Friday, May 6, 2011

blue beard, theseus the paris of helen

So to continue we will look at the sections below, I posted this two pages ago, so skip the quotes if you wish but below them we will begin:

"In Ovid's Metamorphoses Theseus fights against and kills Eurytus, the "fiercest of all the fierce centaurs"[15] at the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia.

Theseus and Pirithous: the abduction of Helen and encounter with Hades
Theseus carries off the willing Helen, on an Attic red-figure amphora, ca. 510 BCE

Theseus, a great abductor of women, and his bosom companion, Pirithous, since they were sons of Zeus and Poseidon, pledged themselves to marry daughters of Zeus.[16] Theseus, in an old tradition,[17] chose Helen, and together they kidnapped her, intending to keep her until she was old enough to marry. Pirithous chose Persephone. They left Helen with Theseus's mother, Aethra at Aphidna, whence she was rescued by the Dioscuri.

On Pirithous' behalf they travelled to the underworld, domain of Persephone and her husband, Hades. Hades pretended to offer them hospitality and laid out a feast, but as soon as the two visitors sat down, they could not move. They were fastened to the chairs. They did not know where they were or why they were there. In fact, they forgot everything, because they sat on the Chairs of Forgetfulness.

When Heracles came into Hades for his twelfth task, he freed Theseus but the earth shook when he attempted to liberate Pirithous, and Pirithous had to remain in Hades for eternity. When Heracles had pulled Theseus from the chair where he was trapped, some of his thigh stuck to it; this explains the supposedly lean thighs of Athenians. When Theseus returned to Athens, he found that the Dioscuri had taken Helen and Aethra back to Sparta.

Theseus, believed either to be in the company of Heracles, or of his own accord, had been on a quest in the land of the Amazons, a race of all-female warriors who reproduced with men for children (but killed off the males). Sensing no trouble or malice, the Amazons decided to openly welcome Theseus by having the queen, Hippolyta, go aboard his ship bearing gifts. After boarding the ship, Theseus left to Athens, claiming Hippolyta as his own bride. This sparked a war between the Amazons and the Athenians. Hippolyta eventually bore a son for Theseus, whom they named Hippolytus (Ἱππόλυτος). Theseus lost his love for Hippolyta, however, once he had cast his eye on Phaedra .

Plutarch's Life places Hyppolyte's Amazonian sister, Antiope, as the Amazonian kidnapped by Theseus. In this account, Antiope is the mother of Hyppolytus (named after her sister). "

As mentioned at the wedding with the centaures Theseus does a blood unnity with the fiercest centaure Eurytus which made him blood brothers equal to the authority represented by this leader of the centaures based on the strength of his conviction and firece justice as well. the friend gained eqiuality through the marriage that unified these people through a daughter of God.
thankl you ovid.

Theseus and Pirithous once unified like paris aduct or kidnap Helen of greece. As mentioned during the oddyseus tale, Paris fell in love with the bueaty of greece and married through this spiritual inner and outter bueaty the fair Helen daughter of Goddess and greece. Thus this unity was necessary to gain the key into the heart of greece unified through the image of greece., In fact this symbol of kidnapping helen willingly means theseus got the authority of Helen and agamenon. Sp theseus got to kneel before helens bueaty and the people she represented , a mother sourounded by the blood of her people, cause bueaty is philosophic in the mind heart eye of the be holder of that.

amphora: Definition from

15/11/2006 · amphora n. , pl. , -phorae ( ), or -phoras . A two-handled jar with a narrow neck used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to carry wine or oil

God Helen was carried over the threshold in a vase an anphora with crimson red dress.
She fell in love with paris;' bueaty , theseus charisma and the someones everything.
that;s a beautiful thing, wisdom is bueaty corruption ugly in bad ways.

Helen was willing both for paris and theseus and the somebody too, the elses as more as a wedding ritual, moving like bats at what ever dream that the door did sing. By consent of permission from her ring. What ever they wished as a reflection of it.
Crimson cause it was fast, vital and new too. Purple for you cause your a someone too. Paris was blue.
gtom the horses mouth you know.
cause purple goes to silver gold platinumm and more. it was a colour match, maxed of course.

Theseus helen was a young girl, kidnapped by her avail by her and theseus, Theseus kidnapped his friend too. read the verse proper it reads like this.
Helen the daughter of Zues( god(s) ] was part of a tradition of marrying godess as unities, divine authentication and alliances by laying in thier warm bed together, though she was meant for the god aggamenon. Theseus chose her to represent his tribes name, the someone chose a women in a dream with the narrow [path from a house of nasar with pizza as the food, pizza is sexy get it, likle porbn. served up holy, causew even bad cold pizza is better than none, but not nunery shields of course, mon kety away.

So the way theseus friend was kindnapped so was helen. They kept her for years till she matured, waited till she was ready to play as she would and cpould and desired by right of conscent of a free willed being given that grace by being and staying good.

they were sons of Zeus and Poseidon, theseus and friends and chose a daughter of god from the spiritual marriage to all of them as tradityion had. Pirithous chose Persephone to represent his folks. whiuch is elders anmd youth of course. Perscephone was a godess from aretrhrea or etheopia area " they left Aethra at Aphidna, whence she was rescued by the Dioscuri. Persophone is Asthra and unity was based in aphinape, the dravidian asha thastra was combined friom early to late here.

Mother of Theseus

Aethra was a daughter of King Pittheus of Troezen and the mother of Theseus (his father was the king Aegeus of Athens, or in some versions, Poseidon). Aegeus went to Troezen, a city southwest of Athens that had as its patrons Athena and Poseidon, where Pittheus got Aegeus drunk on unmixed wine and put him to bed with his daughter. Following the instructions of Athena in a dream, she left the sleeping Aegeus and waded across to the island of Sphairia that lay close to Troezen's shore. There she poured a libation to Sphairos, Pelops' charioteer, and was possessed by Poseidon in the night. When she was thus doubly pregnant, Aegeas decided to go back to Athens. Before leaving, he covered his sandals, shield and sword under a huge rock, that served as a primitive altar to Strong Zeus, and told her that when their son would grow up, he should move the rock and bring his weapons back. Aethra did as she was told, and Theseus, recovering the weapons that were his birthright, grew to be a great hero, killing the Minotaur, among other adventures.

Later, when Theseus kidnapped Helen, he gave her to Aethra for safekeeping. Helen's brothers, the Dioscuri, took Helen back and kidnapped Aethra in revenge. She went to Troy with Helen and remained there until found by her grandson, Acamas, during the fall of the city. With significant alterations to the character, a version of this Aethra appears as Aithra, a sorceress and concubine of Poseidon, in Richard Strauss's famous opera Die ägyptische Helena (The Egyptian Helen).

In Tarsem Singh's upcoming film Immortals, Aethra is killed by King Hyperion during one of his raids in her village and is played by Anne Day-Jones.

Aethra is also the name of one of the Oceanids, the 3000 daughters of Oceanus and Tethys. She is sometimes called the wife of Atlas and mother of the Pleiades and the Hyades (more usually the offspring of Pleione).[2]
Wife of Hyperion

A figure called Aethra (possibly the Oceanid) is, in one source, called the wife of Hyperion, rather than Theia, and mother of Helios, Eos, and Selene.[3]
Wife of Palanthus

Another Aethra was the wife of the Spartan Palanthus. She fulfilled the prophecy given to her husband by her tears, after which he conquered Tarentum for himself.[4]

Aethra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aethra or AETHRA may refer to: Æthra, Greek mythology; Aethra, a genus of crab in the family Aethridae; AETHRA, a Brazilian auto testing company; Aethra, a fictional moon in the Colony Wars ...

ok so theseus using the old tradition kidnapped helen to make her a wife, but she was willing to this ritual, then perseophone who was from east africa was given to Pirithous as mother and wife to represent his people as they were also down there. the fast someone else as friend of the someone chose the slave and helen the pre greek chosen by the someone in that dream said" pick me and we will wibn"
see earlier patrt of the blog"
they left helen with the mother of theseus if this was the women also she is unified to the four individuals from this mother to the with of the friend.
to kidnap is to sweap of her feet and steal her away willingly in a dreamy way.
thus helen was chosen for theseus as it drw from the mothers line in ethra. Though persecephone draws liniage through perses people or the persians as well.
is helen already wed at this point or was her religion growing, it was before oddyseus for sure.

blue bewrd married hel as ingo. three wives who transcended and of three one as he used italian brandy mixed with his shaved hair to make a goldebn apple , his fragrance filled the room, navy legend, the last wife stayed as he gave one piece of apple to eacvh godess odf the ilad dream, the someone gave as manny apples to all, pieces or whole,m there was enough for all, red berd and others fiot here too.
the spomeone got muyst of elk in his potion as well, fills the house with scent and once you make such a thing it is found in a store/ house somewhere

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