God

According to a Late Antique summary of Aeschylus's lost play Bassarids, Orpheus at the end of his life disdained the worship of all gods save the sun, whom he called Apollo. One early morning he ascended Mount Pangaion (where Dionysus had an oracle) to salute his god at dawn, but was torn to death by Thracian Maenads for not honoring his previous patron, Dionysus. It is significant that his death is analogous with the death of Dionysus, to whom therefore he functioned as a priest and avatar. According Aeschylas Orpheus begins to worsgip in only one God personafied or represented by the sun or what others might call Appollo Ascending mount Panagon mimicing dionysus, Orpheus to solute God at dawn, He was turned to pieces by Thracian Maenads for forsaking the gods including his patron Dionysus. This represents how orpheus new ideas concerning divinity conflicted with other peoples older ideas of tehy gods, orpheus did not forsake teh gods but spoke of teh diaphana or unity God of all the Godz. He pretended to die because the older realogic peoples attacked him for his new formalation of the God who is the plurality of Godz shared as a single soul and shared oness of Godhead and good Hood. He was an avatar of God or the god he refered to , equal to dionysus and the opther gods as teh sun shines equally through all of them. Orpoheus was not smug so his formulatrion explained how as a priest and avatar of God he was also a god. Ovid (Metamorphoses XI) also recounts that the Thracian Maenads, Dionysus' followers, spurned by Orpheus, first threw sticks and stones at him as he played, but his music was so beautiful even the rocks and branches refused to hit him. Enraged, the Maenads tore him to pieces during the frenzy of their Bacchic orgies. Ovid recounts how orpheus divine song protected him from teh stones and sticks thrown at Orpheus. The divine song is part of teh lesson of divinity that the thracean maenadss did not like, so he was torn to pieces based on an orgy where the followers of teh old view of dionysus, the confused by time version of dionysus, attacked him through an old ritual,. one that caused his new views to look less important, Orpheus triumphs based on teh divine music and not rituals meant to entice people even afainst their better will and thought. It is not the orgy that was teh realogi but the idaes that made orpehus dionysus equal as a avatar of God. till next week.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Eurydice goddess of death and Orpheus

The idea is that orpheus' wife was bite by the feaver of a serpent and became one practicing death rituals that caused Orpheus to have a descent or katebasis. The wife he sought was teh new one ahead of him as she also marked the begging of a new epochm the old pre serpent wofe was dead and to be with ehr he had to look forward to the new wife, as teh old with the old epoch disappeared. This also portrays an introduction of these rites in ancient helenia. These rituals enriched the helenists and developed into rituals for teh new epoch. It was enriching as teh fake death christ suffered prior to tranmsfiguring in his tomb, his wife, after teh death of teh first mary teh aunt, went to pilot for teh death potion, which was teh only ingrediant missing to transfiguring, as they had tried everything, two days later she transfigured and ended up equalling chist, her tomb is kept by teh chatholics fomer tehre of and the male the orthi christs, both are christs. The famous story of Eurydice may actually be a late addition to the Orpheus myths. In particular, the name Eurudike ("she whose justice extends widely") recalls cult-titles attached to Persephone. The myth may have been mistakenly derived from another Orpheus legend in which he travels to Tartarus and charms the goddess Hecate. The4 myth concerning Euridike concerning titles as rep to teh new cults of Hades fits our sopposition that the serpent love bite is really an interest in teh empowerment of teh priestesses Eurodike represented as one of teh introduces of teh cult and rites to ancient helenia. It definately portrays that she was connected to a death cult as percephone who was anewer goddess around orpheus time was also called the goddess of death, she first appears in calamadus two centuries prior to oddyseus and is routed in south eatern ivory coast. After the death of Eurydice, Orpheus swore off the love of women and took only young men as his lovers. He is reputed to be the one who introduced male love to the Thracians, teaching them to love the young in the flower of their youth. Adter the transcendance of his wife orpheus opened a male monastic cult or order to represent the male side to his wifes religion, teh women congregated with teh women that was led by Eurydike. The orphic rites are an amulhgamation of teh rites formed by both his wife and himself. Both have also stemmed relallohies (religions) claiming to either as the parent to their realogi, though both had effect on the others ideas and cults born of them.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Orpheus and Eurydice

Death of Eurydice But the most famous story in which he figures is that of his wife Eurydice. Eurydice is sometimes known as Agriope. While fleeing from Aristaeus, she was bitten by a serpent which brought her to her death. Distraught, Orpheus played such sad songs and sang so mournfully that all the nymphs and gods wept and gave him advice. Orpheus went down to the lower world and by his music softened the heart of Hades and Persephone (the only person to ever do so), who agreed to allow Eurydice to return with him to earth. But the condition was attached that he should walk in front of her and not look back until he had reached the upper world. In his anxiety he broke his promise, and Eurydice vanished again from his sight. The story in this form belongs to the time of Virgil, who first introduces the name of Aristaeus. Other ancient writers, however, speak of Orpheus' visit to the underworld; according to Plato, the infernal gods only “presented an apparition” of Eurydice to him. Ovid says that Eurydice's death was not caused by fleeing from Aristaeus but dancing with Naiads on her wedding day." from : The story of Eurydice is said that while trying to escape Aristaeus from : "An ancient Greek pastoral deity, the son of Apollo and the nymph Cyrene, but also Uranus is mentioned as his father. Aristaeus was made immortal by Gaia.He is the patron of the hunt, agriculture, cattle, and especially bee-culture. Aristaeus also taught mankind how to cultivate olives. " Running from a God of pastoral agriculture and famerering Orpheus wife fell to s snake bit. The snake or serpent is a sign of power and sometimes the fear of gatherers. Aristaeus was not a god of gathering but rather cultivation. Upon her death Orpheus played a powerful new version of his divine songm ( divine program reflection of reality} He was abe to descend into hades and meet the keeper of the dead , husband and wife, hades and persephene. His music unlocked and convinced teh nymphs and the gods including teh keepers of the dead that there was a reserection occuring. He was told as long as you do not look back you will not lose your wife and she will return with you. in zeal and anxieety he looked back on his way out of hades or the epoch change where teh old was dieinga nd the new was coming to life, the sife is really not behind him but reprsnets teh ciy or epoch chaning. The past when you look back vanished, in some versions a pillar of salt appears. However vanished is sufficient to claim that the wide or epoch just like lots wife changed and vanished as teh old was destroyed and died to the new, this copy of the story is used by Virgil and vergil is newer. in older randitions it is Plato who leads orpheus through a ritual of change by preasenting only an imahe of his wife as a means to portray the change of the epoch.Ovid ' story is that Eurydice's "death was not caused by fleeing from Aristaeus but dancing with Naiads on her wedding day" Here ovid who is middle to the other authors points out that it is her wedding day that has here bitten by the serpent of the old ways to transcend so taht Orpehus marryings a daughter of god and one of hades as the ritual changed her, she had a descent or karabasuisi( see earlier part of blog)Eurydice and orpheus went through hell for each other,, her like w benejeseret witch transmuting the poison and dancing with death to become enlightened and him with song and mourning for the old as it changing unlocking reality and causing a reserectuion of the old into the new. Th serpent ritual predates agriculture, it is of picking fruits of knowldge when one is wed with power and enlightenment, the old vanished and its knwoldge appeared infront of them as teh future they aproached, the old wofe and city died and the old was were reborn anew in the new city as part of teh new archetypes like the children of angels killed by enouch and the same arts including in the city builders line fron canes side, the arts are the children and tehy were jusdged by the new upgraded paradigms and added to the new city as part of theirer ssytem according to the new ways and upgraded virtuous of teh new epoch, new and old as one, jusdged and cleaned and born as part of the new epoch. ok till next week. Permalink Edit Delete no

Orpheusm Argonauts, Ulyses and the sirens.

The Argonautic expedition "Despite his Thracian origin he joined the expedition of the Argonauts, whose leader Jason had been informed by Chiron that only by the aid of Orpheus would they be able to pass by the Sirens unscathed. The Sirens lived on three small, rocky islands called Sirenum scopuli and sang beautiful songs that enticed sailors to come to them. They then ate the sailors. When Orpheus heard their voices, he withdrew his lyre and played his music more beautifully than they, drowning out their music.: from Orpheus was part of the crew of the Argonauts. Jason was informed by Chiron, who was an avatar of cronos and a paradigm of justice, civilisation and intelligence told Jason that Orpheus and only orpheys could help him suceed in passing teh sirens. ::Like the satyrs, centaurs were notorious for being wild and lusty, overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, given to violence when intoxicated, and generally uncultured delinquents. Chiron, by contrast, was intelligent, civilized and kind, but he was not related directly to the other centaurs.[2] He was known for his knowledge and skill with medicine. According to an archaic myth[3] he was sired by Cronus when he had taken the form of a horse[4] and impregnated the nymph Philyra.[5] Chiron's lineage was different from other centaurs, who were born of sun and raincloud, rendered by Greeks of the Classic period as from the union of the king Ixion, consigned to a fiery wheel, and Nephele ("cloud"), which in the Olympian telling Zeus invented to look like Hera. Myths in the Olympian tradition attributed Chiron's uniquely peaceful character and intelligence to teaching by Apollo and Artemis in his younger days. Amphora suggested to be Achilles riding Chiron. British Museum ref 1956,1220.1 .Chiron frequented Mount Pelion; there he married the nymph Chariclo who bore him three daughters, Hippe (also known as Melanippe (also the name of her daughter), the "Black Mare" or Euippe, "truly a mare"), Endeis, and Ocyrhoe, and one son Carystus. A great healer, astrologer, and respected oracle, Chiron was said to be the first among centaurs and highly revered as a teacher and tutor. Among his pupils were many culture heroes: Asclepius, Aristaeus, Ajax, Aeneas, Actaeon, Caeneus, Theseus, Achilles, Jason, Peleus, Telamon, Perseus, sometimes Heracles, Oileus, Phoenix, and in one Byzantine tradition, even Dionysus: according to Ptolemaeus Chennus of Alexandria, "Dionysius was loved by Chiron, from whom he learned chants and dances, the bacchic rites and initiations."[6]: from

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Orphewus II

Etymology While several etymologies of the name "Orpheus" have been proposed, the most probable is that it was an actor-noun derived from a hypothetical archaic verb *orphao, "to be deprived, to long for". Cognates would include Greek orphe, "darkness", and English "orphan". "Orpheus" would therefore be semantically close to goao, "to lament, sing wildly, cast a spell", uniting his seemingly disparate roles as disappointed lover, transgressive musician and mystery-priest into a single lexical whole. Tje anove attempt to find the root of the term is less than satisfactory. Orpheus means ortho: Orpho means true , so his name means true one, it is the root of the word orthodox, which is dirived from the words Prtho and doxa, true doxa or true blessing/praise. Genealogy According to the best-known tradition, Orpheus was the son of Oeagrus, king of Thrace, and the muse Calliope. Sometimes, Calliope and Apollo were his parents. Orpheus learned music from Linus, or from Apollo, who was also his lover and who gave him his own lyre (made by Hermes out of a turtle shell) as a gift. Orpheus was the son of Oeafrus who was the avatar of apollo. His mother was the muse Calliope and a muse is a goddess. Orpheus also became both his mothers and fathers and the avatar they were said to resemble, christ was the avatar of adam and called himmself the son of adam ( humanity) Avatar means they share souls as one, there is a spiritual dimention regulating the soul merge, it occurs as a mearge, the someone is many avatars . Often a spiritual show occurs during merging, sometimes people faint at the merging. the someone saw darkness felt primitice and saw white globes of lights wisp away from him when he be3came the avatar of adam. he felt heavy but did not faint, it lasted secounds. ( see earlier part of the blg for more) Orpheus had linus teavch him music and linus was also an avatar of apollo but as an avatar of apollo and dionysis amongst others Orpheus trhe true one was taught directly by the avatar merge the divine songs and was o9f these gods. mehetic energy is formed with impressions that allow a merge of distinct phases and frequencies of gods when people meet the prerequisits that inlude being a good person. God(s) loved Orpheus so much as the divine being called appolo did who granted him a divine song built by hermes or knowledge and thus the true ones divine sing was based on arts, magic, literacy, astrology and knowledge. Orpheus also recieved a metal lyre as a gift from apolo made by hermes to represent his wisdom and gain , the metal lyre that he played was a gift and enhanced orpheus' gifts and skill. Yes there is a science to avatars. the soul which is scientifically quantifiable as inducated by its measurable presence has rules. energies, sprit energy( spirit) and substance) Thus merging as avatars is based on science, quantuum


its time tio start looking at Orpheus the character. after this we will look at the aurogonauts tale with both Orpheus as mention and its lead Jason. citation : Death of Orpheus, Louvre G416 In Greek legend, Orpheus (Ορφέας) was the chief representative of the arts of song and the lyre, and of great importance in the religious history of Greece. The mythical figure of Orpheus was borrowed by the Greeks from their Thracian neighbours; the Thracian "Orphic Mysteries", rituals of unknown content, were named after him. "Orpheus was highly renowned in Thrace which was west to northwest of the areas now known as elesua ( former Greece)" -- As we have mentioned prior the ideas of masgic , ritual, song and the lyure are accorded to the divinity oof Orpheus. The divine song and the lyre it is played on is the representation of the divine song or program Orpheus represented. We have already covered the mysteries as in the psalms ( see earlier part of blog ) Overview "The name Orpheus does not occur in Homer or Hesiod, but he was known in the time of Ibycus (c. 530 BC), and Pindar (522—-442 BC) speaks of him as “the father of songs”." "From the 6th century BC onwards he was looked upon as one of the chief poets and musicians of antiquity, the inventor or perfecter of the lyre, who by his music and singing was able not only to charm the wild beasts, but even to draw the trees and rocks from their places, and to arrest the rivers in their course. As one of the pioneers of civilization, he was supposed to have taught mankind the arts of medicine, writing and agriculture. As closely connected with religious life, he was an augur and seer; practised magical arts, especially astrology; founded or rendered accessible many important cults, such as those of Apollo and Thracian god Dionysus; instituted mystic rites, both public and private; prescribed initiatory and purificatory ritual." Orpheus was renowned for his lyre playing. His voice and song are mythically renowned for charming animals and plants. he was said to have spoken to animals and moved plants. His stylings changed the essence of lyre playing. He could move the elements like rocks and even stop rivers. He was a enlightener teaching language, writing arts and agriculture,medacine upgrading people's civilisaing. Orpheus is considered a high religious figure and God. he was an seer and augur "The augur was a priest and official in the classical world, especially ancient Rome and Etruria. His main role was to interpret the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds: whether they are flying in groups or alone, what noises they make as they fly, direction of flight and what kind of birds they are. This was known as "taking the auspices." The ceremony and function of the augur was central to any major undertaking in Roman society—public or private—including matters of war, commerce, and religion. The Roman historian Livy stresses the importance of the augurs: "Who does not know that this city was founded only after taking the auspices, that everything in war and in peace, at home and abroad, was done only after taking the auspices?"[1]" citation Orpheus was a magic user and arts considered magic in his time, He was renowned for astrology. Cults of both thracian dionysus and apollo. The cult of Orpheus itself that began soon after his time, and some would claim based on a medium following dutring his time also is seen as a major influence in helenistic religions including Christ syndreates( churhces) The mystic rites and Orphic mysteries are known and the basis of different realogeous( religious) sects and rituals. He created initiation practices, Mystical rites and purification and purging rituals that are part of diferent sects, practices and orphic mysteries themselves.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

time effects amd update on changes.

the tine catch up program after armegedom battles lasting 62 days is working the remaing days in december were evenly broken into segmants equal to the time missing and we relived it l;ike marks on a sheet pf paper un through by a pen at a slower pace causing the same amount of days to pass as consciouness but still equalling the same time in teh catch up ultamately, full catch up on terran on the winter solstice. the weather on terran is going back to normal, feels good most collants missused are either extinct or gone from the enemies of god hands. alot of celestial activity, the cosmic war continues, lots of pelecering next post next week will be on orpheus or aqncient myth interpretation. recall God(s) always wins the Godz always win the good always win I val always win and if you are a good person insert your name here and say you always win Polecery is teh new name for police polecering policing polecered the policed. lots of changing to shake things up and release us from miss use of terms and false claims to rights from teh past not truly indicative of the true legality of teh past put pursued based pn practice, here misprase. loke doctor is called a physiciat the names you get use to doctor was a university word used in teh 70s now changed all good till next week.

economic update and education update

the degeric fake banks cosmically are falling, the fake shhadow banks run by corrupt ex bankers who prefered breaking laws and charging you money when it was not necessary failed. across the world those idiotic enough to put their money in these system woke up to full loses, they used the money to eat and buy weapons, though some tried saving as much of those who were not thinking, most agreed to the conditions of the fake syste, cratha the cosmic pirarates system went down last week. that side os in deficit, ot only are they not capturiong anything but they wasted thier money bankrupting each other. the new society services is coming on line this month, some are fully in the nbew system and some in transition to getting thier own accounts at banks, no more checks so no more stealing checks. one system at a time new university system, call unidiversity and colleyata the old college system offers a certificate and a ba now , if youyr grade os under 70 percent or you want the certificate you still get a diploma now, three year ba. otherwise you can go to unidiversity get a four year honours ba, five year high honours. or six year meritted high honours. all high school students go to either unidiversity or colloyat ] post grade woirkl upgraded but npt mandatory the young and old love it oh under 70% can also do pre unidiversity till theuy get in, after two tries try colleyat and then like others go to unidiversity after your three year ba pre u is twoi tries colleyat still train you as before as do unidiversity new system rules and everyone will be college folks, collegial. upgrade imminant and adult school and upgrades everywhere thus catch up for yoputhful, all the old will occur at its pace. all unidiversities conbnected to a cololeyate 24 in torono, each city has a few world and comic reflection updating to equality everywhere. new education system coming on line for next year, its here but new schools consolidating fully for next year, 12 open this year in to, new number comes on line next year, tonnes of room for all.

Usean elections

The advance polls were done laST WEEK. THE DEHERA tried causing a situation to make the situation look as corrupt as it was. They failed. Once the first ballot waqs dropped last weekend, the weekend prior to the election, there it is hallowene thrusday, I was one day behind as was teh someone, Usea was legitamised by the electoral system, defence systems tefloda came down, no more bad cia/ ayen government defences afainst unfair take over ended. So ifd you are registared as a citizen of usea you guys vote next week tuesday november the 5th. in the new system one still votes only in one election even if you have duel citizensgip though terrorist former US calling themselves americans are killing themselves, the us ended fully 99% of the populaqtion is p[ro USea we all win, no more old decrepid system, usea has no deficit, us died in poverty, the good transfered to new system, last of them coming through as we speak, mostly hold outs till thier system ca;lapsed.

happy all hallows day

So the day after collecting candies, going to parties and comemorating everyuthing from the someones battle with the defic knights that he exterminated by right based on being attacked to the day of teh dead comemerated during teh same day when spirits visit the land, epeople mnis use prethic programs to steral candy and cause mischief, programs have been terminated. all good. the program is continueing as planned. the cosmic berfra is broke and terran si transitinmg as other planets into the new epoch that fully begins in 2028 pure power pure grace and prosperity for all its already working and the whole cosmos is working togetehr to achieve it and polery the cirruption to achieve it ok three posts to catch up