Saturday, January 8, 2011

the purging of Cassiopeia and the Andromeda the daughter of God(s)

Flying past the city of Joppa, in Syria, Perseus encounters a women on a rock.Andromeda (Ἀνδρομέδη), daughter of the king Cepheus. She was said to have been so beautiful that she equaled that of Helen of Greece. She was also a daughter of God. Her beauty was not skin deep but like permitted chained to the rock she was an enlightener, a Pandora who had not yet gained the purge for the all gift. Her beauty was so great that her mother boasted of it as greater than the Nereïds who were the various sea gods and being encountered from other planets, named after the first who gave rise to the idea of sea gods like Nereïds. Nereus is the ancient sea god of Pontus and one of the first seas the Greeks coming from asia would have encountered as they would and had journeyed around it. Thus all creatures of the sea were his children. Her mother's boasting had Posieden and the Nereïds judge the city and the peoples of this land. The cetus was sent to enact the destruction of the city that is the purging of the city, this was a judgment of water , maybe as fire?.

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