Sunday, March 27, 2011

Medea and the sword

Theseus finally reached Athens the following mourning. It was the larges city he had ever seen. He insistently when to his fathers castle and found that he had wed Medea. She was a sorceress and a matriarchal symbol. She had allied with Theseus' father and wanted to kill Theseus by putting poison into his wine. She had allied with Theseus father who invited him to a feast. At the feast just as theseus was about to drink the wine his father recognises him because he carried his sword, flung the poison wine from his hands as it was about to reach his lips and recign9sed chis son causing Medea to leave Athens carried off by dragons in a chariot. The alliance was wed by a divine blood cup that Theseus would have drank if it were not for the sword that represented his father's sword. This authority unified Athens and the rightful throne to Theseus.

more on this next week.

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