Friday, April 16, 2010

Intro to religious mythos analysis

Religious stories are further reinforced by belief. Each unlocks secrets and powers that are entailed within. I will introduce the ideas we will examine for the next little bit and then I will return to analyzing another myth maybe from Africa or South America. In the next few weeks we will look at religious mythos and what effects it had on the somebody. In Jan 2006 the somebody began writing material he sent to religious and political leaders across the world. Each religion that he analyzed caused a mystical experience to occur. Due to his efforts and this will be covered in the next few weeks; the book of Judas was made possible for release. We will analyses the religions in order that he did hopefully to impart similar blessings to everyone else Starting tomorrow I will look at the first contacts he made including to the Christian churches, During this first contacts he expressed his reading of Judas and achieved getting his material saved by achieves like the Vatican. It was said material about Judas that led to the material finding an audience with the Pope, patriarchs and other Christian leaders. The tales include how the someone became the avatar of Brahma, met Kali and became Rama Vishnu. We will cover Sikhism to Jainism to indigenous religions. Once completed I will turn to more myths and I am open to suggestions as to which one I should look at.
This analysis will be very interesting as many people are unaware of the religions and ideas in question.

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