Friday, March 25, 2011

the big and the small of it

Persues followed the road to Athens once more. On the road he saw a house and decided to seek refuge for the night from its owner. When he knocked on the door "Welcome young man. Come in, you look tired. My name is Procustes. I have a magic bed for you to stay the night on. It is exactly six feet long, but can fit anyone, be they short or tall." said Procustes upon opening the door. Theseus had heard of Procustes and his magic bed. It was said that the bed fit one six foot and if you were shorter in stature he tore you apart tieing your arms and legs and pulling you apart. If one was taller he would chop your legs off. If you were six foot he just killed you. Theseus knowing this threw Procustes onto said bed the moment he saw it and chopped off his legs and to make sure he was not in pain cut off his head. The magic bed represents the bed of his alliance that unified a people. If you were greater and stronger, taller in sature he would cut you down to size and kill you. If you were weaker and smaller he would tear or break you apart killing you. I you were the same which was rare he would kill you. Usually one was either stronger or weaker in comparison to his people. As Procustes represented a people larger than the people Theseus represented he chopped Procustes legs off. Thus Theseus became the measure or authority of these people, or the six foot man and Procustes the larger person that did not fit the alliance or bed. Theseus did this by taking his head or authority representing it and unifying this people using the same authority represented by Procustes.

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