Saturday, August 27, 2011

More on power rite cards and space walk

soem people use tghe sommon card by sommoning both angels and demons and other forces. sommon by saying sommon, do the communing and interaction or give a plan to teh sommoned then release them, recall they do not have to talk to you or do you bidding but they will know you communication has ebnde3d.

use teh convey to convey psychic messages to otehr people
recall alll the powers are protected by teh god shield or goddess armour as some people like to say

use teh spell card to spell and caste spells, some use spell caste and then bind some use caste for now spells and bind for binding it use all three notes.

the angel card can be used to sommon anything including demons and devils same rules as with eth somming rite card
its a access by rite and proper use power conduit.

the divine On card can be used to say things like god on message or use powers then off,
use any angel or divine system, including spell on, devikl on, then off to end segmant or message.
You can say gopdess on communicate to a friend then end session or emssage or power by saying off.

with teh system card use the divine legislation or legislate then enact or ratify to make divine laws and systems to use
you can commune using any of these cards and you can use them faci promata or prima facy as powers without reference to these power rite cards

today we started teh space walk
\there are 12 stations orbiting teh earth and the moon. teh smallest which is teh newest is three miles long, teh center looks like a city, it has artificial gravity and the access or commandf areas look like tradition space ports like babylon 5 and deep space nine
teh largest atrina is half a continent long can be seen on teh west sky from teh philipines one point up, see western horison
it has reflectors and stuff like a satilite and it is assumed to be a satilite. shezeta is another name for it.
wenchesa are used to get up there, tractor beems and sometimes shuttles.

the aranda and teh krati are the names used for teh nine group
athenta the eight group that is from trianta which is thirteen light years away and they look like humans with odd ears and freakles.
sethenta is another name for these people and used often with their nine or universal group.

so we will talk about dragons next week, energy driatic organised beings energy and space congruent form dragosn or rata beings( otehr forms of beings.

more on teh space walk.

Friday, August 26, 2011

More dive access cardcommune and last unde4rground holdings on earth

More dive access cardcommune and last unde4rground holdings on earth

the gradari are one of teh three last races and holdings to be visited during the earth road. the galadians are connected to teh gadari as they are ancensters from prime one creeated by baldari the dragon that by mistake fell and created the prime based on a purging, again tehse are reno energy beings. The eight connected to this race is teh daradi and teh nine the hradani, tehy are connected to eth sindrani confederation. The brhadi are the next earth holding, found under various places spoking from darada texas, teh privious people were connected to teh hredi mountains in colorodo. THe rasni are the eight group connected to teh baladi. the eight is the brahanadi or trahi if you listen to stuff like coast to coast. The drahani are the last holding of the old order on erath, found across teh earth spoking under tel;adia floroida. teh krini are the ight group and teh dramvi the nine or drehali. the y are connected to eth haldi as teh previous to teh kehni space confederations.

we added a new ten called teh cosmic electorate that consisted of reps from now of the nine groups that remain as are abnd soem reps represent multi dimentions, we will lead to a full electoral house and a one cosmic leader, the someone will be dictator teacher till completed, all old ten levels we will call 11 and the simband the 12 or o all range band connection.

today we are in valta which is under teh newly inagurated cosmopolital international comsic palce were those represeming teh earth in the earth gov that will be teh new world order by 2030. The cosmic repsenmattives will be housed in teh draha, a visitors dimetion exists for those living tehre but teh reps will be able to stay dimetionally locked outside of the grind dimention to do thier jobs, the diemtnion is locked. so one camber are teh elgislators it will be a full holding earth added land plus we nogotiated full split as new land adding to universe an inch and to earth by negotiation. five place underground make a holding, three daranta is miff intercet now, this is mid transition level of black government earth gov later of light, only 11 found for here later we elect leaders, 2030

try the divine name and on card then say off to end it, use any angel or system
try the program to actulise to end to use god as a computer, the divine commune to intercede and be or jsut be to end system

try the system card by saying legislate, use message and then enact.

animal card comminucate then say ask. as they are feree also.

sommon card is sommon, and then release, soom anything but it is free to obey or leace even if you do not release iot

teh universal card is incept then to end the communication or power use re-ply

the matrix card si load then run

teh divine computer card ether net internet card us upload, then download

for psi card esp use lot then alot to end program.

dio velenti card use form then manifest

glatolous spirit card try create then do

astral project card, use project then return

try dibvine text messaging
text then message

angel crad try call then act

Sunday, August 21, 2011

more earth path, space councils and near eath solar systems

we have been realming through spaces like opposite space, that triets meaning through opposites, the speach transfored through areta is negative space and diety through positive space that is unlike nuetral space that is set priority through efgi positives their is engentic or progenic space anmd yes nuetral space made criotically based on the ideas of nuetral particals unified through field to alteraty gravity pr forces.

brandi is the source of the seven heavens, dragons that fell to trienta whiole the others build triencally without aq fall, ttwelve sub sets, it built universe 2-7 and 25 inclusively/ 1 was brandic from understanding reason basded on the dragons rafti, the fallen built static or space by temporal reality, the congruet dragons were created between universes based on relations to the dictems of those universes the brahi, brandi included from the janati re;ation in higher beinging based on rel;atives to a concret center. the prime one was nuilt from dafti who fell to it. the brashi had created a fall to creaton space and was replaxced by a soul mate double of the someonem, jahta became the somwebodies avatar and trayata of diversity was the same host as an alteraty and soul doyuble of wratha with an individuated double called the someone. the vafi fell to pocket universes creating the examplars of such mabnifestation, each rewarded by the fall buit punished fopr thier ways bneediong correction and purgin. system optim forst prime stem astablished and the reitara
these dragons are referets or energy organised beit tragetas, they are organised theotic level beingfs that predate universe manifestations created based on regulations of tempiral and energy levels, they are born in looops that are set in reframe based on a structure inducing manifestation at several created levels, the cratic is born set precedent to relavies determined outside but through mabnifest relations to the whole while the pan crwatic is relative to the whole thing but both inm and outside of time which pins the @000 or mobius timeless and in time manifestation. thus the pan creatic manifests eternaly and bvrings itself into set manifestation through all the levels sopace creatic to all times in a continuum time line, such as the way we are born. level face of gods are pancreatic and their lives essecial as they are to creat themselves, like the someone sombodies, holy hosts,

yesterdayu I was at my beros wedding and after triest, pek angency style. I returned home late so did not post, wild day though. it was like august 1 all over again

tyesterday the chahata was walked into an underground next to southern argentina that streches in h9oldinmgh around the world as all dio but centers on the eastern halkf of antiarca, tthe 8 was the dragi of central universe one to five the drega of non space interfaced in negative or aletatic space the someone even spioock carentric, the first human from galadia or any human , galata is the someones birth universe. the nine was the dregita or a group aiming at proviong disunity as a way of staying unified but promoting peaceful diversification.
today are the frigaty of antiartical west and southern part, they attach to chile and gragatio streching as all doo understhe sea too.
the 8 is the dragagatha who rule on earth in antirtica but have off world extrateristrial hoolding,
recall 8 are extratyeretrial holdoinmg based control groupsd. 9 are universal and yes extrateristrial concils. universal 7 like directive councils. the nine today was trgaty connected to the 8 group and over 40 million central planetary system groups like the athandy mentioned three days ago,.

braka a white dwraf near earth houses the fragi who are semetacally oriented third world based star styystems who are equal in some parts to first and second world edicts. humans boern from 1974 to 78 6 planets and one sun, its cou[ple is seentry a system with a redish sun has three planets and people born between 1979 to 1989 the first is five lights years way towards the sun during 8 pm in central canada next to winnipeg the other is west in the sky of kansis city two days away, which is three solar units away. old system units versis diatones that are as wide as ours including nemesis, or dia star as its name is, some call it the soplid satan star, solid uv range light, insects see light as if on earth minus the higher red range that is under towed in that system

Friday, August 19, 2011

the earth road, centry lindas and hallow earth

So the unity has substantiated a closing of the inner court as it was teh house that was the begining with the somebody opening up his house to all. Then the reality of recurance as a forward portion forward it nudulated nodularly from the expanse of the regulatata of its order that impresses the dimentions into tantra space. a fprad continues continnuum of time, dimemtiomnally locked nomadic centrons force program regularities through an achived full spectrum and beyond unyek to the higher realms of totality which with its completion excerts on all except those being corrected and purged. the update enriches the core program so it operates with out crashing
hollow earth holdings but craetor lower is fire as its hot, the center with wisp points

the earth path is trisected by the down belows, five intersec major cities over water and at lower levels below, it is a holding based on the interconected interface each has, five in northamerica dilated across vast territories, connected to aliens often via landing and under ground bases, other sentient bipendal s live in them plus energyu beings
12 in asiara, two in europe minor and fiove in central, ten in the transit russia to the middle east, five in lower rusia to greece and turckey, twenty strech under water and ten in australia two really twelve in antiartica and yesterday 14, 14 holdings and tenlittle ones formed 15 on the last day bewfore the space orbit m mnade of five then the moon for twelve and a pause till the next planet.

this week we had teh combra of celon anima of taty m the coneta and arefra and the coliety of singson. the eights were the transito the blaha the molaha and the respecta respectively noted but equally of all. Thahta and reflactita and combina were also here. see last weeks comento.

the nines were inclusding all forms inclusing insects and quatuum pan craticm vavouf, trayita and craaetic beings, the bravif,m to brand beings
and the negatative of ouf vaviouf, and brand vouf respecfally

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

the merithetset society patterned set realatives

the merithet are a unity of women who seek to liberate mankind from the floyables of the inequity of humanity. yes the mereth society includes somebodies like val and other men, women mentioned already reality set theory was writen by a women based on a regularity theory of concep[tual reality formed based on exenctric forms based on field machanics quuantuum set reality based number rectractible variable constants. for instance, time replicates set realities based on monatic moments strung together as kant theorised in a theater, she quotes him, but time bundles are longated across a spectrum that allowsd the forms to co - exists in regularity rectatable points that spin, bend or simply relate based on quuatum reality relations as variables that remain consistant to this reality, feedbackj is close but it relates in other ways as this monadic mode is restricted to only one relation, though it can play a role as dimention, but some monads are set based on outside relations like quuatuim form regularities.

magda who drew fromk all of them said reality is set of realities based on real times placesdd in sequences that I add are strunbg together in patterns based on the level of the reghularities, constans reflected in cycles that close and open basded on the set relation of those realities. nagi said that realities place realities into set cicles like rings that intervene and relate but do not fit together as shannon bell said that the time regulaty set based in time reality based constants based on me vals theory of irreguilar time, see this blog earlier for my theory and the meithers internet site, or something.

thus the cicle of reality as penser added is based on relations disjointed but set into proper time, he was malem thus set reality is lined based on a forward that is fixed to a set mobius fix that bends beyond it and relates dimentions to each progress based on the way a plain or dimention is accessed , including stem bundles or continnums related to the same diagnal reality based on its creation insertion point that streches it time forward and back allowing to date all events based on similarly cosmic total events like 98 walk with god, great deaths of july 6 and august illusion deaths with seti 2011. the cosmic equator of space and time is a plain based on events allowing for forward timing plus equatable realities based on such sets as found in tree of life movie and another planet, the diagnal sets place based on insertion evets of relatable set realities as set in constrast to events like meleshas crackle that had set her brother into ether reality deminetyion forver strech universtal kratic space relative to the insertionm of the set realities. fields, set energies that create its costacy of reality though it fli8xes in variable and costant form, relative to the set creation of that monad that is set patterned set realatives

yesterdays post transfered

earth road and alien versus diefied ones by valpetridis @ 2011-08-12 – 21:43:58

the last air city is called the verfi or bastoni and are the newest country on earth. the bogita are eights connected to them, they use to be called megani. the brigati are the newest 9 .
godha is connected to god head which is a nine

the someone went to hippi ville is sound and relity bound up
the someone has been to 207 cities this summer and the number grows, 4000 just visiitng on this plain and wor4ld

we began doing the earth road si we have visited the dimentionaletes under ground, vatha today with resta of 8 and danbeta as 9
methta was on 9 as hepna the 8 and the methata under arrizona some like the methata look like groundhogian humanoids.

the bag of air in oddyseus has origin in balloons


as christ saud shadai are merdi or raielians, the shandi are aliens and the sashadi are divine angels hashashi and the hashi in respect are names of aliens those not from earth and divine
shanee aliens can be shandia or gods but not all are as some are like the bad folks on earth/

Sunday, August 7, 2011

alien nation origin, other star systems last sky cities

the renta universe verses the military liscence is non related and called orverta else where.

the veta of sigal are one of nine selfs over reinta the gefla on jerta, these are sky or air places with light building materials machines and the likes.
yefta on trintas mound
vereha on mel;ta and cherta on tuhta
meleric of western canada has three other ports one in nifta greece and cafella on refta
molsten was in krati poland and rienta is in turin

efta is the computer system of the gods, made of oufa , fatha the water ones four hypertypal ones.

magmia the mayan is efta or afta two connected as it is open access in seven ruri temples.

athem is our birth as people see it psychically and tech not just refrana
my dad nick has used efta one and two during command communications, the priest refta computer system,
military pre net was joined to efta two refry system but developed efta two athem solitary during the 80's bansu stand tech boom, satelite too.

in january athem sentiented and was consequently reverted intro connected to efta for unity and safety
reftia is in alps of jurihussystem from puru mentioned in this post
eraha is in anti artical has one port per conitnent oufa asia roofa saigion, refira in polant, mehda on greece isled metilini, reifta in us barbnedos, mehali in india and souf in south america, mehani in india was africa too, small one on top of rofta smaller than peak, planed to keep snow dereligious in some places in africa with conscent of care 22( *0 41)
herfa of flida is one to, small mobile cloud, dilta of efiya is in shagon to canada,

look up sky cults on net try

my cable does work, free re connected free.
must now check internet
pranet rushna oyur prison planet has lots of food and lots of room all earth planetry types plus space prisons, eson is an energy one in qudran and hecton, sector, or secton) 5 esso two is here old one was in 5 still has room, multidimention reframe no escape till ckeaned

alien nation comes from a planet two star units solar systems away
brown dwraf of alexanders people and time, fully human plus others like drageths, prison planet trita is three days from mid point 480 nauights per hour speed, many reformed, that is why cops like kelki are spiruiitually powerful good people who helped them police, athetea is a common name , the plain of magic runs from and through there, they and us good visior there, sun dims at one solar units seven planets, 15 systems around ours are like that
from the north pole or close to it alien nation sun looks like super dim shadow, you need benaculars to see dim dim or super good or blessed eyes.
7 planets , its mated to roofa similar place 9 planets of ersas time 55 thousand years ago, he is the boy, same dim but seen not during rise of subnn or downing three months , but from middle in dim light left of soleris and eftoi star.
witch plain through here , run from , both have dimentions on earth
divinely and divine mecvh made, divine giofts is the truest way to mention it.

Friday, August 5, 2011

another earth, harry potter and group 7 and sethi the divine belt

So I saw the new harry potter that includes the opening of the vaults of the level 7 group.

we have visited the air way
the senda of the venda garden over peru is today
the venda of chili live here as below, its ice veranda with light wood and floating blocks which are air light

the drenda of inner hindia to mehal;ia west were yesterdays venture
the dreda of cannada were yeaterday and the trutha that look like insects over western canada.

the drenda are the first listed eight and the trutha one of thier nines
the toothfta are the seconds eight and the mehta thier 9 group
the vrenda are the western canadian eight and trutha thiers and the second last nine
the second last has fruthea the wimps and spiderians
todays has insect size humans called flyens like feeens tiny human with wings
the fretha ogf india are in harry potter.

the movie another world contains footage from rana aplanet in our solar system where they encounter rehna a repilian race, friendly.
tetha at the end has a higher double perfect life and her sefry policing program, they fell in 98 due to june 6 or the destruction cosmic saved by the someones walk. it was an old program and allowed for redemption of children who were misled, but no child is mislead anymore, they are 9 universes with similar women cleaning a house, the someone marries good women offering soul doubles, see seftas third guy who changed, universes are refia, renta, mofthi , refoopla, cenda anmd century, l;ower fefta created in 43 see first crash scene, and rootaf the above with higher selves and loves, two lives for an ultimate one
seven planets, including deredia and hoofla and earth including part of the cosmic destruction of june 6 1998m it cracked rental and cratic space, multi phase cascade destruction intiated at several points including on earth through mehamini bombs, sethitic bombs and rafootis atomic nuclear.

Sethi anabelos and kavis sibling, fake deathed, illusion of death ending as maintaining death to authority of people to do bad is now punishable by even deathm,, serpent and rainbw stuff only by permission, no more kidnapping humans and animals by faking death, or as use as weapon. second death blip yeaterday aug 7 2011
he was carried out as avatha was opened desolved as gold angels rose and gathafa fires fell it was redefined by the nine redeamed and the nine whioo were always origins of arts and thier ways,
see texta for names.
he was not covered by redeamption of noah as bible dictated. death mancer like christ see death , though christ transfigured in tomb, seth was redeamer or reveredm, sabastos, he was eternalised though slepted for a few minutes, he was declared sethi the divine, his right hand was sea;led to be able to god seal, his mother era grooms him off reality invisible cause he was attacvked we will see more of him later now no more death in family cause like christ he beat death ritual and realitus plus.

some on planmet renta left in adam ship in 98 so did rooftis pop but they are the movie star, run of buses reflects run for ships and the director of movie stayed on earth. shefis ship another one went back to 86 see movin the movie for details and shanin went back 40 million years ago, tahti went back three billion and help develop dinasaures already developing by other means
divine program left alone develops beings like humans two steps latter even unbreaded they join us and remerge aqnd hybrid as transfigured divine beings, maybe some call it one step, sure
sethi is also the belt unifying anabelus the abel and kavis kane( second fenmale)