Friday, August 19, 2011

the earth road, centry lindas and hallow earth

So the unity has substantiated a closing of the inner court as it was teh house that was the begining with the somebody opening up his house to all. Then the reality of recurance as a forward portion forward it nudulated nodularly from the expanse of the regulatata of its order that impresses the dimentions into tantra space. a fprad continues continnuum of time, dimemtiomnally locked nomadic centrons force program regularities through an achived full spectrum and beyond unyek to the higher realms of totality which with its completion excerts on all except those being corrected and purged. the update enriches the core program so it operates with out crashing
hollow earth holdings but craetor lower is fire as its hot, the center with wisp points

the earth path is trisected by the down belows, five intersec major cities over water and at lower levels below, it is a holding based on the interconected interface each has, five in northamerica dilated across vast territories, connected to aliens often via landing and under ground bases, other sentient bipendal s live in them plus energyu beings
12 in asiara, two in europe minor and fiove in central, ten in the transit russia to the middle east, five in lower rusia to greece and turckey, twenty strech under water and ten in australia two really twelve in antiartica and yesterday 14, 14 holdings and tenlittle ones formed 15 on the last day bewfore the space orbit m mnade of five then the moon for twelve and a pause till the next planet.

this week we had teh combra of celon anima of taty m the coneta and arefra and the coliety of singson. the eights were the transito the blaha the molaha and the respecta respectively noted but equally of all. Thahta and reflactita and combina were also here. see last weeks comento.

the nines were inclusding all forms inclusing insects and quatuum pan craticm vavouf, trayita and craaetic beings, the bravif,m to brand beings
and the negatative of ouf vaviouf, and brand vouf respecfally

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