we have been realming through spaces like opposite space, that triets meaning through opposites, the speach transfored through areta is negative space and diety through positive space that is unlike nuetral space that is set priority through efgi positives their is engentic or progenic space anmd yes nuetral space made criotically based on the ideas of nuetral particals unified through field to alteraty gravity pr forces.
brandi is the source of the seven heavens, dragons that fell to trienta whiole the others build triencally without aq fall, ttwelve sub sets, it built universe 2-7 and 25 inclusively/ 1 was brandic from understanding reason basded on the dragons rafti, the fallen built static or space by temporal reality, the congruet dragons were created between universes based on relations to the dictems of those universes the brahi, brandi included from the janati re;ation in higher beinging based on rel;atives to a concret center. the prime one was nuilt from dafti who fell to it. the brashi had created a fall to creaton space and was replaxced by a soul mate double of the someonem, jahta became the somwebodies avatar and trayata of diversity was the same host as an alteraty and soul doyuble of wratha with an individuated double called the someone. the vafi fell to pocket universes creating the examplars of such mabnifestation, each rewarded by the fall buit punished fopr thier ways bneediong correction and purgin. system optim forst prime stem astablished and the reitara
these dragons are referets or energy organised beit tragetas, they are organised theotic level beingfs that predate universe manifestations created based on regulations of tempiral and energy levels, they are born in looops that are set in reframe based on a structure inducing manifestation at several created levels, the cratic is born set precedent to relavies determined outside but through mabnifest relations to the whole while the pan crwatic is relative to the whole thing but both inm and outside of time which pins the @000 or mobius timeless and in time manifestation. thus the pan creatic manifests eternaly and bvrings itself into set manifestation through all the levels sopace creatic to all times in a continuum time line, such as the way we are born. level face of gods are pancreatic and their lives essecial as they are to creat themselves, like the someone sombodies, holy hosts,
yesterdayu I was at my beros wedding and after triest, pek angency style. I returned home late so did not post, wild day though. it was like august 1 all over again
tyesterday the chahata was walked into an underground next to southern argentina that streches in h9oldinmgh around the world as all dio but centers on the eastern halkf of antiarca, tthe 8 was the dragi of central universe one to five the drega of non space interfaced in negative or aletatic space the someone even spioock carentric, the first human from galadia or any human , galata is the someones birth universe. the nine was the dregita or a group aiming at proviong disunity as a way of staying unified but promoting peaceful diversification.
today are the frigaty of antiartical west and southern part, they attach to chile and gragatio streching as all doo understhe sea too.
the 8 is the dragagatha who rule on earth in antirtica but have off world extrateristrial hoolding,
recall 8 are extratyeretrial holdoinmg based control groupsd. 9 are universal and yes extrateristrial concils. universal 7 like directive councils. the nine today was trgaty connected to the 8 group and over 40 million central planetary system groups like the athandy mentioned three days ago,.
braka a white dwraf near earth houses the fragi who are semetacally oriented third world based star styystems who are equal in some parts to first and second world edicts. humans boern from 1974 to 78 6 planets and one sun, its cou[ple is seentry a system with a redish sun has three planets and people born between 1979 to 1989 the first is five lights years way towards the sun during 8 pm in central canada next to winnipeg the other is west in the sky of kansis city two days away, which is three solar units away. old system units versis diatones that are as wide as ours including nemesis, or dia star as its name is, some call it the soplid satan star, solid uv range light, insects see light as if on earth minus the higher red range that is under towed in that system
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