Saturday, October 20, 2012
update on terran and cosmic affairs
we are now on schedule
the battle on terran is going well, the economy on that side suffered and died,
Usea which like all nations , all of which are on our side, have no defecit and are richer each day. smllest last quarter growth is 6.5 % .
neevr seen before but proof our system unlike the old one works
in a few days usea the last country on terran has a election for its new government but recll, the current gov is legita,mate as they had voted ofr this leader and 64% of the south, which rose again, elected they leader, some did not vote as old usual.
defandata submitted to caneda through teh world, temporary prtotetorates that are internationally protected and sactioned will be have independent elections in march, it beat tehic rites of fake natives claiming it was their land forever as long as a country grew out of teh old, but not when caneda or another nation took over, thier full independance is ensured promised governpor genaral of caneda ministar prime and senat prime as well. wolrd voted for their new nations independance and defendating this month
most armies over a billion have been crushed as all resistance to cosmic peace and prosperity, thise whi stand against us have been crushed
smaller armies are still fighting, many surender as we near year three of a 5.5 year long war, cosmic one will end probably in 2028 last campaign starting sometime in 2024. we are wining the advantage of teh good so stay good and always win.
the old cosmic system si coming to its knees as teh new , deficit free , soon, nations and pewoples rise.
We can eat and no one need be jealous of teh other.
Symbatic law. and cosmic empires changing
one can access the symbatic accords and other cosmic counter oparts through the yetatif matrix, ask for down load from teh system, know them all.
yes terran law accords to the symbatic laws , principals, constitution and laws ever since we upgraded, sex by any age based on explicit consent is allowed, see court law of Caneda as an example, try world and cosmic wide. Get xconscent for things .p[licit means by no deception varing rules as outlined by schedule C of teh symbatic laws 321 based on 1-4.
all the laws are based on the first twelve, laws, really 7..
the cruta rebelion is over, the dethic cosmic empires including old kieths have calapsed, teh good people have accorded with teh new evolution of the imperate celestial ayatem and are doing weell, a few more coming obver as we speak and clean up constinues, way worth still attack speratically in their desperate attempt to save their corruption, or due cominting scuicide by attacking, tryong
see shows like coast to coast or any planetary transmission concerning cosmic or celestrial affairs, aliens ( alien means angel if they are good, but we use non terran on terran as they all are human, energy dragons are humans , most started that way in a diferent phase.) for more information, these shows say a lot but listen clsoely and decode things if need be. They have secret teachings too.
last post in a second
inrealities and unrealities
inrealities and unrealities and thier opposite formas were not mentioned last time.
non realities or as some call them not realities are breakaway realities that do not exist.
it sits on the line of the transition of realities and opposite realities and is part of the middleoric belt or mundus reality
form forma realities also sit on this line including grand telic realities made up not of only all reality types form or forma but include both.
a reality that is existance beyond existatamnce ir things like metaphysical stryctures substructure and realities that exist beyond yetic fields , like infinite line , timeless tether beings and the likes
things that exist in ways they exist that are beyond existance but exist as exist ants do existing in the way they do which is existance, see the beyond existence accord of tethari.
better space is beyond existence. infinite line beings that create existance in the subsect of their unity.
yes all things are human in ine form or another even as extentions of teh utterly human GOD.
inrealities are realities formed in a matrix that allows reality to do things that are not normal in that system but still abid by the universal laws of the suband.
same universal principals of teh good govern all these realities though casting a cold spell to cool your own cup of water and never someone elses cup without concent.
to bother someone not concenting to this is heredant or forbidden by God and all the symbatic divine systems including holodecks and matrixes. try planetary and cosmic laws.
yes other realities govern the spell or power that cools or heats the cups and still accords to teh higher principals of teh dictems of teh physics such as what heat and cold can be.
next post coming up.
Friday, October 12, 2012
time anomoly
after close scrutiny we discovered that after the time skip we ended up back in dec 11 2013 but we took the days between the winter solstice which is the 21-22 of dec and counted the days between and segmented chrotic time equal to teh days left so the rituals of teh solstice would be on teh same time on terran. ao catch up is perfect and they will reshuffle days to equal them catching up the lasdt day and experienced the same on teh laast day and onwards normally it was a cosmic battle every secton and place was involved. more tommorow
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
happy thanks giving season and new war machine
if you noticed we in the east celebrated our thanks giving early this year, janapa and brayanda and krayet and janapur celebrated this thanks giving, next is the west this coming weekend, the idea is diferent areas of amerath and athiathitha will celebrate a thanks giving a draha celebration up till the second week of november in areas so people can in anarea or from other areas can celebrate together, the celebration was extended through the world though areas near each other chose to celebrate thanks day, when the tinnel they are building across braha ( former atlantic) three unifing continents one will be able to celegrate across the planet.
one can walk from asiaatta to athiathitha alomng the brentha ridge. a road is being built along the drathara ridge so the world is unifying yes a bridge in teh north is being built aswell, what ever makes you comfy for travel.
we just completed a 62 day dit time forward and fought the cosmic bratha vattles that are part of the cel;estia wars, what some terrans call wolrd war three. unifoed armies not settled with the conditions of the new system as thier old system calapsed stole a - w project weapomns and foght a two month war against our upgraded dredd techno militation machine. servo teck ships capable of even space battkle, ugmented for battle fought striker one level fighters, ours are faster and more monuevaravle, each fitted for certain dominate tarrean situations, but capable of fighting in any. We won, we defeated them, om the 62 day the last corp american tefers surrendered at tifera in bwala south of former bali. somepeople chose to skip past it and appeared today, days will be retracted three a night till the end of octover, then calader will reflect its days accurately again.
all right till the posts for this weekend sometime after tommorow.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Celestic Festivals
by valpetridis @ 2012-10-05 – 02:51:10
soory for the delay on this post, its part of last week. I was timetraveling as the someone knows and we visited the celestic festival in various parts of teh world, there are nine held each year, it started as a artsy show on all loves day 2010, september 25. The someone had gone down to face teh leader of then Canadian insertion, as nobla worriors do. To protect the someone groups ammassed, it was to keep the sides from fighting on that day, the group still exists, I and the someone had seen the leader in a kentuky a week before, this was before teh great war to end all wars, teh cosmic war we are experiencing including the war on terran. the inner court has been closed, no one under now six, was 5 after july 18 2012, now since yesterday its pke 6 to enter here, it will be five in the outter chamber in Jan 5, 2013. The cosmic inner court closes on June 5 2013. the same day teh resserections end cosmically, everyone was given a chance to be human in our epoch so no one argues their chances of success we hindered based on living in a previous time. The old cellestial feastival merged with the artsy feastival to produce a cosmic event, coming to a town near you on any planet and later highlighted in your gorout or political electoral space in your galaxy. Let them warm up top it,. Originally it was the crew from teh show sliders, the canedian art association adn political and other world leaders who set it up to help people be inspired to higher ways of living including astral travel, multidimensional existence.
We started in Torono and will return to Torono in a decade. Twons big enough to house the celebration whill be included. Somecall such twons small cities. The schedule calls them officially medium twons. So it will be coming to a twon/city near you. The tradition is as old as my origin plain, minus 400 000 million years recalling we are 18 billion terran years old, multiply by 1.3 to get cosmioc years.
next post coming up
Reality systems, former forma, middleoric belt.
The middle oric belt is the reality level that we described 2 posts ago pos.
all realkities are governeed by teh mondus reality or grand reality that sits on the impart line between reality of the cosmos and the divine cosmos,
There are opposite realities or teh mold or forma realities, Goddess RT and rafti and malec amongst others help withn the inspiration of these creation as well as the someone the somebody and me.
the originb reality to all things is called the maletic reality , which means origin as engendered or nuetral parantage. it cal be seen as sitting on the up side of the meteroric belt or mondus reality, oPPOSIT REALITIES WHICH ARE ULTIMATELY REALITY
when one uses or builds a opposite reality it is either part of the standard opposite reality or teh full range multi complex opposite reality that encompasses all reality, you cannot enter these realities but trying to set them causes an opposite or reality. recall they are all realities . some are unbreakable and some are destructable these are based on systems that can not subsist, like killing teh someone is brackable as he is invicible and immortal proven to many times by too many scientists , attackers and agents cosmically.
death was an illusion of teh old reality real concrete shared reality is invicible when you are good only bad peoplke die. a penalty box for not playing fare.
there are higher reality fomers lower reality formers , middle or belt realities, these eawach have an opposite reality forma, the rest of teh mondus reality other than the meletic reality sites plush on the impart line half over half below.
somerealities are teletic made up of all the diferent formers and forma programs there are also oppsoite teletic realities, there is a multi complex reality mader up of more than one mode.
there is a former forma program that allows mixing of oppsoite forma realities and fomer realities to be mixxed.
there is still the standard reality former all realities are categorised as, meaning all of them are realities and part of the mondus reality.,
if a reality shatters cause it is not stained and indistructable it fragments into peice programs, sometiomes, otehr times it just pops and disapears,
you can also copy indistructable realities to reun as sub realities that breack.
non realioties shatter, the copy acts like one
yes sub realities and opposite subrealities exists
recall rittiers and hafds built realities and reality systems based on meta realities and the systems of realities that exists, recall they also use some of the other systems like meta modes and the likes in the system, they workl like impart systems but are part of the halforic belt see post two ago. half oric are programing shells that work only after the program fits the rules and laws of teh simband. you must be atleast 5 to begin using them other wise use inspiiring stories and systems checked by god to build inb the older system way.
the last type of reality and opposite reality is the metatronic reeality that governs the workings of plains dimentions and the workings of the metaframe and frame of the mesoric belt, continuums multiplicities fit here,
next post next day or so,
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