Friday, April 2, 2010

Tiger spelunking

The boy scanned the horizon to become familiar with it and all the terrain around him; he became familiar with every shrub and shadow within the mountains. He sat there waiting for hours till sun set when a white dot appeared on the mountain side that had no white dot there. It appeared quickly. The boy realising this was the tiger shot at it. His heart raced as he watched the white dot stop in its tracks. He had felled the white tiger that was as BIG AS THE NMOUNTAIN ITSELF. Astonished at the size of the tiger that lay dead open mouthed ready to devoir him yet was now dead. The boy stepped into the tiger’s mouth that was bigger than he was and followed the tunnel to a great room which was the tiger’s stomach.

What is the tiger a metaphor for esp. knowing it was a giant one could walk around in?
The romantic clue comes tomorrow.

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