Sunday, August 26, 2012

cosmos constructing divine programs

here are somre of the divine program builders available to people A quasilet is a holy place or plain space one builds a plain or universe as a plain in. one plain space universe, yes it has dimentions to the one plain. a qusbelet is a holy many faceted place or plain space that one builds a continuum in. the one plain space has many sub plains or plains in it as does a continuum, built in one plain space. a quasinat is a one plain spot space that one built a multiplicity in, a multi continuum multi spacc mutiplicity. a cosmocoreti is a reflective cosmos built in a realty space or plain space which is a spase. it is a cosmos in a plain space a plenta is a multi plain spase unity, unified continuum multiplicity that binds more than one plain space though each space can contain any of the above in each spase. finally completocosmos is a vcosmos that is a full reflection of cosmos like the divine cosmos of God and the cosmos the someone built last week, all 940 continuum stems are found in it, it can be occupied or used in difering ways. no one cannot reevolve a universe with the crap we are cleanbing out but can evolve an upgraded universe. unlike a completocosmos THE cosdmocoreti DOES NOT need to contain all 940 continuum stems though it is a complete plain onto itself with a thresholld in a plain space if another is created through it is also has athreshold in aplain spot in a continuum stem in the mmain cosmos and diovine cosmos they all have ione in each, no series bulding of it crunch code: yug trime ,.e mrvcio into contunium rep.lacity multiplicity return use space to refer to void and spase for plain spaces. in a week or so we will begin our examination of helenic religion and myth

Saturday, August 25, 2012


[40] XL. TO THE CERALIAN MOTHER [METER ANTAIA] from: The Fumigation from Aromatics. Ceralian [Antaia] queen, of celebrated name, from whom both men, and Gods immortal came; --divine qieen celebrated both people who became divine immortals came. Who widely wand'ring once, oppress'd with grief, in Eleusina's valley found'st relief, w--andering mother , found in demetra's court valley to find peace, divine womb of gods and humans. Discovering Proserpine [Persephone] thy daughter pure in dread Avernus [Aides], dismal and obscure; --persephone daughter found invalley who was in dismay in pure dread needed aides to neknowst from her obscure circumstance A sacred youth while thro' the world you stray Bacchus [Dysaulos], attending leader of the way; The holy marriage of terrestrial Jove [Zeus Khthonios] relating, while oppress'd with grief you rove; holy marriage with the terrestial zues, the someone, with jove one zues khthonnios relating while with anger to baddoers, as your sadness was the misery of promepheous and persephony and her daughter were beknowsyt to the evil hidden that they unravel into spring and fall. they were sad cause the people they policed and triumphed over were doping bad things. Come, much invok'd, and to these rites inclin'd, thy mystic suppliant bless, with fav'ring mind. come as you are invoked to these rites drawb abd inclined , determined toto equal suppliance and deed the mystical reality we are equally one and unified to, obeying its blessings as blessings as curses to the good are blressings and the blessing the reverse to the bad who suffered twice the misery they caused these earth goddesses, twice the misery for you may do as you please my dears but what you do you will suffer, as bodi say or the divine whore (whore ,eans women hora country source of nations like eve)says in revelations , twice over, so do good things to get twice the blessings and please these goddesses, oncluding hera. with mind of favour from them and the divine pleasure of as mind in oness of essence with the totality of it with the relation of a good and divine nature as ones forst and second nature complete. amen

Saturday, August 18, 2012


[39] XXXIX. TO CERES [DEMETER ELEUSINIA] -------------------------------------------------------------------- And gave to men, what nature's wants require, with plenteous means of bliss which all desire. --gave to all what their nature by nature needed with the pleasure with blessings and bliss so happiness is beggoten by those things desired by good will and good advice. In verdure flourishing in honor bright, assessor of great Bacchus [Bromios], bearing light: --in being good one flourish is honours bright way to shine flurishing the judge of baccus bearing light, he and his fair judge, for he is her husband and mate. Rejoicing in the reapers sickles, kind, whose nature lucid, earthly, pure, we find. --happy and joyful with all reaping of nature and judgement who with husbnand causes, as baccuss is the fertility drive to natures demeter of lucid nature clear and divine transcended thought of matter pure to find and is found.. Prolific, venerable, Nurse divine, thy daughter loving, holy Proserpine [Koure]: --prolific and everywhere, veneration nurse or rafael to god and trhe divine as she is one as god as he her husband is. rgy daughter precephoni, krama( karmic) and krmat( her son kramic) holy mother and voice of god and anscester opf persies. A car with dragons yok'd, 'tis thine to guide, and orgies singing round thy throne to ride: --a car with dragons rise, the power of her vihicle and power and enlightenment, tis yours to drive and guild, the oryees sing divine songs, chorus and angel quires aroubnd this throne you ride. Only-begotten, much-producing queen, all flowers are thine and fruits of lovely green. --one with the only begotten prolifetha, producing alot flowering and fruitdul queen and king ( authorites). Bright Goddess, come, with Summer's rich increase swelling and pregnant, leading smiling Peace; --brilliant gaddess come with summer come in august summers riegn with an increase and demeted inpreganation lead and help bring peace Come, with fair Concord and imperial Health, and join with these a needful store of wealth. come fair concord nd true health unbiaest for all that in honour are good.anmd praise and help , protect those who store priduct to

Friday, August 17, 2012


[39] XXXIX. TO CERES [DEMETER ELEUSINIA] The Fumigation from Storax. O Universal mother, Ceres [Deo] fam'd august, the source of wealth, and various nam'd: --universal divine demetra or wombm famed peak middle and souirce of wealth and of many names and others of named. Great nurse, all-bounteous, blessed and divine, who joy'st in peace, to nourish corn is thine: --great nurse of bounty both blessed and divine who is happy when it is peaceful Goddess of seed, of fruits abundant, fair, harvest and threshing, are thy constant care; --goddess of seeds and fruiting abundent , fair as in just of harvesting and thrashing and cobnstant care and nursing. Who dwell'st in Eleusina's seats retir'd, lovely, delightful queen, by all desir'd. --who dwells ib elated blessing ( place in former greece elacia called by the same name) with thetic retirementm a lovely delightful queen of her monestaries and places dwelled by aLL THOSE INVOLVED WHO DESIRED IT. Nurse of all mortals, whose benignant mind, first ploughing oxen to the yoke confin'd; -- BURSING AND NURTURING ALL HUMANS AND BEING whose benign mind who used ox to plough the yoke which was freedom to plant reality. the herd was that being that makes up that reality and benign not causing problems. will continue this tommorow -------------------------------------------------------------------- And gave to men, what nature's wants require, with plenteous means of bliss which all desire. In verdure flourishing in honor bright, assessor of great Bacchus [Bromios], bearing light: Rejoicing in the reapers sickles, kind, whose nature lucid, earthly, pure, we find. Prolific, venerable, Nurse divine, thy daughter loving, holy Proserpine [Koure]: A car with dragons yok'd, 'tis thine to guide, and orgies singing round thy throne to ride: Only-begotten, much-producing queen, all flowers are thine and fruits of lovely green. Bright Goddess, come, with Summer's rich increase swelling and pregnant, leading smiling Peace; Come, with fair Concord and imperial Health, and join with these a needful store of wealth.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


[38] XXXVIII. TO CORYBAS [KORYBAS] The Fumigation from Frankincense. The mighty ruler of this earthly ball, for ever flowing, to these rites I call; -- to the mighty ruler who has an earthy throne and feast balls, offered by the gods to him and his wife harmony. Martial and blest, unseen by mortal sight, preventing fears, and pleas'd with gloomy night: -- utterly mortal and blessed. unsean by mere mortals as he has trabsfigured and chose clerity of levels to be seen, the feast and the hall with the ball. forstalling fearts and pleasure of even dansk night. So the gloom becomes joy. Hence, fancy's terrors are by thee allay'd, all-various king, who lov'st the desart shade: --therefore ;over of terrors are lied through you, terrors as in thrills, unified with all kings and authorites who shade in the same shodow of alliance. Each of thy brothers killing, blood is thine, two-fold Curete [Kourete], many-form'd, divine. --the many faceted formed divine unity of divergency blessing by blood rite as yours and theres is one, thus all gifted as one in the divine line merged like a chi. By thee transmuted Ceres' [Deo's] body pure, became a dragon's savage and obscure: --body transfigured and trasmuted , purity of body and spirit becoming a dragon dinamis of power ferocious and obscure or hard to find equal. Avert thy anger, hear me when I pray, and by fix'd fate, drive fancy's fears away. -- be not angry hear my prayers and by fixed predestined fate drive fancy fears from the thrills we experience in life and in all realms beyond it. from This wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia was the first, we are told, for which the gods provided the marriage-feast, and Demeter, becoming enamoured of Iasion, presented him with the fruit of the corn, Hermes gave a lyre (lyra), Athena the renowned necklace and a robe and a flute (auloi), and Electra the sacred rites of the Great Mother of the Gods, as she is called, together with cymbals (kymbala) and kettledrums (tympana) and the instruments of her ritual; and Apollo played upon the lyre (kitharisai) and the Muses upon their flutes (aulesai), and the rest of the gods spoke them fair and gave the pair their aid in the celebration of the wedding. After this Cadmus, they say, in accordance with the oracle he had received, founded Thebes in Boeotia, while Iasion married Cybele and beget Corybas. And after Iasion had been removed into the circle of the gods, Dardanus and Cybelê and Corybas conveyed to Asia the sacred rites of the Mother of the Gods and removed with them to Phrygia. Thereupon Cybelê, joining herself to the first Olympus, begat Alcê and called the goddess Cybelê after herself; and Corybas gave the name of Corybantes to all who, in celebrating the rites of his mother, acted like men possessed, and married Thebe, the daughter of Cilix. In like manner he also transferred the flute (auloi) from Samothrace to Phrygia and to Lyrnessus the lyre (lyra) which Hermes gave and which at a later time Achilles took for himself when he sacked that city. (V. 49, Translation: Oldfather 1970) harmony married divergency and a wedding feast was offered and hosted by demeter a lyre, corn as fruit divine. the lire is a musical divine song. delay due to policing wayworths trying to keep people from imformation, they have been arrested and divinly excuted and those still trying are gomng the same way, Godly bless us all, god and goddess too,

Sunday, August 12, 2012

update on doetic and system access prompts

by valpetridis @ 2012-08-12 – 22:10:23 So pinocle pictures on eastern ave torono has brokered a deal to expand its campus, film studio to increase its size to be comprible to other amerithan and international film companies such as its sister company paramount, who by the way is the company they parade under. they use to be called unicorn and the emblem was a running unicorn, quasinate was another name. I apologise for the post delay but logistical problems added tp the problems, if you mark people. say mark, the psi or theological markers examine each person in that sequence, jusde and excute by divine wukk those who fail that judgement. if yopu aim and say full categoricakl attack or strike which means complete universal categorical attackm it inckudes all those who attacked, by powers physical and not, those whop wanted to be part of that even if they were not, those who wanted to add to the attack, those who thought that would win and so on its an on going order , its max full attack redate all things so good cops agents who are cosmic and Gods m they are incorruptible bad cops or those pretending do not show up temporal astral divine power intadandant means full max strike cross the full range, its also an on going attack idiadetha is used to disapate spirits miused recall deps are tied to the other spells while duts are titertied. new cards or power actuation system accesses, recall you must be justiofied based on divine right to have these used other wise you will be access dinied or at least if misaimed you are blessing people, a blessing for the good even if a cursing and correction to the bad even if you cabn unify these attacks. form activate to use the form energy or matter and activate its manifestation for instance form a heat poit temperature 9 degrees activate would achieve creating an energy point with above said qualities the transmute fix card or actuation power , priesties use it to make holy communion, its based on it, they use fix to posit it. you can wine out of water. to use dietics or dimentional plainier studd, you can build them by saying build or construct then erect the system diatics means these types of structutes dimentionms plains continuums and multiplicities. peace next post orphieus, but I will post it tomorrow for sure getting a lap top with y5 capabilities so I will be upgrading.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

avatar system

So the olympics are on and the terrans are celebrating the herculean legacy of peace through worship, celebration and peaceful cosmopolitan evenst including athletic compititions. Kirate sa meta ksetha Godeess and God bless Here is the rest of teh avatr ladder, it might vary from person to person but here are the basics, after the belt or redemer of the up link and the down load one continues becoming one avatar at a tiem to apreciate the programs and learn how to use them and learn from them to be able to handkle twin or more than one program at a time, like zues and jupiter that occured to the some onme, see earlier part of teh blog. then around 12 to 15 and the pantheon dreams 16- 21 these are liek experiencing eth story and program of a whole religion rather then a croning diedem you get crowning diedems and the diedem of teh religion trepresented as a program to link to all its gods and holy people, saints. after a while you will be able to link to more and more avatarrs, even bekon them, after a longer while 26-32 you start recieving teh mates and children avatr s while merging to the croning avar of someone, the children appear after 38-42 and after that you will eventually get to being able to merge to many together and entire plains worth of gods as one, soem avatrs are needed to make ones vessle or self redeady to emrge with them , though they have uplink, down link and belt programs but these take a while to fruit to the knowledge needed by teh prerequisite even when fruited you will needed the prerequists to upgarde to that power and teh next avatrs, though order can vary depending on eth course one takes and is guilded down, universal quatuum bless, qus away. the parts of eth body full reflections, insects that are like parts of teh mind and other divine impart beings build a god body, divine edifice, other humans hold form as equal form, male female, in teh end even after all who need to are corrected we will all merge and new children will merge the childrens vessles have been dna coded as god ready anmd incepted as adam each at inception, pke 7 is 0 at and before inception for them.

UPDATE time days

it was thursday then suddenly sunday , four days were retracted from the time policing extra days. Yes I was awake everyday and got confirmation from headquarters, system teha is up on terran as for update, link in and het info on such things based on what can be known by you in what ever capacity possible. you can ask other questions too, you must take tutorial first to know how it works, matrix divine system baby. V types based on first and second life peoples. The day people call to god to save us by killing everyone including themselves. Recall retyracted days do not mean such things are not still policed , often they are retracted into another day, like the first or one next to it, or any one. There not as many of these people on the planet such as terran, the first retracted into the religious extremist day next to it one forward. teh next into mass sucide or murder due to same cause, not just by prayer but action too. the next day was killing people to save them, retracted to the same day as teh one just mentioned. its a huge day but as the old extremists of each rel;igion of teh old style killed thmselves trying to do any of the above, including their civilian counterparts the numbers diminished. the last day is the group who hates the soemone beacsue they are terrans too and prefer god prefer them, these joined with the day that wanted the someone dead by any means. next post in a bitHod PermalinkEdit Delete no com